Author: Eclectablog

Michigan GOP enacts laws to make selling fetal tissue MORE illegal and to ban local plastic bag regulations

Michigan GOP enacts laws to make selling fetal tissue MORE illegal and to ban local plastic bag regulations

Apparently things are just fine in Michigan because Republicans here have resorted to (a) making something illegal more illegal and (b) to restricting local municipalities from passing local regulations for their community. So much for “local control”. The first bill makes the sale of fetal tissue resulting from abortions more illegal. I say it makes it “more illegal” because it’s […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis update: Snyder STILL fighting water deliveries, Schuette’s office signed off on bogus consent order

#FlintWaterCrisis update: Snyder STILL fighting water deliveries, Schuette’s office signed off on bogus consent order

After Attorney General Bill Schuette’s bombshell charges against two former Flint Emergency Managers last week, Flint is back in the news and, as usual, is a complete embarrassment to our state. First, we have news this morning that an Assistant Attorney General in Bill Schuette’s office signed off on an administrative consent order that led to the charges being filed […]

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“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” – A true Christmas story

“Two North” is a story about one Christmas when my mom was spending time on the psychiatric ward of our town’s hospital after trying to commit suicide to escape a physically-abusive husband. I was thirteen. It was a cataclysmic event in our lives but it brought us together into a two-person tribe like no other event ever has in my […]

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Labor’s lame duck victories in Michigan offer a blueprint for the battles ahead

Labor’s lame duck victories in Michigan offer a blueprint for the battles ahead

The following guest post was written by Ron Bieber, president of the Michigan AFL-CIO. You can sign up to receive legislative action alerts from the Michigan AFL-CIO HERE. You can also follow them at,, and Enjoy. Lame duck sessions are when bad bills happen to good people. That’s been true in Michigan after every major election since […]

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DeVos-funded corporate front group compares those living under Emergency Managers to cancer

DeVos-funded corporate front group compares those living under Emergency Managers to cancer

With the bombshell news yesterday that two former Flint Emergency Managers are being charged with felonies in their connection to the ongoing tragedy known as the Flint water crisis, the calls to repeal Michigan’s anti-democratic “financial martial law” are rising again from around the state. The corporatists that see Emergency Management as a key to accomplishing their dual goals of […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis UPDATE: TWO Emergency Managers charged, Congressional investigation quietly concluded, and much more

#FlintWaterCrisis UPDATE: TWO Emergency Managers charged, Congressional investigation quietly concluded, and much more

There is a whole lot of news to report about the ongoing tragedy in Flint, Michigan where the drinking water of tens of thousands of city residents was poisoned with the powerful neurotoxin lead through actions taken by state-appointed Emergency Managers. The biggest news of the day is that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette is bringing charges against two Emergency […]

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Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump’s pick for Sec of Education, has even found a way to profit from the #FlintWaterCrisis

Billionaire Betsy DeVos, Trump’s pick for Sec of Education, has even found a way to profit from the #FlintWaterCrisis

The image at the top of this post was once the Twitter banner of billionaire Betsy DeVos until she got busted for it. What makes the image so controversial is the blatant product placement. Those little white boxes that look like something out of the movie Repo Man are for a “boxed water” product sold by the company Boxed Water […]

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GOP Rep. Huizenga: It’s being “responsible” for your own healthcare to let 10-year old son suffer with a broken arm

GOP Rep. Huizenga: It’s being “responsible” for your own healthcare to let 10-year old son suffer with a broken arm

“There’s definitely going to be changes in the health care delivery system. We can’t just continue to squeeze providers to say this is how we are going to save money. It’s forcing health care providers … into some very different actions that in most people’s opinion is unhealthy … At some point or another we have to be responsible or […]

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APPEAL REJECTED: Federal court orders Gov. Snyder’s administration to distribute water in the #FlintWaterCrisis for a THIRD time

APPEAL REJECTED: Federal court orders Gov. Snyder’s administration to distribute water in the #FlintWaterCrisis for a THIRD time

As I wrote about earlier this week, rather than stepping up and doing the right thing in the Flint Water Crisis, Gov. Snyder is spending taxpayer dollars in court trying to get out of distributing water in Flint, Michigan as its residents continue to struggle with the poisoning of their drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead. Despite knowing about […]

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The fallout from GOP attacks on teachers: 20+ year old literacy program in Detroit cancelled due to lack of teachers

The fallout from GOP attacks on teachers: 20+ year old literacy program in Detroit cancelled due to lack of teachers

It takes a special person to teach in Detroit, Michigan. Although this has been the case for many, many years, it’s never been so true as it is right now. Not only are teachers dealing with a kids who are largely coming from families in deep poverty and working in schools that are falling down around them, for the past […]

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Michigan unemployment insurance fund swollen by false “fraud” determinations tapped by GOP to fill state budget hole

Michigan unemployment insurance fund swollen by false “fraud” determinations tapped by GOP to fill state budget hole

A new state computer program used between October 2013 and October 2015 determined that tens of thousands of unemployed Michiganders were attempting to defraud the state with bogus unemployment insurance claims. The penalties that were assessed created a huge surplus in the unemployment insurance fund so Republicans yesterday tapped that money to fill the budget hole created by years of […]

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