Author: Eclectablog

Michigan Republican David Trott distributes blatantly political ad using tax dollars

Michigan Republican David Trott distributes blatantly political ad using tax dollars

Millionaire Republican Congressman David Trott recently distributed a YouTube video that is so blatantly political that the only thing missing from it is the statement, “I’m David Trott and I approve this message.” The video was sent out via his Congressional office email newsletter and talks about how “the economy is still weak” and he’s the one to fix it. […]

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One impact of Trump’s candidacy is WAY more money being spent on U.S. House and Senate races

One impact of Trump’s candidacy is WAY more money being spent on U.S. House and Senate races

In early August when’s Now-Cast had Clinton with a 96.4% chance of winning the election, more than 70 Republicans signed an open letter to RNC Chair Reince Priebus begging him to stop helping fund Donald Trump’s campaign and instead divert the mone to down ticket races to shore up their majority in the U.S. House and stop Democrats from […]

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Michigan Gov. Snyder tweets about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony

Michigan Gov. Snyder tweets about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” image by DonkeyHotey | Flickr On Tuesday this week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder tweeted about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony whatsoever: It’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and Lt. Gov. @BrianCalley is sharing prevention tips to keep our kids safe — Governor Rick Snyder (@onetoughnerd) October 25, 2016 The […]

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Republican Gary Glenn’s campaign admits it exploited elderly Korean War vet for political purposes

Republican Gary Glenn’s campaign admits it exploited elderly Korean War vet for political purposes

Last week I wrote about how the campaign of notorious homophobe and anti-worker Republican Gary Glenn had exploited an elderly Korean War vet in an effort to smear Glenn’s Democratic opponent Geoff Malicoat. An “open letter” was sent to multiple media outlets suggesting that horrific anti-veteran comments made on an online forum in 2006 were penned by Malicoat. The letter […]

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Introducing our newest Eclectablogger – Detroit poet, artist, storyteller, organizer, and activist Tawana Petty

Introducing our newest Eclectablogger – Detroit poet, artist, storyteller, organizer, and activist Tawana Petty

As I mentioned in our podcast last week, we have some very exciting news this morning. I am thrilled announce the addition of our newest member of Team Eclectablog, Tawana “Honeycomb” Petty of Detroit. It’s hard to improve on the bio from her website so I’m simply going to reproduce it in part here: Tawana “Honeycomb” Petty is a mother, […]

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Think comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are extreme? Check out this recent email from Trump.

Think comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are extreme? Check out this recent email from Trump.

It’s not uncommon to get pushback if you compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. You’ll be accused of hyperbole or of “going full Godwin“. But, I have to say, after an email I received from his campaign on Friday, I no longer think it’s hyperbole at all. The email was titled “We’re Being Overrun” and it gets right to the […]

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QUESTION: What would you pay for quality blogging? A dime a day? 25 cents a day?

QUESTION: What would you pay for quality blogging? A dime a day? 25 cents a day?

Most of us wouldn’t walk into a grocery store, pick up a newspaper, and walk out without paying. However, in a sense, that’s what happens when you read a website regularly without supporting the site financially. If you are a regular reader of Eclectablog, we’re asking you to think about how much that is worth to you. How much is […]

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GOP candidate in MI-01 Jack Bergman admits he’s been living in Louisiana through at least last spring

GOP candidate in MI-01 Jack Bergman admits he’s been living in Louisiana through at least last spring

There has been a great deal of discussion in Michigan’s mammoth 1st Congressional District about whether Republican candidate Jack “You’re gonna hafta roll the dice with me” Bergman is a long-time resident of the district or if he is, in fact, a resident of Louisiana. Here’s what I wrote when I visited this race last month: In 2013, he was […]

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UPDATED: GOP House Rep. Gary Glenn exploits elderly veteran in an attempt to smear his Democratic opponent

UPDATED: GOP House Rep. Gary Glenn exploits elderly veteran in an attempt to smear his Democratic opponent

A letter was recently sent to the Midland Daily News and the Midland and Bay County Democratic Parties (and probably from others) purporting to be from a retired Korean War veteran named William Miller. The letter, titled “Open letter to the Midland Democratic Party and the citizens of Bay and Midland Counties” and sent by email, contains the link […]

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Now we know what Trump campaign staff considers to be “rigging the election” – stealing yard signs

Now we know what Trump campaign staff considers to be “rigging the election” – stealing yard signs

Donald Trump’s insistence that anything he doesn’t win is “rigged” was one of the highlights of last night’s debate where he whined about not winning an Emmy for The Apprentice. His insinuation that the 2016 presidential election is “rigged” since he’s not winning is, of course, a petulently childish stamping of his feet and, as is now well-documented, something he’s […]

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Such a nasty candidate

Such a nasty candidate

Last night during the last presidential debate, Hillary Clinton was asked about a “grand bargain” that includes benefit cuts and raising taxes to save the Medicare trust fund by moderator Chris Wallace from FOX News. In her response, she got a dig in a Donald Trump for his use of a feature of the tax code which allows him to […]

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