Author: Eclectablog

Trump takes the Gish Gallop into overdrive (but Clinton knows just how to Biden him)

Trump takes the Gish Gallop into overdrive (but Clinton knows just how to Biden him)

“What’s the matter? Can’t keep up?” Duane Gish is a famous scientist known as a staunch Creationist. His debate style was so remarkable that it eventually got its own name: “The Gish Gallop”. Here’s how Wikipedia explains it: His debating opponents said that Gish used a rapid-fire approach during a debate, presenting arguments and changing topics quickly. Eugenie Scott, executive […]

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Jack Bergman: Running FOR Congress and AWAY FROM voters in MI-01, “You’re gonna hafta roll the dice with me.”

Jack Bergman: Running FOR Congress and AWAY FROM voters in MI-01, “You’re gonna hafta roll the dice with me.”

Watching Republican Jack Bergman running for Congress in Michigan’s mammoth 1st Congressional District is fascinating. He’s a charming, affable guy but when you scratch the surface of his façade, he’s not informed about many issues and he’s nothing more than a typical tea party Republican on all of the others. The campaign of the Democrat running for the seat, Lon […]

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SATURDAY: Michigan Democratic Women’s Caucus GOTV rally with very special guests Gloria Steinem & Randi Weingarten

SATURDAY: Michigan Democratic Women’s Caucus GOTV rally with very special guests Gloria Steinem & Randi Weingarten

The Michigan Democratic Women’s Caucus is holding a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Rally for Hillary Clinton and all Democrats this Saturday, October 8th from 3:00-4:30 p.m. at the Parkridge Community Center in Ypsilanti (591 Armstrong Drive.) They have two very special guests: Women’s Rights pioneer and founder/publisher of Ms. Magazine Gloria Steinem and AFT President Randi Weingarten. As I […]

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This headline scares the hell out of me: “Clinton retakes 11-point lead over Trump in Michigan”

This headline scares the hell out of me: “Clinton retakes 11-point lead over Trump in Michigan”

This morning’s headline at the Detroit Free Press scares the hell out of me: Why does this scare me? Because I’m afraid Michigan Democrats will breathe a giant sigh of relief and then promptly become complacent. And complacency is NOT something we have the luxury of enjoying in our state. We have a state House to wrest from the grip […]

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EVENT TONIGHT in Detroit: Panel discussion on “Journalism & Activism” with Eclectablog, Curt Guyette and others

EVENT TONIGHT in Detroit: Panel discussion on “Journalism & Activism” with Eclectablog, Curt Guyette and others

Kate Levy is a documentary filmmaker, artist and media activist who teaches a class at Wayne State University called “Art and Activism“. She has been hosting a series of public conversations about Art and Activism as part of the class and the series ends this evening with a panel discussion titled “Journalism and Community Organizing”. Joining me on this panel […]

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VIDEO: Donald Trump has crossed a line regarding our heroic veterans with PTSD and Joe Biden is PISSED!

VIDEO: Donald Trump has crossed a line regarding our heroic veterans with PTSD and Joe Biden is PISSED!

As you likely know by now, Donald Trump, addressing a group of veterans, let them know that he believes soldiers returning to the USA with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) aren’t strong and “can’t handle” being in combat: When people come back from war and combat, they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Trump wants you to believe he’ll “unrig” the system he’ll go back to benefitting from in 4-8 years if he’s elected

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On Day #Flint365 since Gov. Snyder admitted the #FlintWaterCrisis, only 0.7% of lead service lines have been replaced

On Day #Flint365 since Gov. Snyder admitted the #FlintWaterCrisis, only 0.7% of lead service lines have been replaced

At the Michigan Nurses Association conference taking place in Lansing this week, residents of Flint got up to talk about the ongoing catastrophe happening in their city – the so-called “Flint Water Crisis”. Calling this situation a “crisis” is, in fact, understating the problem. The women who spoke and later talked in-depth to my wife Anne described how very little […]

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House passes GOP Rep. Tim Walberg’s bill to delay low-wage workers getting overtime pay

House passes GOP Rep. Tim Walberg’s bill to delay low-wage workers getting overtime pay

Last week I wrote about Michigan Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette’s federal lawsuit to deny you being paid overtime if you are a low-paid salaried worker. However, Schuette isn’t the only Michigan Republican who wants to stop the new federal law from taking effect. MI-07 Republican Congressman Tim Walberg is also getting in on the act. Last week he introduced […]

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Detroit News endorses Libertarian embarrassment Gary Johnson a day after he can’t name a single favorite foreign leader

Detroit News endorses Libertarian embarrassment Gary Johnson a day after he can’t name a single favorite foreign leader

The Detroit News came out with their endorsement for president this morning and, for the first time in the newspaper’s history, the did NOT endorse a Republican. They also didn’t endorse a Democrat. They endorsed a candidate who doesn’t even have double-digit support in most national polls, Libertarian Gary Johnson. Johnson’s position on issues that impact everyday Michiganders shows just […]

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Michigan Republicans throw GOP candidate Steve Marino under the bus

Michigan Republicans throw GOP candidate Steve Marino under the bus

Republican Macomb County Commissioner and candidate for the 24th House District seat, Steve Marino, has been in the news a LOT lately. His 27-year-old big mouth has him in big trouble with his own party, with people he’s either trashed or lied about, and for his call to raise the retirement age to 75. It appears that his own party […]

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