Author: Eclectablog

As Gov. Snyder touts Michigan’s economy, local municipalities and families circle the drain

As Gov. Snyder touts Michigan’s economy, local municipalities and families circle the drain

In an interview with the Associated Press last week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder pointed to Michigan’s economy as heading in the right direction. Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday said people should be mindful of Michigan’s continued economic resurgence even as the state grapples with lead in Flint’s drinking water and enormous debt in Detroit’s public school district. The Republican governor, […]

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GUEST POST: Attorneys’ support for Oakland Circuit Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca smacks of apple polishing

GUEST POST: Attorneys’ support for Oakland Circuit Court Judge Lisa Gorcyca smacks of apple polishing

Last year, Tali Wendrow penned two guest posts for Eclectablog. In the first, she described the outrageous treatment her family received at the hands of former Oakland County Prosecuter David Gorcyca and his staff. Here’s what Tali wrote in that piece: In late 2007, our family suffered a nightmare of enormous proportion as my husband was charged with the worst […]

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VIDEO: Dem. Adam Zemke excoriates House GOP who put the profit statements of for-profit charters over Detroit kids

VIDEO: Dem. Adam Zemke excoriates House GOP who put the profit statements of for-profit charters over Detroit kids

“This package [of legislation] is a handout to criminals.” – Rep. Adam Zemke Gary Naeyaert is a “member of Team Jesus” and the Executive Director of the Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP). GLEP is Betsy DeVos’s project to destroy public schools in Michigan to make way for the proliferation of for-profit charter schools that siphon tax dollars into the bank […]

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Michigan Republicans earn their sweet, sweet corporatist cash by screwing over Detroit school kids in 12-hour session

Michigan Republicans earn their sweet, sweet corporatist cash by screwing over Detroit school kids in 12-hour session

“Sit, dog. Sit. Good legislator! Have a check.” NOTE: This post has been updated to clarify the changes that have been made with regard to collective bargaining contracts. In the dog training world, dogs are often trained using delicious treats. When a dog does what it’s told to do, it gets a treat as a reward. Then, over time, the […]

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This I can tell you: One veterans group that (finally) got its Trump #VetGate cash is a shady operation out of Michigan

This I can tell you: One veterans group that (finally) got its Trump #VetGate cash is a shady operation out of Michigan

Donald Trump is involved in a number of scandals this week. First, his swindling of Trump University students has made the national spotlight when the Washington Post convinced the judge overseeing the case to release internal Trump U. documents to the public. That sham operation is still unfolding and the “sleazy” media that’s daring to do its job by investigating […]

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Michigan Dems test GOP’s claim that elimination of straight-ticket voting wasn’t political, a test they’re sure to fail

Michigan Dems test GOP’s claim that elimination of straight-ticket voting wasn’t political, a test they’re sure to fail

I recently wrote about Michigan Republicans’ ulterior motive when they eliminated the ability to vote a straight ticket ballot with one mark. Although they laughably claim it is intended to force Michigan voters to do more research, the actual reason is very politically-motivated: People like me frequently say that “Republicans control every aspect of government in Michigan”. However, that’s not […]

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Appeals court ruling brings an end to big box stores ripping off local communities’ tax dollars

Appeals court ruling brings an end to big box stores ripping off local communities’ tax dollars

Back in 2013, I penned a piece titled “Multibillion dollar Meijer, Inc. finds another way to screw Michigan cities and kids” that went somewhat viral, getting over 60,000 hits. The gist of the piece is that Meijer, along with other so-called “big box” stores in Michigan, have used something called “dark store” valuation when determining the value of their store. […]

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Michigan AG Bill Schuette on the wrong side of the issues again (and again)

Michigan AG Bill Schuette on the wrong side of the issues again (and again)

Michigan Attorney General has a long history of being on the wrong side of issues that matter most to the citizens of our state, something I have documented extensively here at Eclectablog (HERE and HERE, for example.) This week, he’s back in the news with more of his hypocrisy and wrong-headedness. First, Schuette issued a press release saying that he’s […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

GUEST POST: Any support for Trump is support for bigotry, misogyny, racism, and sexism and deserves to be shamed

The following guest post was written by Ned Staebler, founder of the Michigan Talent Agenda. I’ve hesitated to write this for several reasons, not the least of which is that I hoped it wouldn’t be necessary. I hoped that, at some point, Republican Party voters would come to their senses. I hoped that GOP leaders would step up and be […]

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GUEST POST: Will State House lawmakers ever stand up for Flint?

GUEST POST: Will State House lawmakers ever stand up for Flint?

The following post was written by Sean McBrearty, Campaigns Organizer for Clean Water Action. Flint Rising, the coalition of community groups who have been combating the water crisis, has officially launched its website, The site is packed with stories from Flint residents and continues the great work that local activists have been doing on the ground to meet the […]

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Tom Casperson, Republican pandering bigot, introduces transgender bathroom bill he knows will never become law

Tom Casperson, Republican pandering bigot, introduces transgender bathroom bill he knows will never become law

Early this month, in a piece about Republican attacks on State Board of Education President John Austin, I noted that State Senator Tom Casperson was moving forward with introducing one of his own here in Michigan. Sure enough, as he promised, today that bill was introduced as Senate Bill 993. In that piece, I also said this: Sen. Casperson’s yet-to-be-introduced […]

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