Author: Eclectablog

GOP funder Ron Weiser: The perfect choice for Trump Victory Fund leadership given his racist comments about Detroit

GOP funder Ron Weiser: The perfect choice for Trump Victory Fund leadership given his racist comments about Detroit

Earlier this month, Donald Trump reached an agreement with the Republican National Committee to form a joint fundraising committee called “Trump Victory”. The fund will allow donors to funnel as much as $450,000 each into Republican coffers. The agreement is between Trump, the RNC, and the state Republican Parties in Arkansas, Connecticut, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, […]

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Melissa Gilbert drops out of MI-08 race a month after the filing deadline leaving Democrats flat-footed

Melissa Gilbert drops out of MI-08 race a month after the filing deadline leaving Democrats flat-footed

Actress Melissa Gilbert created a momentary stir last August when she announced her candidacy for the 8th Congressional District. However, since then, she’s remained all but silent and recently began cancelling appearances and declining to debate incumbent Republican Mike Bishop. Last night, Gilbert’s campaign announced that, a month past the filing deadline, Gilbert is dropping out of the race. She […]

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TONIGHT: Rally to support teachers fired for speaking out about Detroit for-profit charter school

TONIGHT: Rally to support teachers fired for speaking out about Detroit for-profit charter school

In January of this year, eight teachers at the Universal Academy – a for-profit charter school in Detroit – were fired without being given a reason. However, as is well-documented in a Metro Times article titled, “Begging for answers: Eight teachers were just fired from a Detroit charter school without cause or notice”, six of the teachers had spoken at […]

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Disgraced former Education Achievement Authority Chancellor John Covington loses out on yet another job

Disgraced former Education Achievement Authority Chancellor John Covington loses out on yet another job

John Covington bailed on his position as the Chancellor of the Education Achievement Authority, Gov. Rick Snyder’s failed experiment on Detroit school kids, in June of 2014. He cashed out with a hefty severance package and then went job hunting. He was passed over for a superintendent position with the Richland One School District in South Carolina. Then he was […]

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Wife of conservative Michigan Republican, an apparent rape victim, blackmailed for political gain

Wife of conservative Michigan Republican, an apparent rape victim, blackmailed for political gain

NOTE: This post has been updated to reflect the fact that Rep. Lee Chatfield DOES have a Republican primary challenger. Stephanie Chatfield, the wife of conservative tea party Republican state House Representative Lee Chatfield, revealed this week that she had an abortion when she was in high school. In a post on Facebook, Ms. Chatfield revealed that she became pregnant […]

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Obama administration takes another step toward slowing climate change – tougher regulations for methane emissions

Obama administration takes another step toward slowing climate change – tougher regulations for methane emissions

As LOLGOP has been telling us for years (like HERE), President Obama has created a green energy revolution that is unparalleled in American history. Not only that, his administration has done more to curtail the emissions of greenhouse gases than anyone before him. Earlier this month, his administration took a huge step forward in limiting greenhouse gas emissions when they […]

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PHOTOS: Eclectablog’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser Party a huge success – THANK YOU!

PHOTOS: Eclectablog’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser Party a huge success – THANK YOU!

Well, the 2016 Eclectablog Fundraiser Party is now in the history books. It was an incredible evening with a room packed with around 100 blog readers & fans and progressive leaders from a wide variety of organizations. Here are some photos taken by Anne of the evening.

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Michigan corporate tax cut chickens finally come home to roost in GOP’s budget crater

Michigan corporate tax cut chickens finally come home to roost in GOP’s budget crater

Cluck, cluck… When Michigan Republicans took control of our legislature in 2010, they, along with our new Republican CEO Governor Rick Snyder, proceeded to enact a sweeping tax cut for corporations. It was all to bring new employers into the state which, in time, would lead to a more robust economy and a rising tide that would lift all boats. […]

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Michigan Republicans move to make citizens’ ability to amend the constitution or put issues on the ballot much harder

Michigan Republicans move to make citizens’ ability to amend the constitution or put issues on the ballot much harder

Faced with the prospect of citizens in Michigan having the audacity, the gall, the nerve, the chutzpah to have a voice in how our state is run, Republicans decided it was high time to make it harder to amend the constitution or to put citizen initiatives on the ballot in our fine state. Today the House passed S.B. 776, a […]

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TOMORROW (5/19/16) – #FlintRising Lobby Day and Rally for Pipes & Justice in Lansing

TOMORROW (5/19/16) – #FlintRising Lobby Day and Rally for Pipes & Justice in Lansing

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 19th, our friends at Clean Water Action are holding a Lobby Day and rally in Lansing demanding that state legislators FIX FLINT! Here’s their plans for the day: In the next few weeks, legislators in Lansing will decide how much money will be allocated to Flint to address the water crisis, deciding whether or not to move […]

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THANK YOU! Here’s our final sponsor list for tonight’s Eclectablog fundraiser

THANK YOU! Here’s our final sponsor list for tonight’s Eclectablog fundraiser

In just three hours we’ll be kicking off the Third Annual Eclectablog fundraising party at the ABC Microbrewery in Ypsilanti. If you’re in the area, we’d love to have you join us. Although it’s slated to run from 7-9 p.m., we have added musical entertainment by the amazing folk duo Mustard’s Retreat so we’ve extended the time to 10 p.m. […]

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