Author: Eclectablog

How to change the world – A Mother’s Day essay

How to change the world – A Mother’s Day essay

That lady in the photo is my mom, Jacki Savage. If you’ve read my story “Two North”, already know a bit about her. She was born Jacqueline McCann and was at the top of her high school class taking Latin and basically shooting the lights out academically when she got pregnant with me and dropped out of school. She was […]

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In the face of unified opposition to the Michigan House Republican’s “plan” for Detroit schools, there is a better way

In the face of unified opposition to the Michigan House Republican’s “plan” for Detroit schools, there is a better way

Yesterday, Tony wrote about the racist impacts of Michigan House Republicans’ so-called plan to resolve the devastation caused by years of disinvestment in the Detroit Public Schools (DPS). I thought it would be worth a deeper look to reveal just how odious the plan is. There are several elements that show that House Republicans have no intention of making DPS […]

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VIDEO: Mustard’s Retreat records song for Flint and the #FlintWaterCrisis – “Take the Children and Run”

VIDEO: Mustard’s Retreat records song for Flint and the #FlintWaterCrisis – “Take the Children and Run”

Ann Arbor-based Mustard’s Retreat is a folk duo that has been making amazing music for over 40 years. They recently recorded a cover of Don Lange’s song Take the Children and Run that they “folk processed” to make it applicable to the catastrophe in Flint. Here’s what they had to say about the song on their website: Most of you […]

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Announcing the first sponsors of the 2016 annual Eclectablog fundraiser

Announcing the first sponsors of the 2016 annual Eclectablog fundraiser

As you know by now, our annual fundraiser party is coming up soon (May 17 – 7-9 p.m. at the ABC Microbrewery in Ypsilanti.) It’s going to be a really fun night and you’ll get to meet the amazing writers that make Eclectablog the premier progressive blog in Michigan and one of biggest state blogs in the country. As I […]

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INTERVIEW – AFT President Randi Weingarten: “This is the DFT that I remember…the mighty, mighty DFT

INTERVIEW – AFT President Randi Weingarten: “This is the DFT that I remember…the mighty, mighty DFT

Over the past few months, teachers in the Detroit Public Schools (DPS) have had to resort to “sick outs” to get attention to the egregious working and teaching conditions they and their students are being forced to contend with. From black mold, rats, and cockroaches to warped gym floors and, this past week, the threat that they would not be […]

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I left the country for two weeks and the list of things that happened in Michigan is mind blowing

I left the country for two weeks and the list of things that happened in Michigan is mind blowing

The lack of blog posts over the past couple of weeks is due to the fact that I was in Canada for a week-long business trip two weeks ago that involved me working 8-10 hour shifts, grabbing a quick bite to eat on the fly, and then catching a few hours of sleep before heading back to the plant. I […]

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SAVE THE DATE: Third annual Eclectablog fundraising party – May 17, 2016 at ABC Microbrewery

SAVE THE DATE: Third annual Eclectablog fundraising party – May 17, 2016 at ABC Microbrewery

Every day, every week, every month of the year, Eclectablog is here, championing progressive causes and holding those in power accountable for their actions. Day after day, the writers here at Eclectablog are providing essential analysis and advocacy, spreading word of the valuable work of progressive activists and groups, and holding elected officials’ feet to the fire. In return, we […]

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The New Emergency Manager: Woman who got over $100K for school she never opened now imposing CEOs on struggling schools

The New Emergency Manager: Woman who got over $100K for school she never opened now imposing CEOs on struggling schools

I’ve been writing lately about the attempt by the Snyder administration to continue the undemocratic takeover of local schools facing financial difficulties without having to use an Emergency Manager. Thanks to the Flint water catastrophe where the residents’ drinking water was contaminated with lead thanks to decisions made by Emergency Managers, that phrase has become (pardon the pun) toxic. As […]

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Michigan legislators more afraid of signs than guns in the State Capitol Building

Michigan legislators more afraid of signs than guns in the State Capitol Building

I have known for quite awhile that you can’t bring a sign into the State Capitol Building. You can’t miss the signs telling you to leave your signs behind when you enter the august edifice. What I did NOT know until recently is that bringing a gun into that same building is A-OK. Thankfully, sanity is prevailing, at least on […]

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GUEST POST – Michigan: Say NO to discrimination and stand up for small businesses

GUEST POST – Michigan: Say NO to discrimination and stand up for small businesses

The following guest post was written by my friend Chris Armstrong, Partnerships and Government Affairs Director for Small Business Majority. Chris was the former student body president of University of Michigan and experienced first hand the corrosive impacts of anti-gay bigotry at the hands of former state Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell who stalked and harassed him during his time […]

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More evidence the Snyder admininstration won’t be replacing ANY lead water lines and other #FlintWaterCrisis news

More evidence the Snyder admininstration won’t be replacing ANY lead water lines and other #FlintWaterCrisis news

Earlier this month, I suggested that the Snyder administration has no intention of replacing a single water line in Flint where the drinking water was contaminated with the powerful neurotoxin lead through the actions of Snyder’s appointed Emergency Managers and the ineptitude of his appointee at the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Dan Wyant, a man with zero experience in […]

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