Author: Eclectablog

GUEST POST: Education reformers’ “School Choice” is a false choice

GUEST POST: Education reformers’ “School Choice” is a false choice

The following essay was written by Mitchell Robinson and is cross-posted on his most-excellent blog at Robinson is associate professor and chair of music education, and coordinator of the music student teaching program at Michigan State University. Follow Mitchell on Twitter at @mrobmsu. His essay is reposted here with permission. Enjoy. A major plank of most education reform agendas […]

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Could 2016 be the year of the four-party post-primary presidential contest?

Could 2016 be the year of the four-party post-primary presidential contest?

Let’s face it: NOBODY has a clue how the presidential primaries will shake out. Despite recent surges (and primary wins) by Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the presumptive “favorites” according to the basic delegate math. But there’s also the fact that this year is like no other presidential election year in recent memory and, […]

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GOP Congressman Mike Bishop lies about promising vote on bridge to Canada, wants to eliminate the Dept. of Education

GOP Congressman Mike Bishop lies about promising vote on bridge to Canada, wants to eliminate the Dept. of Education

It’s well-known that MI-08 Republican Congressman Mike Bishop is a bought-and-paid-for lapdog of the Moroun family. The patriarch of that family, Manuel “Matty” Moroun, is the billionaire owner of the Ambassador Bridge that spans the Detroit River between Detroit and Windsor. Although there is a desperate need for an additional bridge to facilitate truck traffic that now backs up for […]

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INTERVIEW: David Alexander Bullock talks about the effort to recall Gov. Snyder and how people can get involved

INTERVIEW: David Alexander Bullock talks about the effort to recall Gov. Snyder and how people can get involved

On March 27th, David Alexander Bullock took on a project nobody has yet dared to do: To see if he can collect nearly 790,000 valid petition signatures in just 60 days to put the recall of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on the ballot. Prior to 2012, signatures had to be gathered in 90 days but Republicans were tired of people […]

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YOUR LAUGH OF THE DAY: Michigan GOP demands Dems pay salary of criminal senator Republicans refused to throw out

YOUR LAUGH OF THE DAY: Michigan GOP demands Dems pay salary of criminal senator Republicans refused to throw out

Last summer, I asked a very simple question: “Why is Virgil Smith still in the state Senate? Is it because he’s the Republicans’ useful Democratic idiot?” Democratic state Senator Virgil Smith was convicted of shooting up his wife’s car in a domestic dispute and is now behind bars. Until he resigned this past week, he continued to receive his state […]

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DON’T MISS IT! – Clean Water Action’s 2016 Great Lake Awards Celebration next Wednesday, April 13, 2016

DON’T MISS IT! – Clean Water Action’s 2016 Great Lake Awards Celebration next Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Next Wednesday, April 13, 2016, Clean Water Action Michigan will hold their 2016 Great Lake Awards Celebration. As in past years, they will be honoring a number of people who have contributed to the important cause of clean water in the Great Lakes State and continue to make waves — keeping the fight to protect Michigan’s most important resources in […]

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GUEST POST: What’s next for #PureMichigan?

GUEST POST: What’s next for #PureMichigan?

Today’s guest post is by Laura Packard, a partner at PowerThru Consulting, a growing national progressive digital consulting shop. Enjoy. Now that Snyder has effectively ruined our state brand, we should be thinking about what it is we DO want to be known for. We’ll have the chance to replace him in 2018 (or maybe even sooner, if he steps […]

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Is the Snyder administration planning NOT to replace lead water lines in Flint???

Is the Snyder administration planning NOT to replace lead water lines in Flint???

It’s now been 186 days – over a half a year – since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder admitted that the drinking water in Flint had been poisoned with the powerful, odorless, tasteless, invisible neurotoxin lead. Since that time, only the lead service lines in only 19 Flint homes have been replaced and that was through the actions of Flint Mayor […]

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No April Fools: It’s been half a year since Gov. Snyder admitted to the #FlintWaterCrisis, still no lead pipes removed

No April Fools: It’s been half a year since Gov. Snyder admitted to the #FlintWaterCrisis, still no lead pipes removed

Today marks the half-year mark since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder publicly admitted that Flint had a problem with lead in its drinking water. Since that time, he’s continuously told us he and his administration are doing everything possible to fix the problem. “Everything”, however, does not include the removal of a single lead pipe through the efforts of his administration. […]

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For Michigan schools, CEO is the new Emergency Manager – Now with more POWER!

For Michigan schools, CEO is the new Emergency Manager – Now with more POWER!

The ultimate expression of running government like a business Earlier this month, I reported about a new approach being taken by Gov. Rick Snyder when it comes to taking over schools with unelected overseers. Because the term “Emergency Manager” is now a national expletive, he has changed the title to school district “Chief Executive Officer (CEO)”. The first school district […]

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Who is the world’s “Most Disappointing Leader”? Cast your vote NOW! Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is in first place.

Who is the world’s “Most Disappointing Leader”? Cast your vote NOW! Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is in first place.

Fortune magazine recently chose the “World’s 19 Most Disappointing Leaders“. Now they want to know who is the MOST disappointing leader in the world and you can cast your vote HERE.

At the moment, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is in first place and, as I type this, he’s leading New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie 455 votes to 104. He’s even beating out Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli.

You know what to do.

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