Author: Eclectablog

BECAUSE YOU ASKED: Here is the difference between Michigan’s March 8th primary and the August 2nd primary (UPDATED)

BECAUSE YOU ASKED: Here is the difference between Michigan’s March 8th primary and the August 2nd primary (UPDATED)

I have had a number of people ask me about the difference between Michigan’s March 8th primary a week from today and the primary on August 2nd. So, here’s a short explainer. The March primary on Tuesday, March 8th is a Presidential Primary. This is the election when Michigan voters weigh in on who they want to receive their Party’s […]

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(U.S. Air Force graphic)

GUEST POST – Dishonoring the Constitution: The Senate majority’s fundamental misunderstanding of “Advice and Consent”

The following guest post was written by Nick Krieger, an attorney and former clerk in the Court of Appeals. Follow him on Twitter at @nckrieger. His essay is published here with permission. Enjoy. “Republican senators have dishonored the original meaning of the United States Constitution” We hear it almost every day. Like a broken record, the Republicans in the United […]

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More evidence that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is the worst CEO ever

More evidence that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is the worst CEO ever

If Michigan actually WAS a corporation with Rick Snyder as its CEO, it would have gone bankrupt years ago… Rick Snyder sold voters on the idea that (a) government should be run like a business and (b) that he’s the perfect CEO to do that. We now have ample evidence that government should NOT be run like a business. And, […]

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GUEST POST: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Chris Christie?

GUEST POST: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Chris Christie?

The following essay was written by Mitchell Robinson and is cross-posted on his most-excellent blog at Robinson is associate professor and chair of music education, and coordinator of the music student teaching program at Michigan State University. Follow Mitchell on Twitter at @mrobmsu. His essay is reposted here with permission. Enjoy. The news was shocking in its incongruence and […]

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GUEST POST: We broke Michigan – the insidious and harmful impact of term limits on democracy

GUEST POST: We broke Michigan – the insidious and harmful impact of term limits on democracy

Today’s guest post is by Laura Packard, a partner at PowerThru Consulting, a growing national progressive digital consulting shop. Enjoy. With both the GOP and Democratic presidential candidates coming to Michigan this week for their respective debates, I hope some of the larger issues that Michigan (and the country) faces will finally be addressed. Michigan state government has been broken […]

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Philandering religio-hypocrites Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat will do the perp walk, felony charges filed

Philandering religio-hypocrites Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat will do the perp walk, felony charges filed

Following an investigation by the office of Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, philandering Republicans Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser have had multiple felony charges filed against them today.

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Gov. Snyder boldly responds to #FlintWaterCrisis by replacing communications team (and much more news)

Gov. Snyder boldly responds to #FlintWaterCrisis by replacing communications team (and much more news)

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” by DonkeyHotey When in doubt, change the messenger Further demonstrating an inability to deal effectively to the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with a powerful neurotoxin, Gov. Snyder took the bold step of replacing his communications director and his press secretary: Gov. Rick Snyder removed his communications director and press secretary Thursday amid the […]

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Michigan Republicans push Shock Doctrine solution for Detroit schools insolvency in order to destroy public education

Michigan Republicans push Shock Doctrine solution for Detroit schools insolvency in order to destroy public education

It’s no secret that many Republicans in the Michigan legislature want to destroy public education in our state and funnel tax dollars into the coffers of for-profit charter schools. For anyone paying attention, that’s a given. What is surprising, to me at least, is how brazen they have become. Detroit Public Schools is on the brink of bankruptcy. According to […]

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MI-01 GOP candidate “troubled” that privatization of veterans home healthcare he oversaw is harming disabled vets

MI-01 GOP candidate “troubled” that privatization of veterans home healthcare he oversaw is harming disabled vets

Earlier this week, former Michigan state legislator Jason Allen told UP Matters reporter Brittany Denny that he is “troubled” by the recent reports of disabled veterans in the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans suffering under the atrociously inadequate care provided by J2S Group. J2S Group is the for-profit healthcare corporation that was the beneficiary of Gov. Snyder’s privatization scheme that […]

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Mistreatment of elderly veterans result of privatizing government services to for-profit group with no background in healthcare

Mistreatment of elderly veterans result of privatizing government services to for-profit group with no background in healthcare

NOTE: Big tip o’ the Eclectahat to Eclectablog reader D. Harvey D. who provided much of the background research and perspective for this post. I’ve already written about the scandal involving the mistreatment of elderly disabled veterans at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. A report released by the State Office of the Auditor General detailed a scathing laundry list […]

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Michigan Republicans create all-white, all-male committee that has something to do with the #FlintWaterCrisis

Michigan Republicans create all-white, all-male committee that has something to do with the #FlintWaterCrisis

Republican Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof and Republican Speaker of the House Kevin Cotter have formed a committee called the Joint Committee on the Flint Water Public Health Emergency that has something to do with the public health catastrophe in Flint. They plan to hold hearings, looking into all levels of government from local all the way up to federal. […]

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