Author: Eclectablog

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Let them drink lead, we’re eating very, very expensive cake (and much more)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Let them drink lead, we’re eating very, very expensive cake (and much more)

While Flint contends with poisoned water, Gov. Snyder throws an opulent party in Ann Arbor Mark Maynard has an explosive post up at his site that starts with a description of a party he had gotten wind of: I got word this past weekend that there was a secret party taking place in downtown Ann Arbor, a posh event inside […]

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Michigan Republicans introduce bill to end requirement for concealed pistol licenses, say it will INCREASE training

Michigan Republicans introduce bill to end requirement for concealed pistol licenses, say it will INCREASE training

A group of Michigan Republicans is sick and tired of having to go through training on how to handle a weapon and all that damned paperwork that it takes to get a concealed pistol license. One of the sponsors, Triston Cole, calls the permitting process “government overreach”. That’s why he signed on to co-sponsor House Bill 5303. It changes the […]

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DING DONG! The Education Achievement Authority is dead! (in a year and a half)

DING DONG! The Education Achievement Authority is dead! (in a year and a half)

Bowing to immense pressure from faculty, students, employees, education activists, as well as the general public, the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents finally gave notice that it is ending its intralocal agreement with Gov. Snyder’s failed experiment on Detroit school children known as the Education Achievement Authority (EAA) this afternoon. The move came after what can only be described […]

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Michigan Dems offer a one-sentence bill to repeal Emergency Manager Law that GOP apologists irrationally still defend

Michigan Dems offer a one-sentence bill to repeal Emergency Manager Law that GOP apologists irrationally still defend

On Monday, Michigan Democrat David Knezek introduced Senate Bill 734. The bill contains a single sentence: The local financial stability and choice act, 2012 PA 436, MCL 141.1541 to 141.1575, is repealed. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if the entire anti-democratic failed experiment known as Michigan’s Emergency Manager law, a law and policy that has done so much harm to our […]

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With 11 months left in Obama’s term, Michigan 7th District Republicans vote ask Tim Walberg to intro articles of impeachment

With 11 months left in Obama’s term, Michigan 7th District Republicans vote ask Tim Walberg to intro articles of impeachment

President Obama now has less than a year left in his final term in office. But that hasn’t stopped the drumbeat of calls for his impeachment among the most fervent haters of the country’s first African American POTUS. This past week, the Michigan 7th Congressional District Republicans passed a resolution asking Congressman Tim Walberg to introduce articles of impeachment. In […]

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UPDATED: Snyder administration knew of huge spike in Legionnaires’ Disease in Flint TEN months before making it public

UPDATED: Snyder administration knew of huge spike in Legionnaires’ Disease in Flint TEN months before making it public

Governor’s point person in Flint knew about Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak for nearly a year before telling his boss An email obtained by Progress Michigan and released today shows that high-level advisors and department heads knew about the spike in Legionnaires’ Disease in Flint in March of 2015, a full nine months before they released the information to the public. The […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Dem presidential debate comes to Flint, Darnell Earley may testify but plead the 5th

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Dem presidential debate comes to Flint, Darnell Earley may testify but plead the 5th

Democratic presidential candidates to hold March debate in Flint Democrats announced yesterday that they are adding two presidential debates to the schedule and one of them will take place on March 6th, just before the Michigan primary. Details about the time, location, and who will moderate have not yet been released. Michigan Democratic Party Chair Brandon Dillon released this statement […]

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More corruption in Snyder administration: AG Schuette took money from group involved with investigation he’s conducting

More corruption in Snyder administration: AG Schuette took money from group involved with investigation he’s conducting

When state Senate Republicans announced that they were moving their offices to a new building in Lansing, red flags went up around the city. A bipartisan group asked Attorney General Bill Schuette to look into the $134 million project to ensure that nothing shady was going on. This was in light of at least one report that the state had […]

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UPDATED: EMU faculty passes “no confidence” vote over Board of Regents’ pact with Education Achievement Authority, Republicans say they’re killing it

UPDATED: EMU faculty passes “no confidence” vote over Board of Regents’ pact with Education Achievement Authority, Republicans say they’re killing it

Over the past couple of months, multiple Colleges in the Eastern Michigan University system have passed resolutions of “No Confidence” in the EMU Board of Regents. These groups include the Colleges of Education, Arts & Science, Technology, and Health & Human Services. Yesterday, the entire Faculty Senate did the same. You can read their resolution HERE. In their resolution of […]

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THIS is how you know Michigan Republicans are absolutely freaking out over the #FlintWaterCrisis that they created

THIS is how you know Michigan Republicans are absolutely freaking out over the #FlintWaterCrisis that they created

After passing legislation to slash revenue sharing to already struggling urban areas including Flint and after passing an anti-democratic Emergency Manager Law – Public Act 4 – and after passing another anti-democratic Emergency Manager law – Public Act 436 – after voters rejected the first one (and making it democracy-proof with an unnecessary appropriation) and after these Republican-appointed overseers – […]

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At Congressional hearing on #FlintWaterCrisis, Republicans go after the EPA, Democrats go after the truth

At Congressional hearing on #FlintWaterCrisis, Republicans go after the EPA, Democrats go after the truth

At today’s hearing on the Flint water crisis before the House Oversight and Government Reform, Democratic committee members made it clear time and time again that the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with lead was the responsibility of the state government and the administration of Gov. Rick Snyder. On the other hand, Republican committee members spent the vast majority of […]

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