Author: Eclectablog

Michigan Republicans push laws to punish Detroit teachers who revealed shocking conditions in their schools

Michigan Republicans push laws to punish Detroit teachers who revealed shocking conditions in their schools

Four state Senators, Phil Pavlov, Joe Hune, David Robertson, and Goeff Hansen have had quite enough of uppity Detroit teachers who have staged “sick-outs” to draw attention to the deplorable – unconscionable, really – conditions in their schools. Images and stories of dead vermin, mushrooms growing out of the wall, disintegrating floors, walls, and ceilings, and clear evidence of black […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Former Flint Emergency Manager refuses Congressional subpoena, FBI now investigating

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Former Flint Emergency Manager refuses Congressional subpoena, FBI now investigating

NOTE: to follow all of our coverage of the ongoing tragedy in Flint, click the “Flint Water Crisis” tab at the top left of each page right under our logo (or click HERE!) Former Flint Emergency Manager Darnell Earley refuses to be served Congressional subpoena In an astonishing display of chutzpah, former Flint Emergency Manager Darnell Earley, who yesterday abruptly […]

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DeVos family responsible for HALF of campaign contributions to Michigan House Republicans in last quarter of 2015

DeVos family responsible for HALF of campaign contributions to Michigan House Republicans in last quarter of 2015

Ka-CHING! In the fourth quarter of 2015, Michigan Republicans received a whopping 50% of their campaign contributions from members of the DeVos family. Four vulnerable Republican House members, Holly Hughes, Brandt Iden, Tom Barrett, and John Bizon all received $9,000 each for a total of $36,000 which is nearly the median income for Michigan residents according to analysis done by […]

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BREAKING: Former Flint Emergency Manager, current overseer of Detroit Schools to resign, refusing to testify before Congress

BREAKING: Former Flint Emergency Manager, current overseer of Detroit Schools to resign, refusing to testify before Congress

Darnell Earley, the former Flint Emergency Manager and current Detroit Public Schools Emergency Manager will resign on February 29th according to a statement released by Gov. Snyder this morning on the state website. Earley, who has denied he was responsible for any of the problems in Flint or Detroit Schools, is quoted in the statement as basically saying, “Mission Accomplished”: […]

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GUEST POST: Republicans set to dissolve all historical districts in Michigan

GUEST POST: Republicans set to dissolve all historical districts in Michigan

The following guest post was written by Nancy Kotting who writes at Watapama blog. From her About page: Nancy Kotting is a fourth generation Detroiter, former partner at Detroit MetroTimes/Alternative Media Inc., architectural historian, trainer/instructor of classical horsemanship for over 35 years and a Catholic convert. She has been published in both the U.S. and the U.K. and is a […]

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GUEST POST: “No Words” – A heartbreaking report from the trenches in the #FlintWaterCrisis

GUEST POST: “No Words” – A heartbreaking report from the trenches in the #FlintWaterCrisis

Yesterday I posted an excerpt from and a link to the essay “No Words” in my #FlintWaterCrisis news round-up. The piece by Ann Arbor social worker Beverly Davidson, LMSW, was extremely well-received so I asked her for permission to repost it here at Eclectablog, which she gave me permission to do. Davidson’s writing is clear and thoughtful and tells a […]

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An idea to enhance democracy whose time has come: Vote for governor AND president in the same election in Michigan

An idea to enhance democracy whose time has come: Vote for governor AND president in the same election in Michigan

Michigan is a hot political mess these days. Between an a tea party-led legislature that never seems to run out of ways to screw over the poor and the powerless to the Snyder administration that is so intent on saving money that they ended up poisoning a city’s water supply, there’s little fun or uplifting to write about for a […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State inaction means many Flint citizens still unaware of the problem (+ much more)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State inaction means many Flint citizens still unaware of the problem (+ much more)

I’m starting today’s news round-up by featuring an essay published by Ann Arbor social worker Beverly Davidson, LMSW, at her “Voices from the Infant, Toddler and Family Field” blog. The post is titled “No words” and the title is cruelly apt. Here’s a taste of what she saw during a recent day of volunteering in Flint: We knocked on one […]

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GUEST POST: The #FlintWaterCrisis didn’t just happen

GUEST POST: The #FlintWaterCrisis didn’t just happen

Today’s guest post is by Laura Packard, a partner at PowerThru Consulting, a growing national progressive digital consulting shop. Enjoy. The Flint water crisis didn’t just happen. It’s been a story decades in the making. Cities in America have been on the downswing for many years — deliberate policy on the federal and state level has favored suburbs, and also the preferences […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Congressional hearing to hear from many players but not Gov. Snyder (and more!)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Congressional hearing to hear from many players but not Gov. Snyder (and more!)

Congressional hearing to focus on attacking the USEPA and not the real cause of the Flint water crisis The list of those invited to give testimony before the House U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform this coming Wednesday has been released and one name is glaringly missing: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder. Those who WILL give testimony are the […]

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Extremists indicted for Planned Parenthood attack videos as Michigan Republicans hold hearing on bill to stop nonexistent funding

Extremists indicted for Planned Parenthood attack videos as Michigan Republicans hold hearing on bill to stop nonexistent funding

Earlier this week, the anti-abortion extremists behind altered videos attempting to smear Planned Parenthood found the tables turned when the grand jury investigating the health services provider indicted them on a charge of tampering with a governmental record, a felony, and on a misdemeanor charge related to purchasing human organs. The two men had selectively edited a secretly-taped video to […]

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