Author: Eclectablog

Emergency Management now a “thing”. First Michigan, then Indiana, then New Jersey, and now Illinois

Emergency Management now a “thing”. First Michigan, then Indiana, then New Jersey, and now Illinois

One of the reasons I have written about Emergency Management in Michigan ad nauseum is because I contend that we are the testing ground for this anti-democratic move in state governments, the “beta testers”, if you will. With the evidence now in and showing it to be a colossal failure, other states are still moving forward with it. Indiana was […]

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GUEST POST: Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) State of the Union mystery (by Ed Schultz)

GUEST POST: Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) State of the Union mystery (by Ed Schultz)

The following guest post was written by Ed Schultz, the former host of “The Ed Show” on MSNBC and current host of “The Ed Schultz Show”. If implemented, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could undermine many of President Barack Obama’s landmark achievements and thus his legacy on jobs and economic recovery, health care access, financial reform – and close to Michigan’s […]

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PHOTOS: #FlintWaterCrisis & Michigan State of the State protest – This is NOT what democracy looks like

PHOTOS: #FlintWaterCrisis & Michigan State of the State protest – This is NOT what democracy looks like

[All photos by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog] As lawmakers and other political movers and shakers in Michigan gathered together in the cozy warmth of Michigan’s State Capitol Building for Governor Snyder’s 2016 State of the State Address, over 500 protesters from around the state gathered in the frigid cold outside to demand substantive action by the state government […]

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VIDEO: #FlintWaterCrisis protest takes over the State Capitol Building steps and lawn

VIDEO: #FlintWaterCrisis protest takes over the State Capitol Building steps and lawn

We’re inside now thawing out from standing in the frigid air during the protest but I thought folks would like to see a brief video of the protest. After the press conference at Lansing City Hall, at least 500 protestors moved to the steps of the State Capitol Building to cause a fuss.

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Marco Rubio shows how informed & concerned he is about the #FlintWaterCrisis (spoiler alert: not at all)

Marco Rubio shows how informed & concerned he is about the #FlintWaterCrisis (spoiler alert: not at all)

Marco Rubio, the presidential candidate who became famous for his bottled water drinking style has weighed in on the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with lead. When asked by reporters for a comment on the situation, he said, “It’s just not an issue we’ve been quite frankly fully briefed or apprised of in terms of the role the governor has […]

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UPDATED: Flint Mayor Karen Weaver endorses Hillary Clinton: “We want a friend like Hillary in the White House”

UPDATED: Flint Mayor Karen Weaver endorses Hillary Clinton: “We want a friend like Hillary in the White House”

During a press call with journalists today, Flint Mayor Karen Weaver gave her endorsement to Hillary Clinton, saying, “We want a friend like Hillary in the White House.” Weaver says she has spoken directly with Sec. Clinton in the past couple of days to give her details about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water. She said she is satisfied with […]

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The GOP’s #FlintWaterCrisis blame game continues as Republicans freak out over protest rally planned for today

The GOP’s #FlintWaterCrisis blame game continues as Republicans freak out over protest rally planned for today

Republicans across the state and even across the country are working diligently to make sure that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder doesn’t take the fall for his administration’s role in the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water. Michelle Malkin and the Hot Air blog are both of examples of conservative, corporatist water-carriers who want the country to blame the U.S. EPA for […]

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Clinton brings up #FlintWaterCrisis in Dem presidential debate, Snyder & defenders continue trying to avoid blame

Clinton brings up #FlintWaterCrisis in Dem presidential debate, Snyder & defenders continue trying to avoid blame

In her closing remarks during last night’s Democratic candidates’ presidential debate, Hillary Clinton brought up the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water, saying she’s “outraged”, that “every single American should be outraged,” and that Gov. Rick Snyder “acted as though he didn’t really care.” Here are her remarks in full: I spent a lot of time last week being outraged by […]

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Obama admin sends $5 million for #FlintWaterCrisis. Gov. Snyder says the actions he’s taken are “going beyond reason”.

Obama admin sends $5 million for #FlintWaterCrisis. Gov. Snyder says the actions he’s taken are “going beyond reason”.

NOTE: It’s fundraising week at Eclectablog. If you find value in what we do here, please consider making a donation to ensure that all our regular contributors can be paid for their creative work. Click HERE for details. Thanks so much. – Chris Following Gov. Rick Snyder’s tardy request for a federal declaration of a state of emergency in Flint […]

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Bernie Sanders speaks out on #FlintWaterCrisis, Gov. Snyder asks for

Bernie Sanders speaks out on #FlintWaterCrisis, Gov. Snyder asks for <10% of what's needed financially from feds

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has finally joined Hillary Clinton in speaking out about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water by the Snyder administration. In a statement released by his campaign, he calls for the resignation of Gov. Snyder: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday called on Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder to resign for his administration’s failure to deal with a […]

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Now that his administration has created a state of emergency in Flint, Gov. Snyder wants to return control to local officials

Now that his administration has created a state of emergency in Flint, Gov. Snyder wants to return control to local officials

“I wouldn’t touch it with a thirty-nine-and-half foot pole…” Flint, Michigan was under the control of an Emergency Financial Manager from 2002-2004. Then, in 2011, it was again put under state receivership, this time under an Emergency Manager with expanded powers under what is now Public Act 436, the “Local Fiscal Stability and Choice Act” where it remained until last […]

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