Author: Eclectablog

Readers always write. Well, not *always*…

Readers always write. Well, not *always*…

One of my favorite parts about asking our readers for donations (and there aren’t many “favorites”, I actually hate doing it) are the incredibly nice notes we get when people send us checks directly. I thought I’d share a few with you today and let folks know how much they warm our hearts and keep us motivated. Sometimes, it’s something […]

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Republican Senator Colbeck promotes backdoor vouchers for public education

Republican Senator Colbeck promotes backdoor vouchers for public education

In 2000, Michigan voters overwhelmingly defeated a ballot proposal that would have introduced vouchers for public school education by a 69-31 margin. Voters rejected vouchers back in 1978, as well. And it’s no surprise. The voucher system virtually guarantees that struggling schools are closed instead of improved and would give charter schools, the vast majority of which are for-profit in […]

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AUDIO: My “appearance” on the Majority Report with Sam Seder today talking about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

AUDIO: My “appearance” on the Majority Report with Sam Seder today talking about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

This afternoon I was on Sam Seder’s Majority Report radio show talking about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water.

Here is the audio (my bit starts at the 10-minute mark):

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UPDATED: Obama Chief of Staff on Flint water poisoning: “Nobody has asked us [for] anything yet”

UPDATED: Obama Chief of Staff on Flint water poisoning: “Nobody has asked us [for] anything yet”

Now that a state of emergency has been declared in the city of Flint over the poisoning of their drinking water by the Snyder administration, you might think that all resources are being brought to bear to resolve this human-made catastrophe. After all, the state government has a new website, sporting a snazzy new logo and a quote from […]

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BREAKING: Big news for Eclectablog! A new year. A new site. A new writer.

BREAKING: Big news for Eclectablog! A new year. A new site. A new writer.

I’m excited to announce some big news for Eclectablog readers. Two pieces of news, actually. First, the site will be undergoing a major facelift in the coming month. We will be moving to a more mobile device-friendly theme that will make reading our content even easier than it is now. We’re working on it this week and hope to unveil […]

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Hillary Clinton weighs in on the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

Hillary Clinton weighs in on the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

It’s clear that the story of the poisoning of Flint, Michigan’s drinking water by the Snyder administration has finally broken through to the national news. It’s not only being reported by major national news outlets, presidential candidates are now weighing in. Today, Hillary Clinton issued this statement: The situation in Flint, Michigan, is extremely concerning. No parent should have to […]

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“I didn’t know teaching was a crime” – Teacher suspended for using art to encourage discussion over race and policing

“I didn’t know teaching was a crime” – Teacher suspended for using art to encourage discussion over race and policing

For a recent final exam, Nevada high school teacher Elizabeth Clausen showed her students this provocative painting by artist Michael D’Antuono and asked them to use critical thinking skills to form an opinion about how the art represents American society and our country’s history. A handful of parents were outraged and now Clausen is on temporary leave and may lose […]

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The worst part about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water is that nobody will go to prison for it

The worst part about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water is that nobody will go to prison for it

No Snyder administration officials will be held accountable. And that’s exactly the problem. At long last, after activists and elected officials and even bloggers like LOLGOP and I have been sounding the alarm about the poisoning of Flint residents with lead in their drinking water, the story has finally hit the national stage. In the past week, in addition to […]

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs SB 571 into law and it’s WAY worse than you probably thought

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs SB 571 into law and it’s WAY worse than you probably thought

Yesterday afternoon while most of us were driving home from work or home getting ready for dinner, Gov. Rick Snyder signed Senate Bill 571 into law. It’s now Public Act 269 of 2015. This legislation started out innocuously enough as a 12-page campaign finance reform bill that involved how funds are collected and distributed by organizations that manage “separate segregated […]

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BREAKING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder finally declares a state of emergency in Flint over water poisoning by state

BREAKING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder finally declares a state of emergency in Flint over water poisoning by state

Nearly a year after evidence surfaced that there was a very serious, odorless, and invisible poisonous menace lurking in the water of Flint, Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder has finally declared a state of emergency in the devastated city: Gov. Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency for Flint and Genesee County Tuesday as a result of the contaminated drinking water […]

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Twice rejected by voters, Gov. Snyder signs democracy-proof bill to make voting just that much harder

Twice rejected by voters, Gov. Snyder signs democracy-proof bill to make voting just that much harder

Twice in Michigan’s past Republicans have passed a law to take away the right to vote for all the candidates of a single political party with one mark on a ballot. Both times voters went to the polls and rejected their law. As the clock ticked down on the 2015 legislative session, Republicans passed the same damn law a third […]

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