Author: Eclectablog

GUEST POST: A Ticking Time Bomb/Pipeline  (Dire Straits)

GUEST POST: A Ticking Time Bomb/Pipeline (Dire Straits)

The following guest post was written by Denny Green of Clean Water Action – Michigan. Enjoy. Anytime you hear that something or someone’s days are numbered, you get the idea that it’s a matter of grave significance — certainly something to be regarded with the utmost concern and action. Well, it’s been more than 140 days since Michigan Attorney General […]

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An OPEN LETTER to Gov. Rick Snyder regarding EMU’s interlocal agreement with the Education Achievement Authority

An OPEN LETTER to Gov. Rick Snyder regarding EMU’s interlocal agreement with the Education Achievement Authority

The following open letter to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder was penned by Eastern Michigan University College of Education faculty member professor Stephen Wellinski. Professor Wellinski has been a leader in demanding that EMU end its partnership with Gov. Snyder’s failed education experiment on Detroit school kids known as the Education Achievement Authority. Dear Governor Snyder This Tuesday (December 8th) at […]

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The sad, predictable, outrageous, and infuriating history of the Education Achievement Authority in 127 headlines

The sad, predictable, outrageous, and infuriating history of the Education Achievement Authority in 127 headlines

I have been writing about the Education Achievement Authority since August of 2011 when I first reported on then-Chancellor John Covington’s history at Kansas City schools. The EAA – Gov. Rick Snyder’s failed experiment with Detroit school children – has been a colossal failure rife with scandal, grift, corruption, and utterly terrible “leadership”. The other day as I was looking […]

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Michigan Republican legislator on why schools ‘fail’: “We can’t fix that. We can’t make an African American white.” (Updated)

Michigan Republican legislator on why schools ‘fail’: “We can’t fix that. We can’t make an African American white.” (Updated)

This past Wednesday during a Senate Education Committee hearing, Committee Vice Chair Marty Knollenberg (R-Troy) was discussing why some schools “fail”. During the course his comments, he made a statement that has dropped jaws across the country. “You mentioned why these schools fail,” he said. “You mention the economically disadvantaged and non-white population are contributors to that. And, you know, […]

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BOMBSHELL! Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority in serious trouble, moves to turn at least some schools over to charters (updated)

BOMBSHELL! Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority in serious trouble, moves to turn at least some schools over to charters (updated)

By all appearances, the wheels appear to have all but completely come off the catastrophe that is Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority, Gov. Rick Snyder’s failed experiment on Detroit school children. Following the departure-under-scandal of former EAA Chancellor John Covington, the new Chancellor Veronica Conforme set out to poach students from neighboring districts using deceptive letters sent to the community. She […]

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Scientists: 1, Ignorant GOP climate change denier: ZERO! Republican Congressman from Texas backs down

Scientists: 1, Ignorant GOP climate change denier: ZERO! Republican Congressman from Texas backs down

Last week I wrote about Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) and his attacks on federal scientists, trying to intimidate and bully them because he didn’t believe the science they were sciencing. Smith had demanded to be given copies of all emails sent by a group of climate scientists working for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) relating to recent research […]

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Michigan Republicans’ effort to slash minimum wage for 18 and 19-year olds is still alive and still wrong

Michigan Republicans’ effort to slash minimum wage for 18 and 19-year olds is still alive and still wrong

Back in June I reported on legislation – Senate Bill 250 which would cut the minimum wage for 18 and 19 year olds to 85% of the level for everyone else. In defending it, the sponsor, Margaret O’Brien, claimed that it was necessary because “Most of the employers I’ve talked to in my community do not have a youth training […]

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New Clean Energy Now coalition site shows Michiganders overwhelmingly choose clean energy over polluting energy sources

New Clean Energy Now coalition site shows Michiganders overwhelmingly choose clean energy over polluting energy sources

Earlier this year, the group Clean Energy Now created a website that allows Michigan energy consumers to choose the sources for their energy needs and to compare those choices to what they have now. The new site,, is interactive, allowing the user to make choices about the mix of sources that power their lives. When you have completed the […]

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Walmart using the FBI and Lockheed Martin to monitor employees – Join the Black Friday protest in Dearborn tomorrow!

Walmart using the FBI and Lockheed Martin to monitor employees – Join the Black Friday protest in Dearborn tomorrow!

A shocking bit of terrific journalism by Bloomberg Business published this week shows just how far Walmart is willing to go to crush any chance for its employees – called “associates” – to unionize. The piece, titled “How Walmart Keeps an Eye on Its Massive Workforce”, reveals that they hired defense contractor Lockheed Martin to spy on their employees in […]

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Federal climate scientists attacked, intimidated by GOP climate change deniers – and scientists are fighting back

Federal climate scientists attacked, intimidated by GOP climate change deniers – and scientists are fighting back

Idiocracy wasn’t a movie. It was a documentary. In June of this year, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published research in the peer-reviewed journal Science. Their research was based on improved and more accurate land and sea temperature data that showed that the warming of the earth continues apace. This flies in the face of claims […]

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It’s time for a “People’s Budget” that ensures prosperity for all with everyone contributing their fair share

It’s time for a “People’s Budget” that ensures prosperity for all with everyone contributing their fair share

“A budget is moral document” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Yesterday, the group Priorities Michigan held a press conference to highlight the faces of real people who are victims of callous, unfair Republican budgets. Intent on diminishing the size and scope of government, Republicans have shrunk our state budget by giving billions of dollars of tax breaks to corporations. […]

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