Author: Eclectablog

GUEST POST by Paul Clements, candidate for MI-06: The Cost of Congressman Upton’s Climate Science Denial

GUEST POST by Paul Clements, candidate for MI-06: The Cost of Congressman Upton’s Climate Science Denial

The following is a guest post by Paul Clements, the Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 6th Congressional District seat now held by Big Oil puppet Fred Upton. Clements ran for this seat in 2014. Though he was ultimately unsuccessful, he received a huge boost from the Mayday PAC which spent $1.5 million to support his candidacy. I interviewed him then (HERE). […]

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Obama admin sent letters of reassurance to GOP governors. NOW will Gov. Snyder reverse himself on accepting Syrian refugees?

Obama admin sent letters of reassurance to GOP governors. NOW will Gov. Snyder reverse himself on accepting Syrian refugees?

As LOLGOP wrote about Friday, Gov. Rick Snyder, who was the first governor in the USA to say he wouldn’t allow Syrian refugees to come to our state, said he wants a “pause” in providing a safe harbor for the refugees until “an appropriate review” can be done to ensure our screening processes are adequate. When NPR correspondent Steve Inskeep […]

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An open letter to LGBT civil rights ballot initiative organizer on International Transgender Day of Remembrance

An open letter to LGBT civil rights ballot initiative organizer on International Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today, November 20th, is International Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). TDOR was started by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was killed in 1998. The day is intended to bring awareness to the violence experienced by the transgender community on a daily basis. The trans community faces […]

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GOP Congressman Trott questions why mortgage fraud settlement funds went to community groups instead of bankers

GOP Congressman Trott questions why mortgage fraud settlement funds went to community groups instead of bankers

In 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice reached a settlement with the giant mortgage bank JP Morgan Chase after they were found to have engaged in fraud that seriously harmed homeowners across the country, many of whom lost their homes entirely. Part of $13 billion settlement – and similar settlements with Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America – included […]

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Todd Courser still delusional, believes explosive State Police investigation exonerates him

Todd Courser still delusional, believes explosive State Police investigation exonerates him

I hadn’t intended to write any more about Todd Courser but now that we have the 385-page Michigan State Police report, we have more detail about what actually transpired in the sordid, made-for-The Jerry Springer Show affair of Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat. As it turns out, Courser and Gamrat’s staffers Ben Graham, Josh Cline, and Keith Allard worked with […]

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Blog update: Video ads are gone and other news

Blog update: Video ads are gone and other news

I have gotten quite a few complaints about the video ads that were being displayed on the site. Although I was promised they would have a very high CPM (“cost per thousand”, a measure of what they pay), that turned out not to be the case at all. The ads themselves were pretty intrusive, particularly on tablets and other mobile […]

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Progress Michigan launches new website to help restore some semblance of transparency to our state government

Progress Michigan launches new website to help restore some semblance of transparency to our state government

The Center for Public Integrity recently released a report called “State Integrity 2015” which looked at the level of transparency in the governments of all 50 states. The results were, well, horrific. Only three states received a grade about a D+. Michigan, however, stood out and not in a good way. Out of all 50 states, Michigan came in at […]

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UPDATED x5: Michigan Gov. Snyder joins other Republican governors in ensuring that terrorists and the tactic of terrorism win

UPDATED x5: Michigan Gov. Snyder joins other Republican governors in ensuring that terrorists and the tactic of terrorism win

[This post has been updated below.] The flow of thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees escaping violent extremism and war-like conditions in their country has been in the news for months. Many Michiganders were relieved to see Governor Rick Snyder extend the welcome mat to those escaping oppression and violence. However, after the recent terrorist attack in Paris, Gov. Snyder […]

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With high employment and low wages, Michigan is the corporatists’ dream come true

With high employment and low wages, Michigan is the corporatists’ dream come true

Republicans in Michigan, including Governor Rick Snyder are bragging to anyone who will listen to them about Michigan’s low unemployment rate. And it’s true. Our 5% unemployment rate is below the national average and at its lowest level since the summer of 2000. What they don’t mention, of course, is that the wages of our workers is perilously low. In […]

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UPDATED: Utah judge removes foster child from home because parents are lesbians

UPDATED: Utah judge removes foster child from home because parents are lesbians

According to a Utah judge, foster children are better of with opposite-sex parents and, due to his unfounded belief, has removed the child they had planned to adopt from the home of Beckie Peirce and April Hoagland who are married. “We love her and she loves us, and we haven’t done anything wrong,” Peirce told the Salt Lake Tribune. “And […]

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Taint of corruption still defines Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority

Taint of corruption still defines Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority

Some terrific reporting by John Wisely and Ann Zaniewski of the Detroit Free Press shows that Gov. Snyder’s failed experiment on Detroit school children, the Education Achievement Authority, is still a place where corruption is still a big problem. After former EAA Chancellor John Covington left under a cloud of scandal and corruption, Veronica Conforme was brought in to set […]

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