Author: Emma White

Oiled birds, Kalamazoo
[Photo by U.S.Fish and Wildife Service|Flickr]

Expansion of Oil Drilling Threatens Great Lakes, Our Health

A major oil spill in the Great Lakes would be devastating to Michigan’s natural resources, the health of our citizens, and our economy, and the boom in domestic oil drilling and Canadian tar sands makes such a spill a real possibility. But the potential for this kind of a catastrophe has been almost entirely missing from the national conversation about […]

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The Hobby Lobby case: It’s about discrimination, not religious freedom

The Hobby Lobby case: It’s about discrimination, not religious freedom

Don’t be deceived Hobby Lobby wants the conversation about their lawsuit challenging Obamacare to be about religious freedom, but if we communicate right, Americans will see it for what it is – discrimination and harm for the company’s female employees. “It’s our rights that are being infringed upon to require us to do something against our conscience,” says David Green, […]

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