Author: LOLGOP

If America understood how Trumpcare devastates Medicaid, there would be riots in nursing home TV rooms

If America understood how Trumpcare devastates Medicaid, there would be riots in nursing home TV rooms

We need a Fox News of the left. But all we have is you. Medicaid is the biggest health insurance provider in America, covering more than 70 million with per capita spending growth that is lower than private insurers and even Medicare. But if you think Obamacare is hard to explain, you probably have never attempted to describe Medicaid. Our […]

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5 ways Senate Trumpcare is an assault on your freedom

5 ways Senate Trumpcare is an assault on your freedom

And it’s really going to happen… unless we can raise holy hell The Senate GOP released its secret Trumpcare bill on Thursday, ending the most secretive and undemocratic process used to craft a large-scale reform in modern American history. But that’s not the story that really matters now. The story that really matters is this is all a charade. Mitch […]

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STOP RETWEETING TRUMP and two other things you must do to help stop Trumpcare

STOP RETWEETING TRUMP and two other things you must do to help stop Trumpcare

The Senate GOP wants to uninsure 23 million and wreck employer insurance by the end of June. Here’s how to stop helping them. Republicans aren’t just ruthless. They’re good at being ruthless. If they can, they will insure 23 million people by the end of June. They will end Medicaid as you know it. They will raise the uninsured rate […]

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CODE RED: Only you can stop the worst transfer of wealth from poor to the richest ever

CODE RED: Only you can stop the worst transfer of wealth from poor to the richest ever

I hereby appoint you the Special Prosecutor of stopping Trumpcare “Let facts be submitted to a candid world,” Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP seem to be saying, “Let’s hide our support for a giant tax break for the rich that guts the Affordable Care Act AND Medicaid so we don’t have […]

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Walberg and the GOP vote to put us back at the mercy of the big banks

Walberg and the GOP vote to put us back at the mercy of the big banks

Billionaires from New York city can count on Walberg’s vote, Michiganders can’t Like Donald Trump, Tim Walberg always seems to be on the lookout for ways to hurt the voters of Michigan’s 7th district, which Walberg allegedly serves. He’s already voted to uninsure 33,700 of his constituents, putting 14,390 with pre-existing conditions at risk of never being able to find […]

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UPDATED: GOP still determined to uninsure tens of millions while we’re Comey-tosed — here’s how we fight back

UPDATED: GOP still determined to uninsure tens of millions while we’re Comey-tosed — here’s how we fight back

Mitch McConnell’s hunger to give the rich tax breaks is insatiable — and terrible for your health Mitch McConnell is the GOP’s mutant Harry Reid, explains former Reid chief of staff Adam Jentleson. “Harry Reid worked every angle and pulled every lever to give health care to millions,” he tweeted. “McConnell will do the same to take it away.” The […]

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3 things you need to know about GOP plan to decimate Medicaid

3 things you need to know about GOP plan to decimate Medicaid

Trumpcare is a plot to gut Medicaid by giving the richest tax breaks and almost no one is talking about this It took about a century of proposed reforms to our health care system to get the uninsured rate below 10 percent. But we’ve done it as we lowered planned health care spending by trillions. And we did it in […]

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2010 Michigan Republican State Convention

Michigan needs a legislature of and for the people, not Calley’s corporate cronies

Conservative hopes to cash in by promising Lansing to the lobbyists You could argue that Michigan’s Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley and I just have a slight difference of opinion. Calley is proposing a ballot initiative that would amend the state’s constitution to give the state legislature most of the year off. I’d rather give most of this legislature — all […]

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Just bug a Senator

Just bug a Senator

The one thing you have to do this week: Call a Senator OR share this with someone who should. Subscribe to One Thing These are the people who will decide if the Senate will pass some version of the House’s American Health Care Act, which will uninsure 23 million and drive premiums as high as 800 percent higher for people […]

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Trumpcare may be easier to kill than Obamacare

Trumpcare may be easier to kill than Obamacare

THIS WEEK we’ll find out which is more likely to survive — you or TrumpCare As you know, Republicans are trying to maim the Affordable Care Act in order to justify putting it to sleep. .@ChrisMurphyCT explains how Obamacare isn’t dying — Trump is purposefully killing it — NowThis (@nowthisnews) May 25, 2017 The Trump Administration seems also on […]

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Rob Quist could give the GOP a major Trumpscare

Rob Quist could give the GOP a major Trumpscare

Here are three actions you can take this week, usually while only wearing your underwear. Subscribe to 3 Asses to Click We Will Be Outspent We can still grab the GOP by Tom Price and Ryan Zinke’s seats A lot is made of how much money Democrats have been able to raise lots of grassroots money to support Rob Quist and […]

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