Category: 2016

Trump and white nationalists have the same goal — normalizing extremism

Trump and white nationalists have the same goal — normalizing extremism

After years of offending Muslims, Mexicans, and black people, Trump is is very offended on behalf of… racists  Friday was quite a day. The leaders of the white nationalist “Alt-Right” had a press conference that dealt with what they called “the Jewish question” while hoping to keep their lasso around the rocket-ship of racism known as the Donald Trump campaign […]

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Some Trump supporters deserve our empathy — as do all of Trump’s victims

Some Trump supporters deserve our empathy — as do all of Trump’s victims

Trump’s “policies” would hurt his fans but his words are already battering the most vulnerable Hillary Clinton is done being politically correct and the Trump campaign is demanding a trigger warning. The Democratic nominee has focused this campaign back to the subject of her Alt-Right speech of a few weeks ago — the racism and hatred Trump’s campaign has stoked, […]

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It’s time to call Trump’s corrupt campaign of racist lies ‘Trump’s corrupt campaign of racist lies’

It’s time to call Trump’s corrupt campaign of racist lies ‘Trump’s corrupt campaign of racist lies’

Trump’s scapegoating of undocumented immigrants is Mein Kampf-era madness and it’s time we say that On Labor Day, Paul Waldman did something that few people have enough hours in a lifetime to do. He put together a partial list of some of the stories that illustrate “the kind of history of corruption, double-dealing, and fraud that Donald Trump has.” You […]

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UPDATED: Federal appeals court smacks down Michigan AG Schuette’s tax dollar-wasting attempt to ban straight-ticket voting

UPDATED: Federal appeals court smacks down Michigan AG Schuette’s tax dollar-wasting attempt to ban straight-ticket voting

See update below. Last month, Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum wrote a piece for Eclectablog about Attorney General Bill Schuette’s crusade to ensure straight-ticket voting is banned forever in Michigan. In her essay, Barb explained how, at its core, Schuette’s effort is little more than an attempt to disenfranchise voters in our state. After a 3-judge panel of the 6th […]

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SHOCKER! Trump’s visit to Detroit a heavily-scripted sideshow with a complicit black minister

SHOCKER! Trump’s visit to Detroit a heavily-scripted sideshow with a complicit black minister

Anyone shocked by this isn’t paying attention: Instead of speaking to the congregation at Great Faith Ministries International, Mr. Trump had planned to be interviewed by its pastor in a session that would be closed to the public and the news media, with questions submitted in advance. And instead of letting Mr. Trump be his freewheeling self, his campaign prepared […]

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7 of the hundreds of questions that Trump needs to answer before he comes to Detroit

7 of the hundreds of questions that Trump needs to answer before he comes to Detroit

Trump wants credit for just allowing himself to be near black people So Donald Trump is coming to Detroit this weekend for a pretty obvious reason — to try to prove that he’s not a racist, at least to white people. To have any chance of being elected, Trump needs to do better than Mitt Romney did with white voters […]

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Now we have PROOF Trump is visiting Detroit to make white voters think he’s not racist

Now we have PROOF Trump is visiting Detroit to make white voters think he’s not racist

Yesterday I wrote about how Donald Trump is coming to Detroit on Saturday to prove to white people that he’s not racist. Though some may feel that’s a opinion, we now have proof. While he’s here, Trump will NOT be addressing the congregation of the predominantly black church where he’s taping a television interview. According to the Detroit Free Press, […]

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Trump and Limbaugh admit that GOP voters want racial resentment, not policy

Trump and Limbaugh admit that GOP voters want racial resentment, not policy

Trump’s anger at Obama and immigrants make up for his total lack of policies, knowledge, and consistency It should have been the last episode of the The Rush Limbaugh Show  — the big reveal with the “surprise” ending everyone saw coming. On Monday, Rush explained why he didn’t consider Trump’s decision to de-emphasize deportations in his immigration “policy” a flip-flop. […]

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Trump comes to Detroit this weekend to prove to white people that he’s not racist

Trump comes to Detroit this weekend to prove to white people that he’s not racist

Republicans have been trying to sort out why black people tend not to vote for their presidential candidates since they got annihilated in 2008 and then again in 2012. Nowhere is their deficit more pronounced than in Detroit which has a population that is 83% African American. In 2008, 98% of Detroit voters voted for Democrat Barack Obama. In 2014, […]

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The biggest story of the year is how Republicans starved the economy

The biggest story of the year is how Republicans starved the economy

How GOP austerity helped create Trump The conservative media can’t stop complaining that we’re in the midst of the worst recovery since World War II — despite the fact that it’s likely that more private sector jobs will be created in President Obama’s second term than have ever been created in four years under any Republican. But conservatives aren’t complaining, […]

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Maybe Donald Trump just doesn’t understand

Maybe Donald Trump just doesn’t understand

Here’s a subtle way to point out that Trump is the least qualified candidate for president we’ve ever seen You can’t see it in the polls — which show Hillary Clinton leading by more than 10 percent in states that would give her 298 electoral voters — but Donald Trump’s campaign has done one very smart thing recently. Trump has […]

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