Category: 2016

VIDEO: Donald Trump suggests assassinating Hillary Clinton as option to stop her from appointing Supreme Court justices

VIDEO: Donald Trump suggests assassinating Hillary Clinton as option to stop her from appointing Supreme Court justices

I knew Donald Trump couldn’t go more than a few days without saying something outrageous. Today it was to suggest that one way to stop Hillary Clinton from appointing Supreme Court justices if she becomes president is by assassinating her: Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing […]

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Donald Trump makes news in Detroit by not deviating from his teleprompter

Donald Trump makes news in Detroit by not deviating from his teleprompter

Donald Trump’s visit to Detroit yesterday seems to have made news largely because he didn’t say anything outrageous and wasn’t goaded into lashing out at over a dozen protesters who interrupted his speech. He stood quietly during each outburst then said, “Thank you”, as if he were to be commended for not telling the crowd to beat the daylights out […]

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Show us your taxes or pay for your own Secret Service protection

Show us your taxes or pay for your own Secret Service protection

If elected president, would Donald Trump defend our NATO allies if attacked as we’re obligated to by Article 5 of the NATO treaty? “If they fulfill their obligations to us, the answer is yes,” the GOP nominee said last month. Trump complained about our allies not meeting their financial obligations and questioning our need to protect him. Certainly, he’d hold […]

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REMINDER: Republicans were trying to steal this election and the courts stopped them

REMINDER: Republicans were trying to steal this election and the courts stopped them

The most openly racist GOP nominee ever is spewing the right’s most racist lies to attack voting rights The last few weeks has seen a series of victories for voting rights like we haven’t seen since 2012 — the last time the GOP tried to sway a presidential election by placing unnecessary burdens on voting. The Nation’s Ari Berman explains: […]

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It’s time we judge Donald Trump by the people he hires

It’s time we judge Donald Trump by the people he hires

The most unqualified person to run for president or vice president in recent memory prior to Donald Trump was obviously Sarah Palin. However, unlike Sarah Palin, Trump has never held an elected position in government of any kind. So, being the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska puts Palin ahead of Trump which is saying a LOT. Because of this, we have […]

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DNC video highlights – Part 1, Mothers of the Movement, #FlintWaterCrisis, and more

DNC video highlights – Part 1, Mothers of the Movement, #FlintWaterCrisis, and more

As many of you know, I was a pledged delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this year supporting Sec. Hillary Clinton. If you watched the roll call vote, you might have even seen me on TV: LOL. But the DNC was no laughing matter. It was a four-day effort to re-educate America about the decades of work done […]

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Help the Michigan Democratic Party send U.S. Constitutions to Donald Trump

Help the Michigan Democratic Party send U.S. Constitutions to Donald Trump

By now you’ve likely at least heard about if not actually heard Khizr Khan’s powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention last week. Mr. Khan and his wife Ghazala lost their son Captain Humayan Khan when he was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004. This Gold Star family had some very pointed words for Donald Trump: Donald […]

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This is why I’m excited about electing Hillary Clinton in 2016

This is why I’m excited about electing Hillary Clinton in 2016

If you don’t have some doubts about a candidate you’re supporting for the most important job in the world, you’re not an adult. And if you can’t tell the difference between a person who denies climate science, wants to deport 11 million people, reverse Roe v. Wade, target Americans based on religion, and take health insurance from 20 million Americans […]

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GUEST POST: It’s a hard world for little things

GUEST POST: It’s a hard world for little things

This essay was written by Molly Tamulevich. Molly is a self-described proud Michigander from Royal Oak, Michigan who advocates for both human and non-human animals. By day she works to promote fair housing. In her free time she photographs the secret lives of insects on Instagram @tamtamsituation. Enjoy. I don’t know what to do with my master’s degree in Community […]

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There has never been a more important election for the working poor

There has never been a more important election for the working poor

A vote for Trump is vote to rip health insurance from 10 million low-income Americans The greatest tragedy in American politics is that most poor people don’t vote. This dooms us to escalating wealth inequality that’s becoming indistinguishable from economic feudalism. And the second greatest tragedy is that that anyone might be tricked into suggesting that Donald Trump is somehow […]

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VIDEO: Sen. Bernie Sanders addresses the Michigan delegation on the final day of the Democratic National Convention

VIDEO: Sen. Bernie Sanders addresses the Michigan delegation on the final day of the Democratic National Convention

This morning, on the final day of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, the delegations from Minnesota, Tennessee, and Oregon joined the Michigan delegation for breakfast and welcomed Sen. Bernie Sanders who spoke for over 20 minutes. He hit all the major themes of his campaign and urged his supporters to remain engaged and involved. He reminded those in attendance that […]

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