Category: 2016

There is something you can do about it

There is something you can do about it

Four more Ruth Bader Ginsburgs or four more Samuel Alitos My wife doesn’t usually try to scare me on purpose. She knows I’m already prone to dreams in which Trump wins and we all end up with Vladimir Putin faces — like in that one Twilight Zone. So when she sent me this piece that’s going around by Tobias Stone, […]

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Jennifer Granholm brings down the house with her “Michigan Convention Ode”, a poem about Donald Trump

Jennifer Granholm brings down the house with her “Michigan Convention Ode”, a poem about Donald Trump

This morning at the Michigan DNC delegation breakfast, former Governor (and my personal friend and hero) Jennifer Granholm read a poem she wrote about Donald Trump. She had the entire room in stitches so I asked her if I could share it with our readers and she kindly agreed. Enjoy! Michigan Convention Ode — a little fun at the Michigan […]

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Four things to know about the DNC email leaks

Four things to know about the DNC email leaks

The evolving story about the leaked Democratic National Committee emails got quite a bit more complicated today, with cybersecurity experts weighing in that Russian government operatives are likely behind the hack. If you’re head is swimming, like mine has been, here’s a lowdown on what’s known, what’s hype, and what seems to be straight bunk. First, the emails indicate some staffers […]

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My Stuttering Mind

My Stuttering Mind

I have not posted in about a month. The reason escaped me for the weeks since, but I think I have finally figured it out. My mind is stuttering. I have been deeply involved in politics for 25 years now. Most of that time on the radio, but certainly as an activist, a surrogate for many candidates, and a guest […]

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Trump has already made David Duke relevant again

Trump has already made David Duke relevant again

And he’s changing brains for the worse Donald Trump says America is a hellscape. Either he’s been spending too much time at Trump rallies — or he actually has a strategy that requires us to believe that historically low crime, record-high employment and the most secure border in generations are terrible things. If you’re masochistic like me you spend much […]

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Trump has been calling himself “President of the United States of America” for a year now on election filings

Trump has been calling himself “President of the United States of America” for a year now on election filings

A new piece out in Vanity Fair contains a buried lede that should easily have been the headline. In filings over the past year with the Federal Elections Commission, Donald Trump refers to himself as “President of the United States of America”. The first of the filings was in July of last year: In his 92-page financial disclosure to the […]

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What Melania Trump’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama tells us about Trump’s hypocrisy

What Melania Trump’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama tells us about Trump’s hypocrisy

By now you’ve probably read about Donald Trump’s wife Melania and the speech she gave at the National Republican Convention last night. Her plagiarism of Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech was first noticed by journalist Jarrett Hill whose tweet blew up the internet: CORRECTION: Melania stole a whole graph from Michelle's speech. #GOPConvention WATCH: — Jarrett Hill (@JarrettHill) July […]

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You could fill the entire GOP Convention speaker schedule with people refusing to appear. The Clinton campaign did!

You could fill the entire GOP Convention speaker schedule with people refusing to appear. The Clinton campaign did!

The list of speakers appearing on stage at the Republican National Convention this week has finally been announced (HERE) and it’s chock-full of people you have probably never heard of. It’s also chock-full of people who are Trump family members (five of them!), Trump employees, or celebrity heartthrobs of the tea party/anti-Obama/anti-Clinton persuasion. The number of people who have declined […]

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REMINDER: Republicans are still letting the working poor suffer and die

REMINDER: Republicans are still letting the working poor suffer and die

How would Andy Saas’ life be different if Obamacare had never become law and Kentucky’s former governor hadn’t accepted Medicaid expansion? “I would end up with no teeth in my face.” That’s what Saas told Politico’s Rachana Pradhan for a must-read investigation into the inequities of Medicaid expansion. A door-to-door meat salesperson who also runs recovery houses for former addicts, […]

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5 sacred GOP beliefs even more unpopular than Trump

5 sacred GOP beliefs even more unpopular than Trump

It’s GOP platform time, when America gets reminded that the Republicans who are ruining acres of underwear with their fears that Trump is ruining their brand were doing a fantastic job on their own. We’re often told how unpopular Donald Trump is — and it’s true. He’s the least popular candidate on record. But he’s practically SuperReagan Pokémon Kardashian compared to […]

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It’s time to tear the GOP apart — and possibly take the House

It’s time to tear the GOP apart — and possibly take the House

Why Democrats must force Trump to take a stand on Ryan’s plan to end Medicare and raise the retirement age In retrospect, Mitt Romney did a couple of very smart things in 2012. He junked a dopey video Donald Trump made for the GOP convention and he hid Paul Ryan during the last weeks of the election. Donald Trump in […]

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