Category: 2016

What we learned about Trump’s greatest fear from his attacks on Judge Curiel

What we learned about Trump’s greatest fear from his attacks on Judge Curiel

He’s much more afraid of being known as a fraud than a racist You know the 2016 election is getting to you when Donald Trump’s bigotry starts to make sense. Continuously confronted with most outwardly bigoted major candidate since George Wallace, you could easily to forget that Trump’s use of racism is strategic, as it seems as haphazard and spewed […]

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This I can tell you: One veterans group that (finally) got its Trump #VetGate cash is a shady operation out of Michigan

This I can tell you: One veterans group that (finally) got its Trump #VetGate cash is a shady operation out of Michigan

Donald Trump is involved in a number of scandals this week. First, his swindling of Trump University students has made the national spotlight when the Washington Post convinced the judge overseeing the case to release internal Trump U. documents to the public. That sham operation is still unfolding and the “sleazy” media that’s daring to do its job by investigating […]

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This would be the most satisfying result of the 2016 election

This would be the most satisfying result of the 2016 election

“You have to take the threat of Trump becoming president seriously, but you shouldn’t treat him as a serious person,” Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior adviser to President Obama, recently told The New York Times. Get it? You don’t have to squint to see a bit of Ronald Reagan in his rise and it would be easy to do what […]

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This is how you attack Donald Trump

This is how you attack Donald Trump

America is not a charity that exists to make Donald Trump rich Tuesday night at the Center for Popular Democracy, Elizabeth Warren gave the longform version of the argument she’ll be making against Donald Trump. If it were a mixtape of her best rhymes, here’s the standout verse: For all we know he could be paying zero taxes today. And […]

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GOP funder Ron Weiser: The perfect choice for Trump Victory Fund leadership given his racist comments about Detroit

GOP funder Ron Weiser: The perfect choice for Trump Victory Fund leadership given his racist comments about Detroit

Earlier this month, Donald Trump reached an agreement with the Republican National Committee to form a joint fundraising committee called “Trump Victory”. The fund will allow donors to funnel as much as $450,000 each into Republican coffers. The agreement is between Trump, the RNC, and the state Republican Parties in Arkansas, Connecticut, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, […]

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Forget ‘Reagan Democrats,’ it’s ‘Bernie Democrats’ who could decide this election

Forget ‘Reagan Democrats,’ it’s ‘Bernie Democrats’ who could decide this election

All hands on deck The only thing I hate more than arguing with people online is arguing with people I generally agree with… anywhere. This isn’t just because I’m a terrible debater who tends to break out into fits and mascara-laden tears when anyone does anything but pat my head or offer me a hand massage. The point of most […]

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Donald Trump paid no taxes and he made you pay for it

Donald Trump paid no taxes and he made you pay for it

Why it still matters that you subsidize Trump’s lifestyle The last time Donald Trump released his personal income taxes, they revealed that he paid zero, nothing, nada. “The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision […]

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Hillary Clinton is winning because she is winning more voters

Hillary Clinton is winning because she is winning more voters

There is no evidence that the establishment is overruling the will of the people in the Democratic primary 1) Clinton has consistently led national match-ups. Sanders was gaining ground on her, but that appears to have stopped and even reversed. At no point in the entire cycle has he led the Huffington Post polling average. If we went back now […]

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Donald Trump is playing the role of The Mule from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy

Donald Trump is playing the role of The Mule from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy

Anyone making predictions about the outcome of the 2016 presidential race is on a fool’s errand. The existence of a Donald Trump candidacy is a disruptor. It creates such chaos and uncertainty that nothing about the race is predictable. Lately I’ve been thinking about the parallels between Donald Trump as a political candidate and the character of The Mule in […]

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Yes, Trump wants to cut taxes on the richest when we need to do the exact opposite

Yes, Trump wants to cut taxes on the richest when we need to do the exact opposite

But it probably feels like a tax increase because may not have paid taxes in a decades Donald Trump’s move to the center has begun, the press insisted on Sunday. So far this tactical shift has included attacking Rosie O’Donnell again, spending Mother’s Day insisting that women have it easier than men and babbling about his economic plans. Basically, it’s […]

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Yes, of course, Trump can win — if we let him

Yes, of course, Trump can win — if we let him

Get ready. The pearls are going to get sweaty. The clutching over every perceived misstep that Hillary Clinton makes will be non-stop as every gaffe is escalated into a five-alarm fire — and for good reason. Democrats could easily blow this. And, even more importantly, the press will do everything it can to make it seem as it Trump really […]

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