Category: 2016

Let the great unskewing begin

Let the great unskewing begin

The GOP — and the press — need to pretend Trump can win, which is why Rasmussen exists Tonight, it happens. Unless the polls are wrong, a guy who has called for the deportations of families of U.S. citizens — including the actual U.S. citizen — will become the presumptive GOP nominee. And as soon as that happens, most of […]

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Ted Cruz is the ‘Generic’ Republican

Ted Cruz is the ‘Generic’ Republican

A new electoral map projection from Morning Consult shows Hillary Clinton crushing Ted Cruz and Donald Trump but getting crushed by John Kasich. Here’s her versus Trump: Cruz: Kasich: The logic behind this is that Kasich is supposed to be a stand-in for the “generic Republican” candidate, which makes some sense. He’s barely known and Hillary Clinton has several Air […]

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Could 2016 be the year of the four-party post-primary presidential contest?

Could 2016 be the year of the four-party post-primary presidential contest?

Let’s face it: NOBODY has a clue how the presidential primaries will shake out. Despite recent surges (and primary wins) by Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the presumptive “favorites” according to the basic delegate math. But there’s also the fact that this year is like no other presidential election year in recent memory and, […]

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Donald Trump is hoping you will lose your job if it will help him win

Donald Trump is hoping you will lose your job if it will help him win

Let’s start off by making something clear. Donald Trump’s economic predictions are terrible, self-serving garbage. “I think it’s a great time to start a mortgage company,” Trump told CNBC in April of 2006, when he happened to be starting a mortgage company as the biggest real estate bubble in history was about to burst all over his face. He then […]

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WARNING: This may be as unpopular as Trump will get

WARNING: This may be as unpopular as Trump will get

These are stormy days for Donald Trump, who is increasingly demonstrating both the glow and consistency of a rotting peach. As he nears the Republican nomination, or at least clarity that he will be the candidate who heads into the nomination with the most delegates, there’s increasing evidence that some major players in his party are preparing to swipe the […]

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Paul Ryan is more dangerous than Donald Trump will ever be

Paul Ryan is more dangerous than Donald Trump will ever be

The election of Donald Trump would be a threat to the global economy on par with “the rising threat of jihadi terrorism,” according to The Economist‘s Global Forecasting Service. It’s easy to see why policy experts who value sober reasoning, conventionality and actually knowing things are terrified of Donald Trump, who doesn’t seem to even grasp the basics of, say, […]

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Trump assures Republicans that he’s in on the Supreme Con

Trump assures Republicans that he’s in on the Supreme Con

Donald Trump isn’t running a conventional campaign and that’s why angry white people love him — but probably not enough angry white people to ever make him president. This week he’s going to do something no candidate has ever done before. No, not just continually incite violence or hire someone who can’t seem to keep his hands or sexist thoughts […]

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Don’t expect Trump to break up the GOP

Don’t expect Trump to break up the GOP

Donald Trump is supposedly upending everything we know about politics! Democrats have gone from a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate to losing both houses of congress and about two-thirds of all state legislatures in six years. And while some of this is a normal reaction to a president holding two terms, it’s also evidence that the “Long Con” of the […]

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This is why Donald Trump can lie and lie and still seem honest to conservatives

This is why Donald Trump can lie and lie and still seem honest to conservatives

In order to fix income inequality we must talk about this first. Demos & explain . . . Posted by on Friday, March 11, 2016 Talking about race without mentioning race isn’t just the most effective dark art of American politics — it’s the recipe for destroying the middle class. In the 1960s, conservatives and the Osmond family […]

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UPDATED: Obama is totes trolling the GOP with the SCOTUS nomination of Merrick Garland

UPDATED: Obama is totes trolling the GOP with the SCOTUS nomination of Merrick Garland

President Obama’s nomination of the moderate federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court is, perhaps, his most blatant trolling of Republicans during his entire presidency. Make no mistake, Garland is eminently qualified. Not only that, he’s liked by Democrats and Republicans alike. NPR’s SCOTUS-watcher Nina Totenberg described Garland as a “gentle individual” and pointed out that Republican […]

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Is violence Trump’s hedge against a convention coup?

Is violence Trump’s hedge against a convention coup?

Call me a Trump Believer. He’s sold me. Not on his candidacy, which I will oppose with all of my being — but on his seriousness and his savvy, which are hard to see beneath all the hate and Halloween makeup. His campaign has been more method than madness, built on a mission to avenge a humiliation and steeped in […]

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