Category: Affordable Care Act

Obamacare is there for Western Michigan University students who lost insurance

Obamacare is there for Western Michigan University students who lost insurance

Students starting the new school year have one less thing to worry about thanks to the Affordable Care Act. With the announcement this week that Western Michigan University (WMU) will no longer offer student health insurance, there were probably more than a few students wondering, “Now what?” Fortunately, the Affordable Care Act has the answer. Thanks to the ACA (aka […]

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How many American lives would Obamacare repeal put at risk? 19,000, says one study

How many American lives would Obamacare repeal put at risk? 19,000, says one study

The biggest sign of Obamacare’s success is Republicans rarely bother to complain about it anymore. There’s the usual minor freakout about premium increases that upon a bit of investigation proves to be at least no worse than what we saw before Obamacare — and probably better if you shop around. And news that California, which has excelled in implementing the […]

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New poll shows GOP approval lowest in decades — but conservatives would like it to be lower

New poll shows GOP approval lowest in decades — but conservatives would like it to be lower

The Republican Party’s approval rating is now lower in the Pew poll than at any time since 1992. It’s lower now than it was during the government shutdowns in 2013 and the mid 1990s — lower than the absolute nadir of George W. Bush’s presidency when we were actively losing two wars as the global economy teetered on the edge […]

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Michigan Medicaid expansion increases doctor appointment availability, defying expectations

Michigan Medicaid expansion increases doctor appointment availability, defying expectations

Study shows that access to physicians went up, not down — exactly the opposite of what ACA opponents predicted. Once again, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is proving its critics wrong. Opponents of the ACA, or Obamacare, have been falling all over themselves proclaiming that an influx of new patients will overburden the healthcare system, creating a dire doctor shortage. […]

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Everything you need to know about the right’s obsession to defame and defund Planned Parenthood (but were afraid to Google)

Everything you need to know about the right’s obsession to defame and defund Planned Parenthood (but were afraid to Google)

What is going on here and why does it matter? “Nope, zero.” That was President Obama’s response when Speaker Boehner asked him how much he was willing to cut from Planned Parenthood in 2011. Defunding the organization that has provided health care for 1 in 5 women in America has become a conservative obsession since the rise of the “non-partisan, […]

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Democrats’ secret weapons — Medicare and Medicaid

Democrats’ secret weapons — Medicare and Medicaid

America is going through a strange sort of puberty. Since the late 1960s, the Republican Party has built a majority based on exploiting the Democratic Party’s “negro problem,” as it was described in the 1969 book The Emerging Republican Majority. In the late 70s found an activist army big and bold enough to counter organized labor by embracing evangelical furor, […]

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Can’t wait to get hitched now that marriage equality is here? Don’t wait to get health insurance, either

Can’t wait to get hitched now that marriage equality is here? Don’t wait to get health insurance, either

Everything LGBT people need to know about signing up for health insurance after getting married. Last week’s historic ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court affirming marriage equality for everyone across the country means there are going to be a lot of weddings this summer. But that’s just the beginning of the good news. Many LGBT people may not realize that […]

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Take a moment to celebrate and then let’s finish the job once and for all

Take a moment to celebrate and then let’s finish the job once and for all

Last week was an incredible week for all Americans, but most especially for progressives and activists and advocates for equality and equity. We need to take time to celebrate these crucial and impactful Supreme Court decisions, all three of them. King v. Burwell affirmed what most common sense non-elected Republicans have known from the beginning of the Affordable Care Act. […]

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Millions breathe a sigh of relief after Obamacare Supreme Court win

Millions breathe a sigh of relief after Obamacare Supreme Court win

The jubilation of one couple echoes that of more than six million Americans. When Dawn Erina got the news alert on her phone saying that the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld the tax subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), she was in the car with her husband, Leonard. “I just started screaming ‘Oh my God! Oh my God!’” she […]

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Obamacare’s Supreme Court victory makes the law’s opponents look more cynical than ever

Obamacare’s Supreme Court victory makes the law’s opponents look more cynical than ever

Congressman Dan Kildee speaks out against Michigan AG Bill Schuette for turning people into political pawns. The King v. Burwell case disputing the legitimacy of tax subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) wasn’t the first attack on the law and it probably won’t be the last. But with every victory for Obamacare, an increasingly bright light is being cast […]

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U.S. Supreme Court upholds Obamacare tax subsidies, a life-saving decision

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Obamacare tax subsidies, a life-saving decision

As we celebrate a huge victory for the ACA, let’s remember who benefits most: healthcare consumers and patients. I admit, my heart was in my throat waiting for the ruling in King v. Burwell, the latest and perhaps most significant challenge to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka Obamacare. At risk were the tax subsidies for more than six million […]

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