Category: Affordable Care Act

How Obamacare is moving the cause of LGBT equality forward

How Obamacare is moving the cause of LGBT equality forward

The law has delivered great progress, but there’s still more work to be done. With LGBT Pride Month still in full swing, it’s a great time to celebrate the progress made by and for the LGBT community, especially in healthcare access thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). At the same time, there’s a lot at stake this month, between […]

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Obamacare is an extraordinary success — which is why the GOP must do anything to wound it

Obamacare is an extraordinary success — which is why the GOP must do anything to wound it

This week, as the Supreme Court weighs whether or not to yank subsidies that help at least 6 million Americans gain health insurance, we got some extraordinary news. For the first time, the Urban Institute finds that our uninsured rate may be below 10 percent, Forbes‘ Dan Diamond notes. In states that have accepted Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion it’s 7.5 percent. […]

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One Republican lying is a joke, all Republicans lying is a strategy

One Republican lying is a joke, all Republicans lying is a strategy

We got a preview of the clusterfuganonsense that our politics will descend to if the Supreme Court decides to deny 6.5 million Americans tax credits to buy health insurance on Monday. After President Obama, in his role as President Obvious, said the Supreme Court shouldn’t have even taken King v. Burwell, Senator John Thune sent out a tweet that was […]

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Recent college grads: get smart about getting health insurance

Recent college grads: get smart about getting health insurance

If you just graduated from college, here are some helpful hints about health insurance. It’s that time of year, and if you’re among those who just graduated from college, congratulations! You worked hard to get where you are today. After the celebrations, you may start worrying about getting a job, finding a place to live and more. But one thing […]

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If you don’t want to pay for other people’s health insurance, you can’t live in a first world nation

If you don’t want to pay for other people’s health insurance, you can’t live in a first world nation

You already pay for my health care. I already pay for yours. We just do it in the most expensive way possible. For instance, even though the Florida House again rejected Medicaid expansion on Friday, the state will still being paying for program that could have expanded coverage to as many as 1.8 million low-income Floridians. And if these people […]

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Obamacare gives LGBT people more reasons to celebrate at Motor City Pride

Obamacare gives LGBT people more reasons to celebrate at Motor City Pride

While gathering for Michigan’s biggest celebration of LBGT pride, give three cheers (or even five) for improved care access thanks to the ACA. This weekend, people from across Michigan will head to Detroit’s Hart Plaza for Motor City Pride to celebrate the many contributions and achievements of the LGBT community. One key advancement to recognize is improved access to healthcare […]

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BREAKING: The guys who want to destroy Obamacare will never do anything to fix Obamacare

BREAKING: The guys who want to destroy Obamacare will never do anything to fix Obamacare

The Supreme Court will soon decide King v. Burwell and the fate of the health coverage of 8 million or so Americans in states that chose not to build an Affordable Care Act marketplace. It’s difficult to understate how ridiculous the argument the guys who want to destroy Obamacare are making in this case is. But I suppose it’s no more […]

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Obama administration stands up to health insurers on birth control coverage and more

Obama administration stands up to health insurers on birth control coverage and more

Efforts will ensure compliance with the Affordable Care Act and help reduce out-of-pocket costs.

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How Republicans are helping teach Americans to love government-run health care

How Republicans are helping teach Americans to love government-run health care

Republicans might be worried about this chart, the gold-standard Kaiser Foundation tracking poll of opinion on the Affordable Care Act, which shows approval for the law above water for the first time since the launch of But it’s blip and likely an outlier. What they should be worried about is this chart, Gallup’s measure of Americans’ satisfaction with government’s […]

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GOP State Sen. Colbeck revises Detroit News anti-Obamacare op-ed after getting busted for lying

GOP State Sen. Colbeck revises Detroit News anti-Obamacare op-ed after getting busted for lying

A couple of weeks ago, Eclectablog team member Charles Gaba – publisher of the internationally-recognized – busted Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck for spewing lies about the Affordable Care Act. Charles found no less than seven clear factual errors in Colbeck’s op-ed in The Detroit News. Here are a few of the more egregious items: He claimed that the […]

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Another good week for Obamacare, especially in Michigan

Another good week for Obamacare, especially in Michigan

The numbers reflect the growing popularity of the ACA and the success of outreach efforts. Due in large part to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka Obamacare, America’s uninsured rate has dropped to 11.9 percent, the lowest level since Gallup and Healthways began tracking it in 2008. More Americans under age 65 now have self-funded insurance – in fact, nearly […]

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