Category: Affordable Care Act

Republicans are as wrong about Obamacare as they were about the Iraq War

Republicans are as wrong about Obamacare as they were about the Iraq War

A new report from the Urban Institute details what every honest adult already knows: Obamacare is the most successful new government program since Medicare and Medicaid. In states that have fully implemented the law, the uninsured population has been cut in half. Tens of millions of Americans have been covered and about 14 million of them were uninsured before. Health […]

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Fined for not having health insurance in 2014? You can still sign up for 2015 coverage

Fined for not having health insurance in 2014? You can still sign up for 2015 coverage

Special enrollment period through April 30 is available for people who learned of penalties on their 2014 tax return. It shouldn’t have been news to anyone that if you don’t have health insurance, you’ll have to pay a penalty unless your income is so low you can’t afford coverage. But since 2014 was the first year the Affordable Care Act […]

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Obamacare means never having to worry about health insurance, even if you change jobs

Obamacare means never having to worry about health insurance, even if you change jobs

Instead of being tied to a job for the insurance benefits, Americans have the freedom to pursue their dreams. Ever since he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 10, Shawn Dhanak says he worried about what he was going to do when he was no longer covered by his parents’ insurance. He remembers his grandmother telling him, “You […]

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For the Affordable Care Act’s 5th birthday, 5 of its 16 million success stories

For the Affordable Care Act’s 5th birthday, 5 of its 16 million success stories

These are only five of the millions of Americans whose lives have been changed for the better thanks to the ACA. Call it Obamacare, call it the Affordable Care Act or the ACA. Whatever you call it, you have to call it a success — because it is. March 23, 2015, marks the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing the […]

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Republicans pick preventable death and debt over expanding health insurance

Republicans pick preventable death and debt over expanding health insurance

If there were actually a liberal Fox News, America would be messing itself over the GOP’s new budget proposal. Relying on savage cuts to those who have been most brutalized by the Bush Recession, the new blueprint from House Republicans claims to make a huge dent in our long-term debt. But the proposal is so much less believable than Harry […]

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5 reasons you can call the 2016 election the most important election of our lifetime

5 reasons you can call the 2016 election the most important election of our lifetime

Republicans are so supportive these days! Matt Drudge is thrilled about the presidential candidacy of Martin O’Malley. William Kristol and Karl Rove want to see Elizabeth Warren get into the 2016 Democratic primary. Reihan Salam has five progressives he’d like to see oppose Hillary. Either our conservative friends want a candidate who would be tougher on corporate greed or they […]

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‘I didn’t leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left Alex P. Keaton’ by Alex P. Keaton

‘I didn’t leave the Republican Party; the Republican Party left Alex P. Keaton’ by Alex P. Keaton

Help me out with this. Why are we still arguing about Obamacare — in 2015? Why haven’t conservatives even voted on a replacement? Could it be that the plan inspired by the guy we nominated for president in 2012 isn’t exactly pure, distilled communism? As I read the coverage of the Supreme Court arguments in the case of King v. […]

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5 disasters to expect if the Supreme Court guts the Affordable Care Act

5 disasters to expect if the Supreme Court guts the Affordable Care Act

If Republicans are trying to show people how crucial Obamacare is, King v. Burwell could be the perfect way to do it. The lawsuit that could end subsidies to the millions of Americans in 34 states who purchased insurance through the federal health care exchange will be argued on March 4. But we already have hints of what the impact […]

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Republicans love America — and they want to show it by taking insurance from 8.2 million working Americans

Republicans love America — and they want to show it by taking insurance from 8.2 million working Americans

This week a somewhat abstruse debate about whether America should purposely try to antagonize 1.6 billion Muslims morphed into an impossibly stupid debate about whether the President of the United States really loves the United States. Meanwhile, in actual news, there’s an absurd lawsuit that threatens to wreak havoc on our health care system. The Urban Institute projects a victory […]

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Michigan small business offers competitive employee benefits thanks to the ACA

Michigan small business offers competitive employee benefits thanks to the ACA

The new SHOP insurance marketplace at gives young company affordable options. Ryan Irvin and Amanda Stitt are the kind of small business owners who want to do the right thing for their employees. But they’re also business owners who need to pay attention to the bottom line. Fortunately, they’re able to do both. The Small Business Health Options Program […]

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The GOP’s nightmare: Obama and Obamacare both hit new highs

The GOP’s nightmare: Obama and Obamacare both hit new highs

After a rough year, Democrats should savor what happened on Monday February 17, 2015. President Obama and Obamacare both hit 50 percent. The president’s approval rating is back at 50 percent in the Gallup daily tracking poll. He hit the halfway mark for the first time since June 2013 just after his most recent State of the Union and then […]

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