Category: Affordable Care Act

Why a Supreme Court ruling against Obamacare would be bad for America’s health

Why a Supreme Court ruling against Obamacare would be bad for America’s health

The King v. Burwell case could leave millions without health insurance. That’s not good for anyone. When Dawn Erina needed some minor surgery early this year, she was able to afford it. She could afford physical therapy visits, too. Without the surgery, Dawn would have struggled to do her job. When Dawn needed to refill one of her prescriptions, she […]

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5 ways Obama can ensure he will go down as great and not just a great-ish president

5 ways Obama can ensure he will go down as great and not just a great-ish president

A new poll of 162 members of the American Political Science Association ranks President Obama 18th among the 43 men who have served as President of the United States. The poll indicts itself as being an immediate relic of this historical moment by placing Obama as the second most polarizing chief executive in U.S. history, behind George W. Bush, who […]

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Procrastinators rejoice! Health insurance enrollment extended in all states

Procrastinators rejoice! Health insurance enrollment extended in all states

If you started enrolling before midnight on February 15, you can still get covered. But don’t delay! This post has been updated to reflect that all states have granted extensions. It’s not like there wasn’t plenty of advance notice. But if you were trying to sign up for health insurance and didn’t finish the process before midnight on February 15, […]

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“Don’t put off buying health insurance,” says young man with cancer

“Don’t put off buying health insurance,” says young man with cancer

Brian was the picture of health before his diagnosis. He’s grateful he has insurance and wants everyone to get covered. Back in 2012, Brian Skibo had no reason to think there was anything wrong other than some work-related back pain. But when the pain didn’t respond to treatment, and he started getting headaches, his doctor ordered some tests. What the […]

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Even Fox News knows Republicans can’t take credit for the best job creation of the century

Even Fox News knows Republicans can’t take credit for the best job creation of the century

On Fox News: Friday’s jobs report was terrible news, barely worth mentioning. “So the headline is unemployment rate ticks up to 5.7″ percent,” Steve Doocy said, as he quickly wrapped up the segment. In reality: “This might just be the most perfect payrolls report ever,” according to economist Justin Wolfers. On Twitter, he raved about the strong growth of 257,000 […]

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UPDATED: A Supreme Court decision against Obamacare “would be a serious danger to my husband’s health,” says woman

UPDATED: A Supreme Court decision against Obamacare “would be a serious danger to my husband’s health,” says woman

If SCOTUS eliminates the ACA’s tax credits, Dolly and Chip would no longer be able to afford insurance — and the consequences could be life-threatening. UPDATE: After this story was posted, Dolly resubmitted an application for Medicaid and she and her husband were accepted into the program based on their very low income. So although they are no longer at […]

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An inside view of what’s next in health reform, from Health Action 2015

An inside view of what’s next in health reform, from Health Action 2015

There’s nothing like a conference full of health advocates to remind you how far we’ve come — and how far we have to go. If you think the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is all there is to health reform, you could not be more wrong. It’s understandable, I suppose, that folks who don’t work in health advocacy might not be […]

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Young woman with a heart condition can finally get the care she needs thanks to the ACA

Young woman with a heart condition can finally get the care she needs thanks to the ACA

A hospital denied her treatment after a stroke because she didn’t have insurance, but Obamacare changed all that. When Jae Stewart was 14 years old, she collapsed in the gym while playing basketball. The doctors said she had a heart murmur and sent her on her way, but little did Jae know this was the beginning of a lifetime of […]

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The one chart that shows why conservatives can’t run on income inequality

The one chart that shows why conservatives can’t run on income inequality

Republicans struggle to attack Obama economy they failed to sabotage and want to take credit for Republicans are in an amazing bind. The first year of the Affordable Care Act marketplaces didn’t destroy the economy. Neither have two straight years of higher taxes on the rich. Instead, we got the best year of job creation of the century. Conservatives go […]

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Republican U.S. Senator sues to stop Obamacare because it’s hurting his political reputation (srsly)

Republican U.S. Senator sues to stop Obamacare because it’s hurting his political reputation (srsly)

It takes a lot to surprise me when it comes to Republicans these days but this story is leaving me with my head shaking. U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin is suing to stop the Affordable Care Act because, according to him, it has hurt his political reputation and his political career. You can’t make this stuff up. Explaining this […]

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Man living with AIDS finds better insurance that does more and costs less, thanks to the ACA

Man living with AIDS finds better insurance that does more and costs less, thanks to the ACA

His premiums are $500 less per month and there’s zero co-pay for the expensive medicine he needs to stay alive. When your life depends on taking your medication on time, every single day, it’s not something you take chances with. As a man living with AIDS, Dan Waszak was willing to pay as much as $1,480 a month for health […]

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