Category: Affordable Care Act

“The ACA is lifesaving for me,” says man being treated for a brain tumor

“The ACA is lifesaving for me,” says man being treated for a brain tumor

His medical bills would bankrupt him without insurance, which he might not have been able to buy before Obamacare. Things were looking good for David Wenzel in 2009. He was in the midst of starting his own business, which meant no longer having to work for someone else. But then he got the worse possible news: David was diagnosed with […]

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Why Mitt Romney’s tax returns are the most important historical document of the 21st century

Why Mitt Romney’s tax returns are the most important historical document of the 21st century

It must be nice to know that you stand to inherit some Mitt Romney money. Sure, you’re already benefiting from a tsunami of advantages, including the spoils of your father’s political connections. But nothing beats winning destiny’s lottery and knowing that you’re skirting all sorts of tax obligations along the way. But great as it is to be a direct […]

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If the Affordable Care Act wasn’t working, the GOP wouldn’t be trying to break it

If the Affordable Care Act wasn’t working, the GOP wouldn’t be trying to break it

As you know, the Affordable Care Act is working. The uninsured rate is near a historic low as is the growth in health spending. Care is improving in an “unprecedented” way and fewer people are struggling with medical bills. Republican spent years telling us this law would crash under its own weight. And during the worst of the launch of […]

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Working America Health Care has got you covered — before, during and after enrollment

Working America Health Care has got you covered — before, during and after enrollment

If you haven’t signed up for health insurance yet, this program is a great way to go. The clock is ticking on 2015 open enrollment for health insurance. With the February 15th deadline approaching fast, the time to act is now if you’re not already covered. But getting health insurance is only the beginning. Then you have to put your […]

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Everything is awesome (compared to the last 14 years) — but the middle class is still dying

Everything is awesome (compared to the last 14 years) — but the middle class is still dying

First they sabotage you;then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they take credit for your economy. Bill Clinton learned this lesson long ago. Now Mitch McConnell is trying to teach it to President Obama. In an op-ed last week, he made ridiculous claim that anticipation of a Republican Senate is in some way responsible of an economic […]

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2014 was the best year for American workers in at least a decade

2014 was the best year for American workers in at least a decade

When an AirAsia plane disappeared on Sunday, CNN immediately began non-stop coverage reminiscent of the months it spent tracking the hunt for Malaysia Airlines flight 370, which has never been located. By Monday, the debris of the AirAsia vessel along with the bodies of those lost were discovered. These two lingering tragedies and the massive media coverage that followed have […]

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The Affordable Care Act gives Virginia woman the freedom to pursue her dream

The Affordable Care Act gives Virginia woman the freedom to pursue her dream

This entrepreneur was able to start her own business thanks to Obamacare. Lisa Kaneff has always considered herself a writer. In fact, that’s how she’s always introduced herself to people. But she wasn’t living that dream to the fullest, until the Affordable Care Act (ACA) made it possible. Before the ACA, Lisa was working in public relations and marketing as […]

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The guys who won’t admit George W. Bush was a disaster won’t ever admit that Obama is a success

The guys who won’t admit George W. Bush was a disaster won’t ever admit that Obama is a success

Mitt Romney promised 6 percent unemployment. Newt Gingrich said he’d get us $2.50 a gallon. Tim Pawlenty vowed 5 percent growth. And now that America has hit these arbitrary positive milestones under President Obama, shouldn’t someone be taking a little credit? Someone is. Newt Gingrich. Spotted: Gas under $2 at @costco in #Richmond, #Virginia today. — Newt Gingrich […]

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Having faced a medical bankruptcy, Republican has a change of heart about the ACA

Having faced a medical bankruptcy, Republican has a change of heart about the ACA

Seeing other people’s success stories convinced her to look into getting covered — and she’s glad she did. UPDATED. See below. When health insurance became available through last year, Theresa had her doubts about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a fiercely independent small business owner — and a Republican — the only news she saw about Obamacare was […]

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WARNING: Asking the rich to invest more in taxes leads to the best job growth of the century

WARNING: Asking the rich to invest more in taxes leads to the best job growth of the century

Republican members of Congress spent much of the beginning of 1993 warning that raising taxes on the rich would destroy the economy. “It will kill jobs, kill businesses, and yes, kill even the higher tax revenues that these suicidal tax increasers hope to gain,” Rep. Christopher Cox said. And cut to the best job growth of the century — over […]

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Obamacare: unleashing the power of entrepreneurship on our economy

Obamacare: unleashing the power of entrepreneurship on our economy

My daughter turned 26 this past fall and is no longer covered by my health insurance. She had the misfortune of graduating from college with a Masters in bassoon performance right in the middle of the Great Recession. Though she has an advance degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music, finding a full-time position with an orchestra or symphony has […]

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