Category: Barack Obama

President Obama comes out of the gate powerfully against childish Republicans McCain & Graham

President Obama comes out of the gate powerfully against childish Republicans McCain & Graham

Game ON! I walked out of my hotel room this morning and this greeted me: It was a beautiful sight: President Obama setting a firm and adult-like tone against childish Republicans John “Who?” McCain and Lindsey “What about ME?” Graham who have suggested that they would filibuster an appointment of UN ambassador Susan Rice to be Secretary of State. President […]

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President Obama wastes no time claiming his mandate and spending his political capital

President Obama wastes no time claiming his mandate and spending his political capital

Seizing the moment

“Tuesday night, we found out that the majority of Americans agree with my approach”

That was President Obama yesterday wasting no time in claiming the mandate handed to him by a plurality of Americans: It’s time for an end to Republican obstructionism and, absolutely without question, it’s time to quit pretending that it’s acceptable to balance our budget and reduce our deficit by raising taxes on seniors and the middle class while letting our wealthiest Americans continue to avoid paying additional taxes. It was his first public appearance since the election and it was powerful.

Video, transcript and commentary after the jump.

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Karl Rove figured out how Barack Obama won on Tuesday: Voter suppression. I’m not kidding.

Karl Rove figured out how Barack Obama won on Tuesday: Voter suppression. I’m not kidding.

Aw geez, Karl. Just shut the hell up, wouldjya?

Karl Rove (aka “Turdblossom” and “Bush’s Brain”) has figured out how President Barack Obama managed to win re-election this year: Voter suppression.

No, seriously.

Details and Karl Rove-induced hilarity after the jump.

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It’s a new day. Again.

It’s a new day. Again.

I’ve been fightin’ for tomorrow all my life

Shortly after Wednesday, November 5th, 2008, I changed my iPhone ringtone to “It’s A New Day” by and I haven’t changed it since then. Over the past few weekends, whenever our GOTV canvassers called me in our Obama campaign office, my back pocket would ring out with that oh-so-perfect tune.

So much in the lyrics of’s song resonated with me in 2008 and still do today, particularly this part:

If you and I made it this far,
Well then hey, we can make it all the way
And they said no we can’t
And we said yes we can
Remember it’s you and me together

I woke up this morning
Feeling alright
I’ve been fightin’ for tomorrow
All my life
Yeah, I woke up this morning
Feeling brand new
Cause the dreams that I’ve been dreaming
Have finally came true

More after the jump.

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After you vote today, you can still do more

After you vote today, you can still do more

Every little bit helps

In our Obama campaign office in downtown Ann Arbor, we have the fairly typical crew of folks. There’s me, the Canvass Captain, and my Deputy Canvass Captain Jennifer who does as much or more than I do.

We have Kate who somehow manages to keep all of our canvass packets and canvassers organized so that she can report the numbers and so we can make sure everyone gets back safely.

There’s Randy, our Phonebank Captain, who is assisted by Kathy and keeps our steady flow of phonebankers trained and busy, and who manages to stay sane and calm when the predictive dialers are fussy. Thankfully, he’s also an expert in laser printer surgery.

We have Jeanette who is our gatekeeper at the front desk, making sure nobody gets by without being welcomed and then asked if they are volunteering for canvassing or phonebanking.

There’s Etta, our intrepid Comfort Captain, who keeps the coffee fresh and all of our volunteer staff fed along with our volunteers.

And then, of course, we have Alaina, our Staging Location Director. Alaina is doing the work of a staff person and gets paid only in smiles, headaches and the deep satisfaction that she has made a huge contribution to something she believes in strongly. She keeps us all focused and calm and determined and she does it with a big smile. All the time.

This is the normal contingent of volunteers that you’ll see at pretty much any Obama Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Staging Location across the country today. But our office has one more person that not every location is blessed to have.

We have Bette.

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Comedian Will Ferrell, founder of Facebook, will do ANYTHING to get your vote

Comedian Will Ferrell, founder of Facebook, will do ANYTHING to get your vote

He will eat human toenails

You gotta give Will Ferrell credit. The man REALLY wants you to vote. Video proof after the jump.

C’mon, people. Vote! Will Ferrell made you an owl.

Hoo, hoo.

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Karl Rove Begins To Give His Excuses For Wasting $300 Million Of Other People’s Money

Karl Rove Begins To Give His Excuses For Wasting $300 Million Of Other People’s Money

And I would have gotten away with if it weren’t for that pesky Superstorm! In 2000, Karl Rove predicted George W. Bush would win 320 electoral votes. Bush won 271–if you count Florida. In 2006, he said he had “THE math” that showed the GOP would keep the House of Representatives. They lost 30 seats and the House. In 2008, […]

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President Obama’s Weekly Address: Being there for the victims of Sandy

President Obama’s Weekly Address: Being there for the victims of Sandy

Here’s President Obama’s Weekly Address. As his opponent runs around the country, cheering for bad economic news for the USA and painting our government as reckless and oppressive, President Obama makes the very strong case for government’s role in society and our lives. I particularly loved this line:

This week, we have been humbled by nature’s destructive power. But we’ve been inspired as well. For when the storm was darkest, the heroism of our fellow citizens shone brightest.

The nurses and doctors at NYU Medical Center who evacuated fragile newborns, carrying some down several flights of stairs.

The firefighters in Queens who battled an inferno from flooded streets, and rescued people from an apartment building by boat.

The Coast Guard crews from North Carolina who saved a sinking ship in stormy seas – and their rescue swimmer who, when he reached those in need, said, “I’m Dan, and I hear you guys need a ride.”

That’s who we are. We’re Americans. When times are tough, we’re tougher. We put others first. We go that extra mile. We open our hearts and our homes to one another, as one American family. We recover, we rebuild, we come back stronger – and together we will do that once more. Thanks, God bless you, and God bless America.

Video after the jump.

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Romney finishes big: Closes his campaign with the most outrageous lie yet (& gets hammered for it)

Romney finishes big: Closes his campaign with the most outrageous lie yet (& gets hammered for it)

At least he’s consistent…

You have to hand it to Mitt Romney. While he may not be consistent on his political positions — okay, he’s NOT consistent on his political positions — at least he’s consistent in the fact that he’s willing to brazenly lie to the American people in order to win the Presidency.

His most recent lie — that Jeep is shipping jobs to China — is almost poetic in its hubris. It started with a statement on the campaign trail when it was added to his stump speech. He then doubled down and made a television ad out of it. He then tripled down and made a radio spot and with that one, he included GM as a domestic vehicle manufacturer shipping jobs to China. None of this is true.

And then the stuff hit the fan for Romney. More after the jump.

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All of the Big 3 are surging and the Obama campaign wants you to remember why (VIDEO)

All of the Big 3 are surging and the Obama campaign wants you to remember why (VIDEO)

Betting on the American worker is ALWAYS a good bet

The Big 3 are doing pretty damn good right now. This week get reports that Ford and Chrysler experienced increased sales in October and GM’s stock price shot up after its third quarter report.

The Obama administration literally saved the domestic vehicle manufacturers and they would like to remind you of that. Video after the jump.

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UPDATED: Get Out the Vote (GOTV) – Ann Arbor-style

UPDATED: Get Out the Vote (GOTV) – Ann Arbor-style

That’s the way it’s done, kids

In downtown Ann Arbor, tucked into Braun Court in Kerrytown, sits one of two offices for the Obama campaign. We’re right across from the Farmer’s Market and surrounded by some of the coolest stores and eateries in the city so we get a lot of foot traffic going by while we do our work to get out the vote (GOTV) for President Obama, Democrats in general and the variety of ballot proposals that Michiganders have to vote on this year.

The Kerrytown office is one of several GOTV staging locations in Washtenaw County and we are surpassing our goals on all fronts. See what that looks like after the jump.

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