Category: Barack Obama

Did Mitt Romney Just Surrender Ohio?

Did Mitt Romney Just Surrender Ohio?

Clear eyes. Full heart. Can’t win Ohio. Mitt Romney’s campaign has been doing the Charlie Sheen-iest to pretend they’re winning. But the facts are pretty obvious. If they can’t win Ohio, Wisconsin and Nevada, they’re done. Romney has never led in Ohio. President Obama has basically been running for “President of Ohio,” as Jon Stewart calls it for four years. […]

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VIDEO: Former Secretary of State General Colin Powell endorses Pres. Obama – “Romney’s foreign policy is a moving target”

VIDEO: Former Secretary of State General Colin Powell endorses Pres. Obama – “Romney’s foreign policy is a moving target”

This dude knows foreign policy and doesn’t like what he sees

Four Star General Colin Powell, the Secretary of State under George W. Bush, gave a full-throated endorsement of the reelection of President Obama this morning on the CBS This Morning show that was as much a condemnation of Mitt Romney’s “Romnesia” and constant shifting of positions on foreign policy and other issues as anything else. Four Star General Colin Powell, the Secretary of State under George W. Bush, gave a full-throated endorsement of the reelection of President Obama this morning on the CBS This Morning show that was as much a condemnation of Mitt Romney’s “Romnesia” and constant shifting of positions on foreign policy and other issues as anything else. He told Charlie Rose and Norah O’Donnell, “You know, I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012, and I’ll be voting for he and Vice President Joe Biden next month.”

In his endorsement, he characterized Romney’s foreign policy as “a moving target” and pointed out that the candidate is advised by and has views enspoused by neoconservatives with a thirst for war in the Middle East.

Video and transcript after the jump.

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Romney says he’ll balance the budget in “EIGHT TO TEN years”, slams Obama for not doing it in FOUR

Romney says he’ll balance the budget in “EIGHT TO TEN years”, slams Obama for not doing it in FOUR


Here’s something you may have missed during last night’s debate. Although the debate was supposed to be about foreign policy, it often veered back to domestic policy and the economy. During one of those veers, Mitt Romney said this:

“Come on our website. You look at how we get to a balanced budget within eight to 10 years. We do it by getting — by reducing spending in a whole series of programs.”

See why this is an unbelievably hypocritical statement after the jump.

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Only in America can Romney look so foolish and yet not lose ground in the polls

Only in America can Romney look so foolish and yet not lose ground in the polls

Drubbing. Clobbered. Embarrassed. Schooled. Pwned.

I made a prediction last night and it was this:

“This debate won’t change the polls. It will harden the camps and confuse the stupid people who are still ‘undecided’.”

Why? Because we are so polarized in the USA right now that the people who are paying attention and actually get most of what’s going on in our national discussion have already chosen their candidate and are simply looking for reinforcement of the choice. The remaining people — the so-called “undecideds” — are simply low-information voters. Which is, of course, the nice way to say “dumb”.

Seriously, if you can’t make up your mind between these two candidates by now, there is something wrong.

Much more analysis after the jump.

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Romney/Ryan: All H2 Hummer, no platoon

Romney/Ryan: All H2 Hummer, no platoon

“[Tonight’s] debate is about foreign policy. Spoiler alert: we got bin Laden” – Barack Obama

Don’t you get the feeling that, as a child, Mitt Romney was playing with priceless antique World War I army statues while the rest of the kids were playing with little plastic army men? What he knows and understands — or rather DOESN’T understand — about foreign policy is betrayed every time he says something or does something related to it.

His bluster while our embassy staff members were being murdered served no purpose other than to make him look stupid and the country look weak. Typically, when our country is under attack, everyone pulls together and presents a united front. Not Mitt Romney. He couldn’t wait to get in front of journalists and cameras to show the world how weak we are.

Atta boy, Mitt. You’re a real team player there, pal.

Much more after the jump.

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Politifact tells the tale: Obama/Biden lead in truth department, Romney/Ryan tell more lies (CHART)

Politifact tells the tale: Obama/Biden lead in truth department, Romney/Ryan tell more lies (CHART)

Not that this comes as any surprise or anything…

Here’s an interesting thing to ponder. When you have a look at the Politifact rulings on statements made by President Obama & Vice President Biden vs. the statements made by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, it becomes immediately obvious who lies the most.

For statements that were ruled to be “True” and “Mostly True”, it’s Obama and Biden at 45.0%, Romney and Ryan at 29.1%. When it comes to “False”, “Mostly False” and “Pants on Fire”, it’s Romney and Ryan at 43.9% and Obama and Biden at 28.8%. In fact, Romney and Ryan have over 4 times as many “Pants of Fire” lies as the President and Vice President. Mitt Romney himself has well over half of the total amount of “Pants of Fire” lies (58.6%) of all the candidates combined!

Charts and data after the jump.

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President Obama’s Second Term Will Transform America In Favor Of The Middle Class

President Obama’s Second Term Will Transform America In Favor Of The Middle Class

Sure, but AFTER 30 million Americans get health insurance, what then? If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are elected, they plan to engineer the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in American history. Sure George W. Bush cut taxes on the rich, which led to the greatest inequality since before the Great Depression. But he […]

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BREAKING: Pres. Obama “cooks the books” in 41 states to make it look like their unemployment rates have dropped

BREAKING: Pres. Obama “cooks the books” in 41 states to make it look like their unemployment rates have dropped

The all-powerful yet strangely ineffective POTUS…

Washington, D.C. – In an unprecedented display of raw power, President Barack Obama “cooked the books” in 41 of the 50 states to make it appear as if their unemployment rates had dropped in the past month. Republicans are shocked by this blatant political move and left Democrats wondering what the hell took him so long.

House Speaker John Boehner issued a statement saying, “There’s no way in hell “that one” could have reduced the unemployment rate. I mean we have done absolutely everything in our power to ensure he couldn’t make a single move that would help the economy or American workers. It’s simply not possible. Also, Obamacare.”

More after the jump.

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UPDATED: The time for talk is over. It’s time to get involved. Get Out The Vote (GOTV) starts this weekend!

UPDATED: The time for talk is over. It’s time to get involved. Get Out The Vote (GOTV) starts this weekend!

Fired up! Ready to go!

We’ve spent a LOT of time talking about this election but now it’s time to take our conversation to the streets and Get Out The Vote (GOTV)!

A recent Gallup poll showed that President Obama is UP over Mitt Romney among registered voters. But, here’s the thing: he’s DOWN by several points among likely voters. That’s where YOU come in. The fact is, if we get our Democratic-supporting voters to the polls, we win. Period. And we don’t just re-elect President Obama. We ensure our Democratic candidates up and down the ticket a victory, too.

The best bang for your buck in terms of GOTV is the Obama for America (OFA) campaign. Details on WHY you should get involved and HOW to get involved after the jump.

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How Barack Obama threaded the town hall needle and got America to be outraged at Mitt Romney

How Barack Obama threaded the town hall needle and got America to be outraged at Mitt Romney

The return of the Romney Stench

I was a little concerned going into last night’s presidential debate. Not because I was worried that the President Obama that I know and trust wouldn’t show up. I was confident about that. I was concerned that the town hall debate format wouldn’t allow him to be as effective as he needed to be at pushing back against Mitt Romney’s incessant lying. We all wanted him to, and I predicted that he would, go on the attack much in the same way Vice President Biden did against Paul Ryan last week. But town hall debates are notorious for penalizing aggressive, attack-style approaches. Just ask Al Gore or George H. W. Bush about that.

I needn’t have worried. Just like Joe Biden invented a new way to debate liars last week, President Obama figured out a way to go on the attack in a way that seemed compassionate and strong at the same time without coming across as too aggressive. How did he do this? By being angry, and helping the audience to be angry, that his opponents wasn’t compassionate.

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Obama campaign blowing Romney out of the water in swing state ground game

Obama campaign blowing Romney out of the water in swing state ground game

OFA: grassroots organizing powerhouse. Again.

The Obama campaign released numbers today about how effective their ground game in swing states has been in two specific areas: voter registration and early voting. How effective have they been?

In a word: VERY.

Details after the jump.

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