Category: Barack Obama

Presidential polls got you down? They SHOULD! And you can DO SOMETHING about it!

Presidential polls got you down? They SHOULD! And you can DO SOMETHING about it!

Don’t boo, vote! Don’t cry, GOTV!

What a difference a week makes, eh? Suddenly, after an entire summer of leading Mitt Romney, President Obama is suddenly down in the polls. A recent Pew Poll shows him getting clobbered by Romney. Even the Gallup tracking poll has President Obama down by two points among likely voters.

All because of one “bad” debate performance.

Freaked out? You should be. Here’s the good news: there is something you can do about it.

Get. Out. The. Vote. GOTV.

Click through for details.

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St. Louis Post Dispatch endorsement of Barack Obama hits the nail squarely on the head

St. Louis Post Dispatch endorsement of Barack Obama hits the nail squarely on the head


The St. Louis Post Dispatch endorsed President Barack yesterday. In their endorsement piece, they were spot on in their assessment of both President Obama and Mitt Romney.

A couple of highlights after the jump.

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UPDATED: Really, Democrats, have you learned so little about Barack Obama in five years?

UPDATED: Really, Democrats, have you learned so little about Barack Obama in five years?

Call for the fainting couch! Pearls for clutching!

You’re going to have to pardon a bit of a rant but, after watching the reaction to the first presidential debate yesterday and reading/listening to countless pundits and commenters talking about absolutely blown away President Obama was by Mitt Romney, I have a few things to get off my chest.

The general criticism of President Obama’s performance is that he was too passive; not aggressive enough. Follow me after the jump for an explanation for why this is exactly what he needed to do at the first debate.

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President Obama’s take on last night’s debate (you’re going to LOVE this)

President Obama’s take on last night’s debate (you’re going to LOVE this)

Who are you and what did you do with Mitt Romney???

President Obama got back on the campaign trail today in Denver and it’s clear that (a) he’s not the least bit deflated by last night’s debate and (b) Mitt Romney’s massive shift in several positions has not escaped him in the least.

Video, transcript and some interesting thoughts to consider after the jump.

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A little post-debate bwahahahaa

A little post-debate bwahahahaa

Heh heh

After the debate was over in Denver tonight, the pool journalists who travel with President Obama left the venue and piled into the pool van.

Hilarity ensued (after the jump.)

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Live-tweeting/Live-blogging the first Obama-Romney debate

Live-tweeting/Live-blogging the first Obama-Romney debate

Get your tweet on

Here are the tweets of a few of my blogging friends. We’ll have some of Anne’s awesome graphic quotes along with periodic updates during the debate, as well.

I highly commend your attention to for lots of debate extras.


Updates will be after the jump.

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UPDATED: Zingerfest 2012: Tonight’s presidential debate

UPDATED: Zingerfest 2012: Tonight’s presidential debate

Trying to leave a mark, trying to make it sting If reporting by the New York Times is accurate, Mitt Romney will be lacing his debate performance tonight with “zingers” designed to make the news. I envision his staff working hard all day today, crafting 140-character tweets that are ready to be launched the minute Mitt utters them onstage in […]

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UPDATED: If women vote in November, Barack Obama will be re-elected. It’s actually that simple.

UPDATED: If women vote in November, Barack Obama will be re-elected. It’s actually that simple.

It’s called “arithmetic”

UPDATED: Check out the excellent OFA Women for Obama video after the graphic.

A new poll out by Quinnipiac has some remarkable numbers for us this week. They have President Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by 4 points among likely voters. But among women voters?

18 percent.

Details after the jump.

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Inspirational Margaret Harris: 106 years old and voting for Barack Obama

Inspirational Margaret Harris: 106 years old and voting for Barack Obama

“Red, White and Blue, Going Forward!”

This is a remarkable video. Margaret Harris was born in 1906 and has 88 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She’s only voted once in her life, back in 1928. But she is motivated to vote again this year and, when she does, it will be to reelect President Barack Obama.

Watch her video after the jump.

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New positive ad from President Obama highlights his accomplishments and goals for the future ahead

New positive ad from President Obama highlights his accomplishments and goals for the future ahead


I love this new ad from President Obama. It lays out his accomplishments and his goals for the future succinctly and in a positive way.

Enjoy (after the jump).

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Hope & Change: Romney thinks he’s going to make Congress act in a bipartisan way. No. Seriously.

Hope & Change: Romney thinks he’s going to make Congress act in a bipartisan way. No. Seriously.

Has there ever been such a totally fail presidential campaign before???

Guess who said this:

“I can change Washington. I will change Washington. We’ll get the job done from the inside. Republicans and Democrats will come together.”

If you thought that was from Senator Barack Obama, circa Summer 2008, you’d be dead wrong. That was Mitt Romney. Yesterday.

Details with video after the jump.

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