Category: Barack Obama

At this point in 2008 Barack Obama was losing to John McCain

At this point in 2008 Barack Obama was losing to John McCain


There’s one “polling” site that I watch more than any others. More than Gallup. More than Pollster. More than any other. It’s

I like it because it basically takes the most recent legitimate poll from each state and gives you a day-to-day snapshot of where the presidential race stands in terms of the all-important electoral vote count.

Proof after the jump.

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Politico highlights the Romney “Death Stench” – So-called business expert can’t even lead a campaign effectively

Politico highlights the Romney “Death Stench” – So-called business expert can’t even lead a campaign effectively

You can’t even run a campaign, why would we trust you to run the country?

In 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama was asked about his lack of business background by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen. He told Andreessen, “Watch how I run my campaign — you’ll see my leadership skills in action.”

This was good advice and it’s advice that we should take now when looking at the campaign of Mitt Romney. A killer article by Politico today shows just how absolutely failed Mitt Romney’s campaign is. If this is an example of Mitt Romney’s leadership skills, Americans of all political stripes should be given serious pause about his ability to lead the country.

More after the jump.

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Conservatives rush in to bail out Romney – create fake controversy over Obama’s Presidential Daily Briefings

Conservatives rush in to bail out Romney – create fake controversy over Obama’s Presidential Daily Briefings

This is getting comical

Faced with the unmitigated disaster that is Mitt Romney and his complete melt down on the national stage from a foreign policy perspective, conservatives are now rushing to his aid, throwing flak into the air in a laughable attempt to distract voters. They are now suggesting that because President Obama doesn’t need to have his security briefings read to him like his predecessor, he is responsible for the attacks on American embassies around the globe.

No, sadly, I am not kidding. Click through for details.

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PHOTOS: A look back at the Democratic National Convention

PHOTOS: A look back at the Democratic National Convention

DNC photo-extravaganza!

I would have loved to have shared more images with you last week but there just wasn’t enough time for uploading and editing images, unless I wanted to lose more sleep, and that wasn’t an option. However, for those of you who were there, the timing of this photo post is probably just right giving you the weekend to catch up on sleep and email.

LOTS more photos after the jump.

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Obama campaign outraises Romney in August for the first time since April

Obama campaign outraises Romney in August for the first time since April

Folks are waking up…

For the first time since April, the Obama campaign raised more money than Mitt Romney‘s campaign:

President Obama and Democrats pulled slightly ahead of Mitt Romney and Republicans in monthly fundraising in August for the first time in four months.

Obama raised more than $114 million in August, and Romney brought in just over $111 million. The two campaigns announced their fundraising numbers early Monday.

It’s a sharp increase for Obama, who raised $75 million in July. That had been the third straight month he and the Democratic Party trailed Romney and the GOP in monthly fundraising.

More after the jump.

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Obama breaks new ground in social media with Reddit “AMA”, broke record & almost broke Reddit

Obama breaks new ground in social media with Reddit “AMA”, broke record & almost broke Reddit

Ask me anything…

Reddit is a force of nature. The biggest traffic days on Eclectablog are directly attributable to us hitting the front page of Reddit and doing that actually shut the site down at one point because we overloaded our host’s servers.

On Reddit, people post links, photos or commentary for others to look at. There are subreddits which are categories. For example, links to stuff at Eclectablog typically end up in the Politics reddit. Links that get popular enough in a specific reddit get promoted to Reddit’s front page and that’s where the traffic really gets heavy.

There’s a specific type of post on Reddit called an “AMA” which stands for “Ask me anything”. Some of them are “IAMA” which means “I am a … ask me anything”. They are very popular and numerous celebrities, business owners and other folks have done them. You can read more about AMAs at Reddit’s blog HERE. Last week, President Obama did an IAMA titled “I am Barack Obama, President of the United States — AMA”.

He almost broke the internet. Details after the jump.

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The GOP’s Enduring Clint Eastwood Problem

The GOP’s Enduring Clint Eastwood Problem

The unforgiven Last night Bill Maher defended Clint Eastwood’s performance at the Republican National Convention. “He killed,” Maher said, pointing out that we’re always saying how scripted and dull conventions are. Here was an unscripted, unpredictable moment where a man and a chair brought great mirth to the convention goers. Maher knows firsthand that making strangers laugh is nearly as […]

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Obama issues Executive Order to accelerate investment in industrial energy efficiency

Obama issues Executive Order to accelerate investment in industrial energy efficiency

We can’t wait…

President Obama is smart enough to know that we can dramatically lower our dependence on foreign fossil fuels through energy efficiency and conservation. Yesterday, he signed an Executive Order intended to further that process by accelerating investments in industrial energy efficiency.

“Today, we are taking another step to strengthen American manufacturing by boosting energy efficiency for businesses across the nation,” said President Obama. “This action will cut costs, increase efficiency, and help our businesses create strong, middle class jobs. We’ll continue to do everything we can to put more people back to work and build an economy that lasts.”

Click through for details.

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Romney advisor on immigration sues Obama administration on new immigration policies

Romney advisor on immigration sues Obama administration on new immigration policies

Oh, yeah, that’ll win ’em over, Mitt

I think it’s time Mitt Romney quit pretending that he’s going to get any sort of appreciable percentage of the Latino vote in November. On top of the already abysmal record on immigration issues that Republicans in general have, Mitt himself has yet to establish himself as a friend to Latinos in any way.

However, this week, a lawsuit being filed by one of his immigration advisors against the Obama administration should just about put the final nail in that particular coffin.

Details after the jump.

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Why phone banking & door knocking for Obama is vital: “We are microtargeting”

Why phone banking & door knocking for Obama is vital: “We are microtargeting”

No vote left behind

Last night, I attended a presentation sponsored by Women for Obama and given by Obama for America (OFA) national political director Katherine Archuleta. The last slide in her presentation was one that said “Days Until Election Day: 75”.

75 days. That’s how much time we have left. (Actually, now it’s 74.)

What we do with that time between now and the November 6th election is up to us. But, what I can tell you is that your highest “bang for your buck” volunteer time will be for OFA.

I’ll explain why after the jump and, yes, it explains what “microtargeting” is.

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Paul Ryan goes full Palin. Romney and the Republicans go full Pinocchio.

Paul Ryan goes full Palin. Romney and the Republicans go full Pinocchio.

Aw, geez…

Wow. Even Republicans have to be flinching when their Number One Two on the ticket resorts to going full Palin on them. But that’s what Paul Ryan did on the campaign trail yesterday.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney and the Republicans continue to lie their asses off as if nobody is watching or cares.

Follow me over the jump.

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