Category: Barack Obama

New ad features President Obama doing what he does best — connecting with YOU

New ad features President Obama doing what he does best — connecting with YOU

“Sometimes politics can seem very small. But the choice you face? It couldn’t be bigger.”

The Obama campaign has a new ad out that’s spectacular. Rather than presenting you with a lot of charts or facts, it features a calm, relaxed and confident President Obama looking straight at you. Light piano music plays in the background. He simply explains to essential differences between him and Mitt Romney.

It’s very effective. Have a look after the jump.

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OMG!!! Obama disses ALL businesses owners everywhere ever!!! EVERYBODY FREAK OUT!!!

OMG!!! Obama disses ALL businesses owners everywhere ever!!! EVERYBODY FREAK OUT!!!

This time he’s gone TOO far!


President Obama has dissed every business owner, alive or dead, EVER!

How? He said this:

“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

He totally did. I learned about it from a Romney campaign email and, by God, IT’S TRUE!!! OMG!!!

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Obama administration extends health benefits to seasonal federal firefighters

Obama administration extends health benefits to seasonal federal firefighters

POTUS leadership: UR doin it right Today, at the direction of President Obama, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced an Executive Order that “interim final regulation that immediately extends eligibility for health insurance coverage under the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program to temporary firefighters and fire protection personnel working on wildland fires across the country”. These brave men […]

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Your Affordable Care Act Rebate Can Save Lives

Your Affordable Care Act Rebate Can Save Lives

WARNING: ObamaCare is a ticking time bomb that could go off and save millions of Americans from heartache and illness. Something strange is happening all over America: Insurance companies are sending checks to their customers. When I received mine, I was shocked. Aren’t I supposed to be paying you, Humana, more and more as I’m increasingly scared of using any […]

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New Obama ad “Firms” shows just how un-American Mitt Romney has acted

New Obama ad “Firms” shows just how un-American Mitt Romney has acted

You have a strange way of showing your patriotism, Mitt

The Obama campaign has a killer new ad out today that will be running in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. It’s called “Firms” and highlights just how un-American Mitt Romney has behaved as Governor and as the head of Bain Capital.

Watch it after the jump (with bonus tweet that you won’t want to miss.)

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President Obama: Mitt Romney “absolutely” should answer whether or not he was responsible for what happened at Bain Capital

President Obama: Mitt Romney “absolutely” should answer whether or not he was responsible for what happened at Bain Capital

“Harry Truman said the buck stops with you…”

President Obama sat down with Scott Thuman of
WJLA ABC7 in Washington, D.C. for an interview. During that interview, he was asked about Mitt Romney’s Baingate issue. The president again spelled out why it’s relevant and said Romney has questions to answer about whether or not, as chairman, CEO, and president of Bain Capital, he is actually responsible for what that company did.

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Obama campaign continues to hammer Romney on Bain Capital, Bill Clinton weighs in – VIDEOS

Obama campaign continues to hammer Romney on Bain Capital, Bill Clinton weighs in – VIDEOS

This won’t go away soon…

The Obama campaign is continuing to hammer away at Mitt Romney’s apparent lies about his tenure at Bain Capital. To recap, the crux of their argument is that he either lied on his SEC filings or he’s lying to the American voters now.

They released two new ads today which will be rolling out soon.

Those videos and interviews with President Obama and Clinton after the jump.

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Even the Russians are talking about the US presidential election

Сумасшедший американцы* I was contacted yesterday by a writer for Voice of Russia, the Russian government’s official international radio broadcasting service, formerly known as Radio Moscow. I was asked about the ongoing debate regarding extending the Bush tax cuts and Mitt Romney stashing some of his income in offshore tax havens. You can read the piece titled “Obama pulling Romney […]

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Romney campaign urges Florida governor to quit bragging about his state’s recovery

Romney campaign urges Florida governor to quit bragging about his state’s recovery

Quit SAYING that! People will think things are getting better.

The Romney campaign wants Florida Governor Rick Scott to quit talking about how great the economy is in Florida right now. Knowing that an improved economic picture kills Romney’s only talking point in this election, they simply can NOT have that kind of talk.

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18 Reasons the Affordable Care Act Was the Greatest Achievement for the Middle Class Since Medicare

18 Reasons the Affordable Care Act Was the Greatest Achievement for the Middle Class Since Medicare

I am trying to break your heart On either Thursday, June 21 or Monday, June 25, the Supreme Court will issue its decision on the Affordable Care Act, which I’ve grown to enjoy calling ObamaCare. National treasure Jonathan Cohn describes likely scenarios for how the Court will rule, and the prospects are grim. Likely, some—if not all—of the bill will […]

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Even Barack Obama likes Eclectablog

I’m just sayin’… Recap @BarackObama’s speech in Cleveland last week through quotes and photos: — OFA (@OFA) June 19, 2012

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