Category: Barack Obama

Reason #7,439 that President Barack Obama is awesome: he’s a fine father

Happy Father’s Day Just watch it:

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Photos and quotes from President Barack Obama’s speech in Cleveland Ohio

Photos and quotes from President Barack Obama’s speech in Cleveland Ohio

“Don’t let anybody tell you that the challenges we face right now are beyond our ability to solve.”

President Barack Obama visited Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio yesterday to talk about the two completely different views he and Romney have about how to create jobs and grow the economy.

Click HERE for read the entire speech or watch the video.

MANY more photos with excerpts from his speech after the jump.

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Mitt Romney’s campaign appears to be run by third grade brats

Mitt Romney’s campaign appears to be run by third grade brats

Stop it. Adults are trying to run for president.

Late last month, Mitt Romney sent staffers to disrupt an Obama campaign event where David Axelrod appeared and had them shout, scream, and (I’m not kidding about this) blow bubbles to interrupt Axelrod’s speech.

Today, they are at it again.

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New Obama campaign ad: “Jobs” and yet more lies from Mitt Romney

GOP: The Goddam Obstructionist Pissants The Obama campaign has a powerful new television ad out titled “Jobs” that calls out Republican obstructionists in Congress who refuse to act on the President’s jobs plan: From the Obama campaign: Obama for America today released a new television advertisement called “Jobs” that asks Americans to join the President in calling on Congress to […]

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The Romney Etch-a-Sketching continues, now he’s revising his position on saving the auto industry

The Romney Etch-a-Sketching continues, now he’s revising his position on saving the auto industry

Shake, shake, shake… In his ongoing effort to obliterate his past and recreate a new vision of himself, Mitt Romney has again revised history. This time, it’s HIS story, the one where he used to say “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”. In an interview published today in the Detroit News, Romney now says the federal government should have helped the domestic […]

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Romney stands to lose $5 million a year if Barack Obama is reelected (UPDATED)

Romney stands to lose $5 million a year if Barack Obama is reelected (UPDATED)

Ahhh…so THAT’S why he wants to be the president…

It’s no secret that Mitt Romney’s run for the presidency is heavily financed and supported by the 0.1%. They stand to gain a great deal if he is elected. But a recent analysis by two groups, Citizens for Tax Justice (a liberalish group) and Tax Foundation (a conservatish group) suggest that maybe there’s as much in it for Mitt Romney as there is for his wealthy pals.

If Barack Obama is elected, his tax plan will cost Mitt Romney $5 million per year.

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The Hypocrisy is Breathtaking, Even for Romney

The Hypocrisy is Breathtaking, Even for Romney

Mitt can hide, but he can’t run Mitt Romney has finally found something to improve his record-low approval ratings: hiding. By focusing on schmoozing with donors and keeping his “Let me explain why your layoff/foreclosure is good for the economy” tone and smirk off of television, he’s brought his approval rating to 48 percent. That’s still well below the President […]

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The Time to Get Outraged is Now

The Time to Get Outraged is Now

I’m tellin’ y’all, it’s a sabotage Last Friday, the Labor Department announced that the US economy had created 69,000 jobs in May. That’s 58,000 more jobs than George W. Bush’s monthly average of creating 11,000 jobs a month, according to economist Justin Wolfers who claims he did something called “math.” But the GOP reacted as if President had just taken […]

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BREAKING: Mitt Romney reveals that energy costs are important to industry!

BREAKING: Mitt Romney reveals that energy costs are important to industry!

Mitt Romney, Master of the Universe Obvious

Mitt Romney believes that, between him and President Obama, only one of them knows one Very Important Fact:

Energy costs are important to businesses.

No, no. I’m serious.

[Proof after the jump.]

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Mitt Romney copies President Obama’s “Make a donation, win dinner with me” fundraising technique

Mitt Romney copies President Obama’s “Make a donation, win dinner with me” fundraising technique

Copycatting is the sincerest form of flattery. And laziness.

Back in 2010, President Obama began raising campaign funds by holding a contest where, for a donation of $3 or less, you could win dinner with him. Since then he’s held a bunch of them.

They a appear to be working because Mitt Romney has totally ripped off the idea.

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President Barack Obama: Governing for the people, not the investors

President Barack Obama: Governing for the people, not the investors

For-profit government? I don’t think so.

Earlier this week, Newark, New Jersey mayor Cory Booker responded to an Obama campaign ad pointing out that Mitt Romney is running on his experience as a business person and explaining what that, in fact, means. He called the ad “nauseating” and “a distraction”. President Obama responded eloquently.

[Video and transcript and more after the jump.]

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