Category: Barack Obama

How the Death of Osama bin Laden Sent the GOP Chasing Its Tail

How the Death of Osama bin Laden Sent the GOP Chasing Its Tail

Politicizing 9/11 is terrible. But using it as a premise to invade the wrong country is cool. Hi. I’m one of those death penalty hating, rule-of-law loving American progressives who cheered the death of Osama bin Laden a year ago today. Without a trial, the personification of Al Qaeda was summarily killed and dumped into the Indian Ocean. And I, […]

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Are you better off now than you were when the GOP crashed the global economy?

Are you better off now than you were when the GOP crashed the global economy?

How the GOP plans to punish Barack Obama’s success. If you’re a homophobe, if you’re a health insurer who spends less then 80-85% of your revenue on actual health care, if you’re a member of Al Qaeda, the answer to the question “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” is simple. No. If you live in […]

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Mitt Romney: Pander bear to young Americans – Romney v. Obama on controlling student loan debt

Mitt Romney: Pander bear to young Americans – Romney v. Obama on controlling student loan debt

You’re not fooling anyone, Mitt. Remember: we have the internet.

It’s not just Latinos that Mitt Romney is pandering to lately. His latest pander target is young people. Namely students.

During a news conference this week with Marco Rubio (his first since mid-March, by the way), Romney had to jump back in after it was nearly over when he remembered to throw in the fact that he suddenly agreed with President Obama on extending low interest rates on student loans, something that Republicans seem ready NOT to do

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Surprise, surprise. Romney starts his general election campaign with a monstrous pack of lies

Surprise, surprise. Romney starts his general election campaign with a monstrous pack of lies

What’s more pathetic? That he says these things or that people believe them?

Last night, Mitt Romney assumed the mantle of Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election. Newt Gingrich thinks that’s insulting (to voters, he says) and Ron Paul thinks… well, who knows what Ron Paul thinks?

What came out of Mitt Romney’s mouth was a string of lies as long as the plane trip between here and the last job he outsourced.

Let’s take a look…

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Affordable Care Act will save American taxpayers over $200 Billion through 2016

Affordable Care Act will save American taxpayers over $200 Billion through 2016

This something the Republicans do NOT want you to know

A report from the trustees of the Medicare system this week has created a major kerfuffle in the mediasphere. While Democrats point to the fact that there has been no change in the insolvency date of Medicare from last year’s report, Republicans are spinning it to suggest that President Obama is a failure because he didn’t miraculously solve all the problems in the system in a single year.

Here’s something the Republicans do NOT want you to know, however: Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, taxpayers will save over $200 Billion through 2016.

It’s true (pdf).

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President Obama pledges veto of anti-union Republican legislation

President Obama pledges veto of anti-union Republican legislation

Really, Republicans, why are you wasting our time?

In a typical anti-union move by Republicans, they have submitted a Senate resolution (S.J. Res. 36) that would reverse a new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rule that will speed up workplace votes on the formation of unions.

President Obama issued a statement today saying he will veto this legislation if it reaches his desk.

[More after the jump…]

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This President’s Greatest Accomplishment

This President’s Greatest Accomplishment

It’s not keeping Palin out of the White House, but that’s close. Can I share with you the most offensive thing I’ve read since I last accidentally read chyron on the Bill O’Reilly show? David Greenberg writes in The New Republic: Because Barack Obama has accomplished relatively little in his first term—boxed in by a recalcitrant Republican opposition, the sluggish […]

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GOP Set to Double Student Loan Interest Rates

GOP Set to Double Student Loan Interest Rates

Millionaires to be blissfully unaffected. During last week’s debate on the Buffett Rule, the GOP complained again and again that the rule was a political ploy because it would only raise a few billion dollars every year. Also it would hurt the economy and possibly turn Grover Norquist into Grover Norquist HULK who bashes Republican brains with primary challengers made […]

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PHOTO: President Obama sits on the bus Rosa Parks made history in

PHOTO: President Obama sits on the bus Rosa Parks made history in


One of the really cool things that they have at the Henry Ford museum in Dearborn, Michigan, is the bus on which Rosa Parks took her famous stand. Or sit, rather.

Yesterday, President Barack Obama, another African American to break down barriers and make history, sat on that same bus and was photographed by White House photographer Pete Souza.

[Photo after the jump.]

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Obama in Dearborn, Michigan – 4/18/2012 – Photos, video, and transcript

Obama in Dearborn, Michigan – 4/18/2012 – Photos, video, and transcript

Fired up and ready to go in Michigan!

Here are some photos and video from yesterday’s Obama campaign stop at the beautiful Henry Ford museum in Dearborn, Michigan. I don’t have much to say other than it was a spectacular venue, an energized president, and an even more energized crowd. As you look at the video and images, notice how diverse the crowd is. It’s one of the hallmark’s of President Obama’s supporters, in my opinion.

All photos by Anne C. Savage, used with permission. You can view more of her photos from the event HERE.

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Super PACs turn their attention from supporting candidates to destroying President Obama

Super PACs turn their attention from supporting candidates to destroying President Obama

Get ready, this is about to get VERY ugly

The opening salvos in the involvement of Super PACs in the 2012 presidential race happened in the past week. There are two very obvious examples and they should give us all a taste of the bitterness we’re going to see over the next seven months.

First, American Crossroads, Karl Rove’s privately-funded group, announced…

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