Category: Barack Obama

Rising gas prices not suppressing consumer spending

Rising gas prices not suppressing consumer spending

Okay, Republicans, you can stop cheering now

If you lean out your window, you can probably hear Republicans around the country cheering for high gas prices. Not because they want Americans to use less of this polluting fossil fuel and decrease our dependence on Mideast oil. No, it’s because they are literally counting on gas prices to be the death knell for President Obama’s reelection campaign. It doesn’t matter that he’s not responsible for it (hint, hint: it’s Wall Street.) That doesn’t matter one bit.

Here’s the problem: rising gas prices aren’t actually …

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Mitt Doesn’t Value Work

Mitt Doesn’t Value Work

Romney. It’s Mandarin for “job creator”. In one sentence, what’s wrong with the American economy after 30 years of conservative voodoo economics? We don’t value work. I say “we” because, like it or not, we all go down together. We—though we may know better—allow our society to be co-opted by those who value playing with money more than working for […]

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Obama takes big lead on Romney in latest Gallup poll

Obama takes big lead on Romney in latest Gallup poll

Women make ALL the difference Barack Obama has taken a 4-point lead over Mitt Romney in Gallup’s latest national poll, up from a 47-47 tie in their last poll. He’s up over Rick Santorum by an even larger 51-43 gap. The big change came mainly from from women under 50 years old where President Obama enjoys a more than 30-point […]

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President Obama gets pair of personalized New Balance running shoes

President Obama gets pair of personalized New Balance running shoes

Democrat Mike Michaud urges military to outfit troops in USA-made gear Democratic Congressman Mike Michaud from Maine has introduced legislation requiring the U.S. military to outfit our troops in gear that is 100% USA-made. To bring attention to his effort, he had New Balance, a footwear manufacturer in his district and one of the last remaining domestic shoe companies, manufacture […]

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Wall Street has its best 1st quarter since 1998

Wall Street has its best 1st quarter since 1998

Lookin’ good, lookin’ good… This bodes well for the Obama re-election campaign. The Republicans are counting on a tanking economy and for corporate interests to come running to their rescue. And then comes this: Wall Street had its best first quarter since … wait for it … 1998! Despite falling six out of the last nine sessions, the S&P 500 […]

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Romney believes Obama may be conspiring to “sell out the country’s interests after the election is over”

Romney believes Obama may be conspiring to “sell out the country’s interests after the election is over”

Derp. I was reading an article in the National Journal about how the Obama campaign is asking Mitt Romney to release more of his tax records. It appears that he may have gamed the system in the past to pump up the value of his IRA into the tens of millions of dollars. Then I came across this bit of […]

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Women understand what’s at stake in 2012

Women understand what’s at stake in 2012

Imagine the media freakout if Romney led the President by 12% Here’s something you may not have heard: In the Pew Research Center’s most recent national survey, conducted March 7-11, Obama led Mitt Romney by 20 points (58% to 38%) among women voters. It marked the second consecutive month that Obama held such a wide advantage over Romney among women […]

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Why #ILikeObamaCare

Why #ILikeObamaCare

We can’t afford not to. Republicans like to pretend that poor people get rich off the government. As if that makes sense. 99 percent of Republicans do or will depend on the social safety net at some point in their lives. Like most Americans, they’re one illness from poverty, one illness from never being able to afford health insurance on […]

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Affordable Care Act v. Roberts Court

Affordable Care Act v. Roberts Court

Supreme Court to decide if being smart about health care is constitutional. The fact is: We’re already mandated to pay for our fellow Americans’ health care. The question is: Will we be mandated to pay for our own? This week the Affordable Care Act faces its first big challenge of the year. The Supreme Court will hear arguments about the […]

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GOP releases latest budget proposal. Surprise: it cuts Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the rich

GOP releases latest budget proposal. Surprise: it cuts Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security to pay for tax cuts for the rich

It’s deja vu all over again Paul Ryan and his GOP pals released their latest budget proposal today. While it aims to eliminate the deficit by 2040. How do they hope to do this. No surprise: it cuts Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP and Social Security, leaves military spending alone and cuts taxes on the wealthy. The New Ryan Plan leaves the […]

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Michigan Energy & Environment for Obama Team kicks off in Ann Arbor

Michigan Energy & Environment for Obama Team kicks off in Ann Arbor

And they’re off! Last night the Michigan Energy & Environment for Obama Team kicked off its effort to reelect President Obama at the Arbor Brewing Company in Ann Arbor. Environmental luminaries from around the state were in attendance in cluding Ken Berlin, the Director of the National Energy & Environment Team. Berlin told us that the team formed 18 months […]

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