Category: Barack Obama

When will the latest racist reference to Obama be the last? – Republican calls him a “tar baby”

When will the latest racist reference to Obama be the last? – Republican calls him a “tar baby”

What. The. Hell. Are you like me? Every time you hear some troglodyte Republican politician use a blatantly offensive racist comment about President Obama, do you think to yourself, “That’s just an anomaly. That won’t happen again.”? When some moron fowarded an email depicting President Obama as an African witch doctor, did you think, “Aw, geez. That’ll be the last […]

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President Obama’s statement on the Keystone XL pipeline permit denial

As I posted earlier, President Obama will be denying the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. He isn’t weighing in on the merits of the project. Rather, he is denying it because, as I predicted, the Republicans were trying to force his administration to make a rushed determination. Here is the first part if his statement. The entire statement after […]

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Obama administration will NOT approve permit for Keystone XL pipeline

Obama administration will NOT approve permit for Keystone XL pipeline

As I hoped (and predicted), the effort by Republicans to force President Obama to make a rush decision on issuing a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline has backfired. The State Department Wednesday will reject the Keystone XL pipeline, multiple sources following the project tell POLITICO. The formal announcement is expected at 3 p.m. from Deputy Secretary of State William […]

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Has the GOP given President Obama the “out” he needs to reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline?

There were some interesting revelations in statements made to day by Jay Carney, President Obama’s Press Secretary relating the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Recall that in the bill to extend the middle class income tax break, Republicans put in a requirement that he give his ruling on it by next month. Follow me over the orange squiggledegibbet for what went […]

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Major win for rape victims – Obama admin updates definition of rape

Today the Obama administration announced that it is updating the formal definition of rape. This move will help many rape victims who were previously unaccounted for achieve justice against their perpetrators and will more accurately reflect the extent of the problem of sexual crimes in our country. Attorney General Eric Holder today announced revisions to the Uniform Crime Report’s (UCR) […]

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The Onion: “Obama Openly Asks Nation Why On Earth He Would Want To Serve For Another Term”

Scarily believable (unlike New Hampshire Republicans sponsoring a bill requiring that new legislation reference the fucking Magna Carta): PITTSBURGH—Citing three years of exhausting partisan politics, constant gridlock in Congress, and an overall feeling that the entire nation has “completely lost it,” President Barack Obama openly asked a campaign-rally crowd Tuesday why he’d want to serve another term as president of […]

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The amazing brilliance of Obama’s January 4th recess appointments

The amazing brilliance of Obama’s January 4th recess appointments

Yesterday, I wrote about President Obama giving recess appointments first to Richard Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and then to three National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) members. In a blockquoted piece from Talking Points Memo was this tidbit: On the unprecedented nature of the appointment, McConnell and Boehner have a decent case. Both parties have […]

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As predicted, President Obama recess appoints three members to the National Labor Relations Board

As I predicted earlier this morning, President Obama has made three recess appointments in addition to Richard Cordray to be Director the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. All three are to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): Sharon Block, Member, Terence F. Flynn, and Richard Griffin. These appointments are extremely important because without them, the NLRB cannot act. On anything. The […]

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Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray gives Mitch McConnell a sad

Oh, waa-aah. Cry me a goddam river, you obstructionist piece of dog poo. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is very upset at President Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Although the Senate is not in recess, President Obama, in an unprecedented move, has arrogantly circumvented the American people by ‘recess’ appointing Richard Cordray […]

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President Obama to GOP obstructionists: “Screw you.” Recess appointment of Richard Cordray.

In the lastest edition of “We Can’t Wait” or, as I have come to think of it, “Screw you, Republican obstructionists”, President Obama today made a recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In a defiant display of executive power, President Barack Obama on Wednesday will buck GOP opposition and name Richard Cordray as the nation’s […]

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President Obama signs bipartisan pipeline safety bill into law

President Obama signs bipartisan pipeline safety bill into law

In a rare act of bipartisanship, both the House and Senate recently passed H.R. 2845, the “Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011. According to the White House, “this bill doubles the maximum civil penalties for violations of Federal pipeline safety laws, authorizes the Transportation Department to issue various regulations related to leak prevention and detection’ and […]

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