Category: Bloggety Blah Blah Blah

Day 6, Second Quarter fundraiser: Good news! Federal law allows unlimited donations to Eclectablog!

Day 6, Second Quarter fundraiser: Good news! Federal law allows unlimited donations to Eclectablog!

Speak loudly We are in an epic battle in this country, particularly here in Michigan, to wrest control of our elections and our government back from the corporate giants that are increasingly more powerful. On one side you have a national network of groups coordinated under the State Policy Network which pump massive infusions of cash into groups like the […]

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Day 5, Second Quarter Fundraiser: The life you improve may be your own

Day 5, Second Quarter Fundraiser: The life you improve may be your own

Will blog for change. I won’t lie, I hate asking people for money. It’s the primary reason I would be reluctant to run for office, in fact. But, the reality is that, if we want to sustain the model we have at Eclectablog where writers are paid for their work, we have to do it. As progressives, we talk a […]

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Day 4 (Second Quarter Fundraiser): Knowledge is power — and it can outsmart big money

Day 4 (Second Quarter Fundraiser): Knowledge is power — and it can outsmart big money

Bottom line: You need us and we need you. You know what we’re up against. There’s a giant pile of money being shoveled into Republican campaigns, more than ever since the Supreme Court ruling on McCutcheon v. FEC. But there’s something money can’t buy: The passion and energy of dedicated people who are devoted to making this country a better […]

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Day 3 (Second Quarter Fundraiser): Chris Savage is my anti-Koch

Day 3 (Second Quarter Fundraiser): Chris Savage is my anti-Koch

Give a little, get a lot Here’s some good news: After months of the Koch brothers’ front Americans for Prosperity spending millions of dollars to spread misinformation about Obamacare in an attempt to smear Gary Peters, Republican Terri Lynn Land now trails Peters by 5 percent. The Senate Majority PAC has played a key role in this comeback with ads […]

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It’s Eclectablog’s 10-year blogaversary and we’re having a party! Lizz Winstead will be there and you should, too!

It’s Eclectablog’s 10-year blogaversary and we’re having a party! Lizz Winstead will be there and you should, too!

OMG!!! 10 years old!!! It’s hard to believe I’ve been at this for 10 years. But that’s something worth celebrating so we’re having a party! The best part is that Lizz Winstead — comedian, author, co-founder of Air America Radio and co-creator of The Daily Show — will be our special guest. She’ll be doing a special eclectablog comedy set […]

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Day 2 (Second Quarter Fundraiser): 3 Reasons You Should Support Eclectablog

Day 2 (Second Quarter Fundraiser): 3 Reasons You Should Support Eclectablog

Your donation supports…

1. Voices you don’t hear anywhere else

No one else in Michigan is covering the problems with the EAA (the state takeover of Detroit’s schools) in the kind of depth that Chris is. And he is making space for the teachers working under the new authority to share what they are seeing on the ground in a way that absolutely no one else is.

2. A great team of commentators

Just look at how the blog covered the Obamacare roll-out: Amy’s stories of people helped by the ACA; LOLGOP’s highlighting deceitful anti-ACA ads; and Charles Gaba on his own site tracking actual enrollment.

3. Anne’s beautiful photography (and writing)

Like this beautiful piece about a lesbian couple married in Ann Arbor last month.

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Day 1: 2nd Quarter fundraiser – Changing the conversation through relentless positive blogging

Day 1: 2nd Quarter fundraiser – Changing the conversation through relentless positive blogging

Support your local bloggers! This week we’ll be coming to you once a day for our second quarter fundraiser. I am determined to prove that we can have a successful site where all of the writers are paid. However, that can only happen with support from our readers. Your financial support will also allow us to bring on new writers, […]

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NEW ECLECTA-BLOGGER: Emma White, communications specialist

NEW ECLECTA-BLOGGER: Emma White, communications specialist

I am very pleased to announce that Emma White is joining our Eclectablog team and will be a regular contributor to the site. Emma is an Ann Arbor-based pollster, strategist, and is the owner of Emma White Research, LLC. Her background in the realm of communications will bring depth to our stable of writers and I’m thrilled to have her […]

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Join me in wishing Chris Savage the happiest of birthdays!

Join me in wishing Chris Savage the happiest of birthdays!

Let’s celebrate who he is and all he does. I can think of no better way to pay tribute to Chris Savage than to write a few words for him — here, on the blog he created and contributes to almost every single day of the year. I owe a lot to Chris. So do the countless Michiganders he stands […]

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Rick Snyder ads on Eclectablog – enjoy the beautiful irony

Rick Snyder ads on Eclectablog – enjoy the beautiful irony

Bwaahahahaaa!!! Now that our governor has started his relentless positive rebranding tour, his ads are going to start showing up in your Facebook news feeds, on your Twitter apps, and, of course, on the websites you visit. That includes, hilariously enough, THIS website! Click for a larger version, screencap courtesy of Chad Cyrowski at Progress Michigan “But WAIT!”, you might […]

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Last Day! 1st Quarter Eclectablog fundraiser – No blather, just dog and cat photos to thank you.

Last Day! 1st Quarter Eclectablog fundraiser – No blather, just dog and cat photos to thank you.

A big thank you to everyone who has made a contribution during our fundraiser this week. I can’t express how much it means to us that so many of you have stepped up to support the important work we do here. I’m convinced this is a model that can succeed and your financial support is a critical part of that. […]

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