Category: Bloggety Blah Blah Blah

Support Eclectablog now and see if it makes you feel better

Support Eclectablog now and see if it makes you feel better

A lot of people call the Buddha the greatest marketer in the world because he told people, “Don’t trust me. Try it yourself and see how you feel.” You can make that promise when you know you have a great product. The Buddha did and the result was a world religion that even people who don’t like religion often claim […]

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Holding the line against reactionary moneybags

Holding the line against reactionary moneybags

Just as it’s always cocktail hour somewhere, it’s always fundraising season somewhere, too, right? Now that our underfunded schools are back in session kids are on the move raising funds for special class projects by peddling goods and services (candy, greeting cards, car washes, etc.). Public radio and television have just finished their fund drives. The flurry of mail requests […]

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Show Eclectablog some love

Show Eclectablog some love

Put your money where your mouth is, please. The other day, a friend and I were talking about how important it is to have an informed electorate. I mentioned Eclectablog and she exclaimed, “I love that blog!” My friend knows full well I’m a contributor, but this wasn’t about me. It was about Eclectablog being a resource for people who […]

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If they only had a brain…

If they only had a brain…

I was astounded as I was watched the Democratic presidential debate last night. It was real adults having a real conversation about real issues. I know it’s silly to say that but after suffering through the “debates” from the Republican candidates, it had to be said. It was rather refreshing, but it also occurred to me, what would my political […]

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“Dear President Obama, it held on as long as it could”

“Dear President Obama, it held on as long as it could”

Dear President Obama, I wanted to explain to you why I did what I did. I’m afraid I had to take your ’08 bumper sticker off my car. Actually, it was starting to fall off. It’s not like I washed my car very often so it didn’t really get disturbed much. Plus I park my car in a garage so […]

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When Progressives support Progressives, Progressives win

When Progressives support Progressives, Progressives win

It’s the second week of the fourth quarter and that can only mean one thing: We’re going to beg you for money once each day for the next week. Seriously, though, it is the contributions of our readers that allows Eclectablog to be one of the few progressive political blogs where the regular contributors are all paid for their writing. […]

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C’mon, you know you want to …

C’mon, you know you want to …

… make a donation to Eclectablog and feel good about yourself. Yeah, I know, it’s a cheap way to get your attention. But now that you’re here, I’ll cut right to the chase. You are a reader of Eclectablog, maybe every day or just every once in a while. But the point is, you are here. You’re reading these words, […]

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How else are you going to get the whole story on philandering, false-flagging Tea Partiers?

How else are you going to get the whole story on philandering, false-flagging Tea Partiers?

When a Michigan story goes national — like the bizarre sexcapades of moralizing Tea Partiers Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat — you can bet Eclectablog has been on the case for a while. When a corporate front group launches a sneak attack to cut wages, we’re there. When Donald Trump takes on auto workers with perfect distillation of how billionaires like […]

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We’re all in this together

We’re all in this together

Today I’m reposting something my wife Anne wrote during our last fundraiser. It helps folks see why their contributions to Eclectablog are so important. Information on how you can help follows her short essay. We are not unlike a lot of other Americans. We have no savings, two older cars pushing 200,000 miles, and we rarely vacation. I mean we’ve […]

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ICYMI: We didn’t

ICYMI: We didn’t

The past few months have been a whirlwind in Michigan (and national) politics and Eclectablog has been there providing you with ongoing coverage of the Courser/Gamrat scandal, giving you front row seats of the #BlackLivesMatter protest at the 2015 Netroots Nation conference, and even getting former Congressman and Dean of the House John Dingell to read his “Greatest Hits” tweets […]

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Courser and Gamrat and Glenn, oh my!

Courser and Gamrat and Glenn, oh my!

The ongoing saga/scandal of Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat continues apace this morning. Noted homophobe and former pal of Courser and Gamrat, Gary Glenn, is throwing the pair under the bus, calling for their resignation. Meanwhile, the Allegan County Republican Party is considering a resolution calling for Gamrat to step down. Pretty much everybody and his brother & sister are […]

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