Category: Bwahahahahaha

An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

It’s Easter Sunday and that can mean only one thing: it’s time for the annual repost of our Peeps® post. However, before we get into that, today is the last day of our first quarter fundraiser. It’s been an rather quiet week on the fundraiser front, something that is a little dismaying. Our costs here at Eclectablog increase each year […]

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Now we know what Trump campaign staff considers to be “rigging the election” – stealing yard signs

Now we know what Trump campaign staff considers to be “rigging the election” – stealing yard signs

Donald Trump’s insistence that anything he doesn’t win is “rigged” was one of the highlights of last night’s debate where he whined about not winning an Emmy for The Apprentice. His insinuation that the 2016 presidential election is “rigged” since he’s not winning is, of course, a petulently childish stamping of his feet and, as is now well-documented, something he’s […]

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Michigan Republicans throw GOP candidate Steve Marino under the bus

Michigan Republicans throw GOP candidate Steve Marino under the bus

Republican Macomb County Commissioner and candidate for the 24th House District seat, Steve Marino, has been in the news a LOT lately. His 27-year-old big mouth has him in big trouble with his own party, with people he’s either trashed or lied about, and for his call to raise the retirement age to 75. It appears that his own party […]

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Jennifer Granholm brings down the house with her “Michigan Convention Ode”, a poem about Donald Trump

Jennifer Granholm brings down the house with her “Michigan Convention Ode”, a poem about Donald Trump

This morning at the Michigan DNC delegation breakfast, former Governor (and my personal friend and hero) Jennifer Granholm read a poem she wrote about Donald Trump. She had the entire room in stitches so I asked her if I could share it with our readers and she kindly agreed. Enjoy! Michigan Convention Ode — a little fun at the Michigan […]

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You could fill the entire GOP Convention speaker schedule with people refusing to appear. The Clinton campaign did!

You could fill the entire GOP Convention speaker schedule with people refusing to appear. The Clinton campaign did!

The list of speakers appearing on stage at the Republican National Convention this week has finally been announced (HERE) and it’s chock-full of people you have probably never heard of. It’s also chock-full of people who are Trump family members (five of them!), Trump employees, or celebrity heartthrobs of the tea party/anti-Obama/anti-Clinton persuasion. The number of people who have declined […]

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YOUR LAUGH OF THE DAY: Michigan GOP demands Dems pay salary of criminal senator Republicans refused to throw out

YOUR LAUGH OF THE DAY: Michigan GOP demands Dems pay salary of criminal senator Republicans refused to throw out

Last summer, I asked a very simple question: “Why is Virgil Smith still in the state Senate? Is it because he’s the Republicans’ useful Democratic idiot?” Democratic state Senator Virgil Smith was convicted of shooting up his wife’s car in a domestic dispute and is now behind bars. Until he resigned this past week, he continued to receive his state […]

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An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

We may be at a tipping point It’s Easter Sunday and that can mean only one thing: it’s time for the annual repost of our Peeps® post. Enjoy. Spring came early to southern Michigan this year so on Good Friday, my wife Anne and I put our kayaks in the Huron River and set out to document the effects of […]

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Republican candidate for Michigan’s 99th House race announces candidacy. In the wrong district.

Republican candidate for Michigan’s 99th House race announces candidacy. In the wrong district.

Bryan Mielke is running for a second time for the House seat in Michigan’s 99th House District, a race he lost to House Speaker Kevin Cotter two years ago. He announced last fall and it wasn’t until recently that the Republicans finally fielded a candidate. At that point, hilarity ensued: Republicans have turned to Roger Hauck as their candidate to […]

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Manhunt ensues for #FlintWaterCrisis protester who may have irreparably damaged Michigan Capitol Building

Manhunt ensues for #FlintWaterCrisis protester who may have irreparably damaged Michigan Capitol Building

On Tuesday, protesters at the #FlintWaterCrisis protest in front of Lansing City Hall left the protest and headed over to the Capitol Building where they spent over two hours chanting and singing and and demanding action to fix the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water. After the protest, they left behind a reminder they had been there: scrawled “Arrest Snyder” and […]

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Two epic burns on Scott Walker and Cindy Gamrat prove that brevity is, indeed, the soul of wit

Two epic burns on Scott Walker and Cindy Gamrat prove that brevity is, indeed, the soul of wit

When Scott Walker announced his candidacy for president in July of this year, labor supporters across the country collectively groaned that the thought that anyone at all would consider voting for the anti-worker, Koch brothers puppet. Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO put out a press release with just six words: Scott Walker is a national disgrace. Yesterday, Scott […]

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New Chrome browser extension replaces “political correctness” with more accurate term on all webpages

New Chrome browser extension replaces “political correctness” with more accurate term on all webpages

One of the things that (a) sets progressives’ teeth on edge and (b) quickens the heartbeats of ignorant racists, bigots, misogynists, and sexists is the idea that “political correctness” is censorship. It is, of course, nothing of the sort. It’s actually an expression of our fundamental right to call someone out on their racism, bigotry, misogyny, and sexism. You’re free […]

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