Category: Bwahahahahaha

An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

An Easter PHOTOdiary: Peeps & global warming

We may be at a tipping point

Spring came early to southern Michigan this year so on Good Friday, my wife Anne and I put our kayaks in the Huron River and set out to document the effects of global climate change on the wildlife of our area. What we found was both stunning and shocking.

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Romney believes Obama may be conspiring to “sell out the country’s interests after the election is over”

Romney believes Obama may be conspiring to “sell out the country’s interests after the election is over”

Derp. I was reading an article in the National Journal about how the Obama campaign is asking Mitt Romney to release more of his tax records. It appears that he may have gamed the system in the past to pump up the value of his IRA into the tens of millions of dollars. Then I came across this bit of […]

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Newt Gingrich to charge $50 for a picture. I can fix this.

Newt Gingrich to charge $50 for a picture. I can fix this.

Only 12 percent of Americans blame the President for the high price of Newt Gingrich pictures. With even his billionaire sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson telling Newt that his campaign is “at the end of his line“, Newt Gingrich still has one amazing asset that no one can take from him: America’s insatiable desire to pose in a picture with Newt […]

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What the…? Just had a link to this site sent to me by my brother-in-law: Yes, THAT Rush. Rush Limbaugh. Click through. You won’t believe it. : )

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Rush Limbaugh’s Hate Show is imploding

Rush Limbaugh’s Hate Show is imploding

The Hate Show gets its comeuppance Well, well, well. This is interesting. From my inbox this morning: As of this morning, 50 companies and two radio stations have dropped Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. Even one organization that gets free advertising on his show is demanding to be dropped. So many advertisers have fled Limbaugh’s show that yesterday, 77 of 86 […]

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Sarah Palin says, if asked, she’d run for president if the GOP convention is brokered

Sarah Palin says, if asked, she’d run for president if the GOP convention is brokered

Settle down, Tina Fey. Settle down. Really, CNN? You’re asking the woman that couldn’t even be arsed to finish her term as Alaska’s governor and was arguably the main reason why the McCain campaign imploded so hilariously in 2008 if she’d consider running if the Republican convention this year is brokered? Really??? Yup. It starts about 40 seconds in after […]

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Sarah Palin for President – “Sara 2012”

Sarah Palin for President – “Sara 2012”

Herp derp I managed to get on a Washington Times email list at some point and this morning in my inbox I got an offer for a FREE! Sarah 2012 bumperstick: The funniest part about this is the article linked in the email I got a site called “The Patriot Update” titled “Palin ‘Game’ for another run?”. Here’s a smattering […]

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The Death of a Campaign: Pete Hoekstra continues to pay for his racist campaign ad

The Death of a Campaign: Pete Hoekstra continues to pay for his racist campaign ad

Karma’s a bitch, eh, buddy? Pete Hoekstra’s “Debbie Spenditnow” Superbowl ad is the gift that keeps on giving. To Democrats. Poll results over the past few weeks show Hoekstra sinking like a rock: Image/data from Talking Points Memo Polltracker This week, he got more good tragic news for his campaign: among registered voters, Stabenow now leads Hoekstra 53% to 32%. […]

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Pete Hoekstra gets the Funny or Die treatment Heh, heh… Controversial Racist Pete Hoekstra Ad – watch more funny videos

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Are you ready for some Puppy Bowl???

Are you ready for some Puppy Bowl???

Superbowl, schmuperbowl This is what we’ll be watching this afternoon: This year: live tweets!

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Most awesome Democratic response EVER!

Bwaahahahahahaa!!! I just got DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s response to Mitt Romney crushing Newt Gingrich in Florida’s primary tonight. And it’s good. Very good. But the best part? The preface that came before it from her media person Greg Greene: Before I give you the Chair’s comments about tonight, it’s worth underscoring that Mitt Romney had the best victory […]

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