Kitteh Boxin’
A little kitteh boxin’ for your viewin’ pleasure: And in THIS cornah… I’m just sayin’…
Read more ›A little kitteh boxin’ for your viewin’ pleasure: And in THIS cornah… I’m just sayin’…
Read more ›Finally, the truth about Rick Astley revealed: [Source] I’m just sayin’…
Read more ›Were you feeling a bit balding, fat, hard-of-hearing and Oxycontin-addled last night? Sometime last evening did you feel racist, misogynistic, homophobic and sickeningly conservative? Well, there’s a reason for that. According to tsquare over at Red State, last night, we were all Rush Limbaugh. Seriously. The title of his essay was “Tonight… We Are All Rush Limbaugh”. It turns out […]
Read more ›I’ll admit it right here and now: I absolutely LOVE watching conservative-on-conservative action. No, not that kind of action, you perv. THIS kind of action: At a Graham town hall in Greenville yesterday, activist Harry Kimball of “RINO HUNT” protested by constructing a display that depicted Graham, as well as moderates like Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Sen. Susan Collins […]
Read more ›This is positively brilliant. Warning: contains scene of animal death by train. Transcript: Fox Newscaster: Very quickly, Chairman Steele, the feeling in some circles is that this health care train has left the station with the president at the wheel and that Republicans better jump on board. Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele: Well I’m the cow on the tracks […]
Read more ›This one made the Recommended List on the Daily Kos for about 10 hours today. When I got up this morning and my iPhone AP app was telling me that President Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, and I just knew that heads were asplodin’ with great ferocity over in Freeperville (the conservative-and-then-some Free Republic.) And I was NOT […]
Read more ›I somehow managed to get on the Washington Times email list at work. I suspect one of my conservative bags of douchewater signed me up. Today I got an email from one of their advertisers: Below, please find a message from one of our advertisers, Tea Party Express. Periodically, we receive opportunities we believe you may want to learn about. […]
Read more ›From the Washington Times: [House Minority Whip Eric] Cantor said Mr. Obama initially asked for Republican help on health care, but Republicans have heard nothing since they offered their ideas. “No matter what the cry is from the White House, no matter what the president claims, they have not engaged with us,” he said. “The White House at this point […]
Read more ›And we don’t want to be happy. So says Rush Limbaugh. Oh, and by the way? Nobody is dying because they don’t have health care insurance, despite evidence to the contrary I’m just sayin’…
Read more ›Will Ferrell and friends have a snarky take on the health care debate, courtesy of Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell I’m just sayin’…
Read more ›This past weekend, Talking Points memo reported that Louisiana governor Bobby “Howdy Doody” Jindal’s took action to cut all state funding to ACORN in his state. His executive order effectively cuts off imaginary funds as the Times-Picayune noted. According to the state’s Division of Administration, no state agencies have existing contracts with ACORN. They also reported that Tim Pawlenty, governor […]
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