Category: Detroit

The data is clear: Emergency Management not working in Detroit Public Schools

The data is clear: Emergency Management not working in Detroit Public Schools

The EAA isn’t the only experiment being conducted on Detroit children In all of the sturm und drang over Republican Governor Rick Snyder’s Educational Achievement Authority experiment with Detroit children, it’s easy to forget about the other experiment they are part of: state control of the Detroit Public Schools by an Emergency Manager. I’ve written reams on this topic but […]

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UPDATED: Rick Snyder redefines “success” and “progress” for Detroit students

UPDATED: Rick Snyder redefines “success” and “progress” for Detroit students

In a Detroit News op-ed today, Governor Rick Snyder doubled down on his support for the failed experiment with Detroit students known as the Education Achievement Authority. The piece, titled “The EAA is a worthy experiment” is nearly comical in its Polly Annaish view of the EAA. Our governor seems to have bought every single story told to him about […]

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UPDATED: In-depth analysis of MEAP data for the EAA shows a striking lack of “achievement” & significant declines in proficiency

UPDATED: In-depth analysis of MEAP data for the EAA shows a striking lack of “achievement” & significant declines in proficiency

Several days ago, I wrote about how MEAP testing scores of students in the Education Achievement Authority experiment in Detroit fail to support claims that students in the system were actually making progress. Further analysis of the “cohort data” which tracks individual students from one grade level to the next shows that the situation is actually much worse than the […]

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An EAA grab bag: no vote yet in House, EAA supporter(s) rush to the defense of Nolan principal, and more

An EAA grab bag: no vote yet in House, EAA supporter(s) rush to the defense of Nolan principal, and more

Just a few odds and ends from the world of the Education Achievement Authority, Gov. Rick Snyder’s failed education experiment with Detroit students. First, although a vote had been predicted yesterday, various reporting suggests that Republicans in the House and Senate are still struggling to come to an agreement on what the expansion of the EAA should look like. Some […]

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Rep. Ellen Lipton responds to news that State Departement of Education is ending exclusivity contract with the EAA

Rep. Ellen Lipton responds to news that State Departement of Education is ending exclusivity contract with the EAA

I don’t normally just reprint press releases but this one is so well done and so perfect that I couldn’t really add much to it. Ellen Lipton has been a fierce, fierce warrior in the battle to save Michigan’s public schools. Along with Sen. Hopgood, she was, for far too long, a lone voice calling out the Education Achievement Authority […]

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REMINDER! Deadline to submit a Netroots Nation panel proposal is TOMORROW!

REMINDER! Deadline to submit a Netroots Nation panel proposal is TOMORROW!

Plain and simple, tomorrow is the deadline to submit a panel proposal for the Netroots Nation conference in Detroit this summer. Need details? Start by clicking HERE.

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Another EAA teacher talks about the failure of Gov Snyder’s education experiment: “I am more of a glorified babysitter than an educator”

Another EAA teacher talks about the failure of Gov Snyder’s education experiment: “I am more of a glorified babysitter than an educator”

Today’s interview is with a teacher who wishes to remain anonymous because they still work within the EAA. Like some of their colleagues in the EAA, veterans who are certified teachers with experience educating kids, this teacher sees the model as flawed. More importantly, they describe the system as run by administrators who do not know what they are doing. […]

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EAA NEWS ROUND-UP: Dems get feisty, where are the MEAP results?, and much more

EAA NEWS ROUND-UP: Dems get feisty, where are the MEAP results?, and much more

The more you dig, the more there is to break your heart DEMS GET VOCAL ABOUT OPPOSITION TO THE EAA Yesterday, House Democrats held a press conference slamming the Republican push to expand the EAA in face of recent allegations and no proof of improvement. During their comments, they described it as a power grab that puts kids in danger […]

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Going to Netroots Nation in Detroit? Want to submit a panel? DEADLINE NEXT WEEK! – 2/19/14

Going to Netroots Nation in Detroit? Want to submit a panel? DEADLINE NEXT WEEK! – 2/19/14

Get your panel on! As I have mentioned before the amazing Netroots Nation conference is coming to Detroit this summer (July 17-20). I was honored to be asked to announce it the 2013 Netroots Nation conference in San Jose last year and I absolutely could not be more excited. If you are interested in putting together a panel for Netroots […]

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Power outages in Detroit schools on Count Day and fired EMU lecturers raise questions and eyebrows

Power outages in Detroit schools on Count Day and fired EMU lecturers raise questions and eyebrows

Sometimes conspiracy theorists are right Two things happened this week that are raising questions in the education community. The first is the “coincidental” power outages that occurred in Detroit schools the day before the all-important Count Day yesterday. The outages resulted in with Detroit Public Schools being closed on the day when they count kids to determine how many attend […]

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EAA forum in Ann Arbor draws nearly 200 to discuss Governor Snyder’s failed experiment on Detroit students

EAA forum in Ann Arbor draws nearly 200 to discuss Governor Snyder’s failed experiment on Detroit students

Last night’s forum on Governor Snyder’s failed education reform experiment in Detroit — the Educational Achievement Authority — drew close to 200 attendees who packed the Little Theater at Pioneer High School, nearly all of whom stayed for the entire 2+ hours. Professor Christopher Robbins from Eastern Michigan started off the evening with an overview of the politics and the […]

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