Category: Donald Trump

We Told You…

We Told You…

I’m not here for the impending barrage of heartfelt stories about Trump voters who have now “seen the light,” and suddenly realize that his tax cuts, and tariffs, and gutting of regulations, and pulling out of trade deals around the globe, and manipulation of the SEC and stock market, and threats against judges, and attacks on the press, and government […]

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When You Give a Teacher a Gun…

When You Give a Teacher a Gun…

Here are just a few of the most troubling excerpts from a very disturbing recent article on arming teachers, presented without comment: “When she started her career, Pam’s salary was $23,000. (“If I ever see $55,000, I’ll be 105 years old,” she says, laughing.) The district is covering her hotel and ammunition for training, but she paid for her new […]

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A little “locker room talk” from a Democrat has Republicans’ ladies undergarments all in a twist

A little “locker room talk” from a Democrat has Republicans’ ladies undergarments all in a twist

Rashida Tlaib had the audacity to invoke what Dan Savage has been saying for two years with his hashtag #ITMFA (“Impeach the motherfucker already”) when she made comments to a group of MoveOn activists yesterday and, to hear the Republicans’ response to it, you’d think she had said it during the half-time show at the Superbowl. “People love you. And […]

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Trump shut down the government like it’s a casino his daddy bought him

Trump shut down the government like it’s a casino his daddy bought him

Trump’s shutdown is costing our economy $6 billion a week to extort us into buying a $5 billion monument to his cruelty Donald Trump has never had a real job. Donald Trump’s wealth, whatever it is, is built on “outright fraud” of American taxpayers. Donald Trump owes his election, at least in some part, to a foreign power determined to […]

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It’s not just the biggest House wave since Watergate. Democrats also won Senate seats in 7 Trump states.

It’s not just the biggest House wave since Watergate. Democrats also won Senate seats in 7 Trump states.

So what does that mean for 2020, huh? You can’t clone Jon Tester or Joe Manchin. And you probably wouldn’t want to or you’d get a bunch of mini-Manchins shooting holes in whatever happens to be the least popular policy of the moment. But we may want to clone Tammy Baldwin. In addition to the biggest Democratic House wave since […]

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5 reasons Michigan has the second best ballot in the nation

5 reasons Michigan has the second best ballot in the nation

Fighting with Trump with what he hates most — women, weed and democracy Michigan finally has a ballot we deserve and Michiganders are rushing to vote, possibly at record numbers. To be fair, Florida probably has the best ballot in the nation, in a year that offers so many fine choices in contrast to so many terrible alternatives. And Florida’s […]

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Trump’s lying to cancer patients should be the biggest story in America

Trump’s lying to cancer patients should be the biggest story in America

His administration is behind an bombshell on protections for pre-existing conditions that’s set to go off right after the elections As many as 1 in 2 Americans could lose access to health care if a Republicans lawsuit backed by Trump Administration prevails — and almost no one is talking about. As Donald Trump tries to gin up a racist fervor […]

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UPDATED: Vice President Mike Pence invites Christian “rabbi” formerly of Jews for Jesus to give the invocation during Michigan campaign stop

UPDATED: Vice President Mike Pence invites Christian “rabbi” formerly of Jews for Jesus to give the invocation during Michigan campaign stop

I don’t know how to describe this exactly. It may be the most insulting thing anyone in the Trump administration or campaign has done to Jewish Americans. Mike Pence invited “Rabbi” Loren Jacobs to give the invocation at his Michigan campaign stop today. Jacobs is actually a Christian who leads a group who call themselves Messianic Jews. He spent eight […]

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No, we can’t “just be civil”…and here’s why

No, we can’t “just be civil”…and here’s why

Some thoughts on the “can’t we just be civil?” argument… 1. I have approximately zero interest in remaining “civil” when the “opinions” held by those in power legislate my trans students out of existence…or make it possible to fire gay employees for being gay…or separate kids from their parents at the border…or denigrate women…or refer to Mexicans as rapists…or label […]

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3 more things you can do help save America before November 6

3 more things you can do help save America before November 6

In case of emergency break glass “These are the times that try our souls. The social media soldier and the part-time patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country. But those who stand for freedom and justice now, deserve the love and thanks of the past and future.” –Thomas Paine, basically When I started telling myself […]

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Putting a guy like Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court is exactly the point

Putting a guy like Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court is exactly the point

Women and people of color have to pay for the mistakes for their whole lives, but rich dudes get to spin between the raindrops We cannot underestimate how badly Republicans want to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, regardless of what they find out about him. Sean Trende, the analyst behind the “Missing White Voters” theory, compares putting a conservative on the Supreme […]

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