Category: Donald Trump

Now we know what Trump campaign staff considers to be “rigging the election” – stealing yard signs

Now we know what Trump campaign staff considers to be “rigging the election” – stealing yard signs

Donald Trump’s insistence that anything he doesn’t win is “rigged” was one of the highlights of last night’s debate where he whined about not winning an Emmy for The Apprentice. His insinuation that the 2016 presidential election is “rigged” since he’s not winning is, of course, a petulently childish stamping of his feet and, as is now well-documented, something he’s […]

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Such a nasty candidate

Such a nasty candidate

Last night during the last presidential debate, Hillary Clinton was asked about a “grand bargain” that includes benefit cuts and raising taxes to save the Medicare trust fund by moderator Chris Wallace from FOX News. In her response, she got a dig in a Donald Trump for his use of a feature of the tax code which allows him to […]

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Why white men may finally be turning on Trump

Why white men may finally be turning on Trump

Or, why it’s time for white men to start sending out some thank you cards Non-white non-males got it right away. Donald Trump is dangerous. At first, he’s dangerous the way every boss who leans in too close and stares way too long is dangerous. Then when you’re alone with him, he only gets worse. There’s a bittersweet gift to […]

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The GOP’s own rules are forcing it into an internal civil war

The GOP’s own rules are forcing it into an internal civil war

There are a lot of recriminations being aimed at the Republican Party these days about allowing a narcissistic, sexist bigot to be their presidential nominee. But there was little they could do once Trump began his march toward the primary. After spending decades laying the groundwork for his faux populist candidacy, demonizing liberals, Democrats, immigrants, women, and all the other […]

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Hillary Clinton in Michigan August 11, 2016.

REMINDER: Hillary Clinton is extraordinarily popular — if you don’t count white people

While Trump is extraordinarily unpopular among everyone but conservatives and Republicans One of the most chewed-on pieces of cud in this election is the notion that even though Donald Trump is the most unpopular presidential candidate ever, both candidates are really hated. During the first episode of The Sit and Spin Room — our new podcast that features Eclectablog‘s Chris […]

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Distinguishing “locker room banter” from confessing to sexual assault: It’s so easy even a grade school kid can do it!

Distinguishing “locker room banter” from confessing to sexual assault: It’s so easy even a grade school kid can do it!

The revelations about Donald Trump’s disgusting misogynistic comments about women on an “Access Hollywood” bus in 2005 came as a complete shock to everyone. Everyone, that is, who hasn’t been watching this odious and stunted example of manhood in action for the past 12 months. Actually, you can go much farther back than that. Trump has been talking this way […]

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Trump takes the Gish Gallop into overdrive (but Clinton knows just how to Biden him)

Trump takes the Gish Gallop into overdrive (but Clinton knows just how to Biden him)

“What’s the matter? Can’t keep up?” Duane Gish is a famous scientist known as a staunch Creationist. His debate style was so remarkable that it eventually got its own name: “The Gish Gallop”. Here’s how Wikipedia explains it: His debating opponents said that Gish used a rapid-fire approach during a debate, presenting arguments and changing topics quickly. Eugenie Scott, executive […]

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This headline scares the hell out of me: “Clinton retakes 11-point lead over Trump in Michigan”

This headline scares the hell out of me: “Clinton retakes 11-point lead over Trump in Michigan”

This morning’s headline at the Detroit Free Press scares the hell out of me: Why does this scare me? Because I’m afraid Michigan Democrats will breathe a giant sigh of relief and then promptly become complacent. And complacency is NOT something we have the luxury of enjoying in our state. We have a state House to wrest from the grip […]

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The two words I have learned to hate: Believe me!

The two words I have learned to hate: Believe me!

My colleagues, @LOLGOP and our founder and editor of @Eclectablog, Chris Savage, have done a tremendous job and public service in keeping us all up to date and providing both reasonable, rational truth and yes, even well reasoned opinion, as to why @realDonaldTrump would be a disaster as our president and Commander in Chief. And, to some degree, we do […]

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VIDEO: Donald Trump has crossed a line regarding our heroic veterans with PTSD and Joe Biden is PISSED!

VIDEO: Donald Trump has crossed a line regarding our heroic veterans with PTSD and Joe Biden is PISSED!

As you likely know by now, Donald Trump, addressing a group of veterans, let them know that he believes soldiers returning to the USA with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) aren’t strong and “can’t handle” being in combat: When people come back from war and combat, they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Trump wants you to believe he’ll “unrig” the system he’ll go back to benefitting from in 4-8 years if he’s elected

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