Category: Donald Trump

The GOP wants to steal the November election — and they’ll restart the COVID-19 pandemic to do it

The GOP wants to steal the November election — and they’ll restart the COVID-19 pandemic to do it

And here’s the plan Democrats must embrace to stop them Even if no one dies from the GOP unnecessarily sending Wisconsinites to the polls on Tuesday, it was still a crime against humanity. It was a crime that targeted not only the black and poor voters likely to vote Democratic and the poll workers risking their lives but also, to […]

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[CC image credit: Thomas Hawk | Flickr]

Trump is weaponizing a global pandemic to win re-election

He isn’t just punishing Democratic governors, he’s setting himself up to be ‘the savior’ The events of the past week have me torn between conflicting emotions in a number of ways. Our very own @LOLGOP and his wife welcomed their new baby Winnie into their lives and home after a long a difficult path to parenthood which Jason wrote about […]

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This may be the worst thing Trump has said since the COVID-19 outbreak began

This may be the worst thing Trump has said since the COVID-19 outbreak began

It’s not just that he’s doing everything wrong; it’s that he knows he is. History will likely note that every time Donald Trump spoke about the novel coronavirus now spreading across this nation, he made the situation worse. There was this president’s constant campaign to downplay the effect of the virus: 19 times Trump downplayed the coronavirus — The […]

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Trump spent three years weakening our immune system, then came the coronavirus

Trump spent three years weakening our immune system, then came the coronavirus

Pandemics don’t care about Trump’s feelings Many people have noted that Donald Trump’s luckiest break as president was not succeeding in repealing the Affordable Care Act. Barack Obama suffered the political consequences of expanding insurance coverage to 20 million Americans. Taking it away from a comparable number would almost certainly mean political consequences even worse than the biggest House midterm […]

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President Donald Trump poses for a photo with students of Saint Andrew Catholic School on Friday, March 3, 2017, during a tour of the school in Orlando, Florida. Also shown is U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

A Betsy DeVos-approved accreditation group authorized a “visa mill” college with no students or faculty

According to a breaking story in USA Today, a Betsy DeVos-sanctioned accreditation agency gave approval to operate for Reagan National University in South Dakota, a “university” with no students, faculty, administration, or facilities–things which one might think an “accreditation agency” might notice. DeVos’ Department of Education saved this accreditor from being removed from the DoE’s list of approved accreditation agencies, […]

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Everybody seems to be remarkably cool with the end of the rule of law in America

Everybody seems to be remarkably cool with the end of the rule of law in America

What’s the hurry? What if any pretense of rule of law in America were rapidly eroding and everyone was cool with it? That’s seems to what’s going on. Nicholas Grossman does an excellent job of laying out President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr’s multifarious assaults on the Constitution, which have only become more rapid and obvious since Trump’s […]

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How to actually punish Mitch McConnell

How to actually punish Mitch McConnell

We need to be as ruthless as he is There was finally a forum for the Democratic presidential candidates to confront what may be the most pressing issue of the era — the Republican theft of the federal courts. And while it’s essential to think how we combat the right’s successful hijacking of the judiciary that took place in an […]

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WARNING: Bloomberg may have the primary gamed out better than anyone

WARNING: Bloomberg may have the primary gamed out better than anyone

Hard to see how this all ends well The Trump era is the Universe’s way of teaching people to stop making predictions. But I have to note one guess I may have gotten right. “Beto isn’t your problem, Bloomberg is” — was my late 2018 case that fans of Bernie Sanders fixated on the candidacy of a former member of […]

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Trump’s attacks on Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare began in his first year and won’t ever stop

Trump’s attacks on Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare began in his first year and won’t ever stop

It’s the biggest broken promise in presidential history — and you know who pays for this one You know Donald Trump accidentally came close to telling the truth when he decides to lie harder. After telling CNBC that he would get down to cutting Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid “at some point,” he felt the need to go out and […]

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Donald Trump’s Impeachment Book Club!

Donald Trump’s Impeachment Book Club!

Amidst the overnight announcement of John Bolton’s upcoming tell-all memoir, based on his front-row seat for this administration’s extortion of Ukraine in order to cheat in the 2020 elections, other members of Trump’s inner circle are now drooling over the prospects of 7-figure book deals of their own. Although none of these books have been announced as of this date, […]

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What Gretchen Whitmer has in common with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

What Gretchen Whitmer has in common with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

And what they can all learn from each other There’s a pretty obvious reason why our governor Gretchen Whitmer has been chosen to deliver the response to the 2020 State of Union address that will occur if something goes terribly wrong and the Senate doesn’t remove Donald Trump from office: Whitmer was elected Governor of Michigan by 406,659 votes or […]

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