Category: Emergency Financial Managers

An eloquent takedown of the Emergency Manager Law from a TEA PARTY candidate

A while back, I wrote a piece for in which I took the Michigan Democratic Party to task for, among other things, not supporting the efforts stop Public Act 4 (or, as I call it, the “Financial Martial Law Act”). Subsequent to that article, I contacted the Michigan Republican Party and several leaders of tea party groups around the […]

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Financial Martial Law (P.A. 4) repeal gets a jump start in Ann Arbor

Financial Martial Law (P.A. 4) repeal gets a jump start in Ann Arbor

The effort to repeal Public Act 4, the Financial Martial Law Act, in Michigan got a great jump start yesterday when nearly 100 local activists, concerned citizens and organizers got together for an informational townhall meeting. The event was put on by the Washtenaw Community Action Team, a group that describes itself as “a coalition of local unionists, activists, students, […]

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An overview of Michigan’s “Financial Martial Law Act” – P.A. 4

I’m getting ready for a townhall meeting in Ann Arbor tomorrow where I will be presenting an overview of Michigan’s “Financial Martial Law Act”. The townhall meeting is from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the Ann Arbor Community Center. The Facebook page is HERE. If you are in the area, I encourage you to join us. I realized the […]

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Report from the Pontiac Financial Martial Law Act lawsuit press conference

Report from the Pontiac Financial Martial Law Act lawsuit press conference

I want to draw your attention to sureujest‘s fine Daily Kos diary covering yesterday’s Pontiac press conference held by Sugar Law Center and plaintiffs in the lawsuit to declare Michigan’s Financial Martial Law Act unconstitutional. In it she has photos, video and interviews from participants. Here is an excerpt: At the late afternoon press conference in Pontiac, MI today I […]

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Traverse City Financial Martial Law repeal activists reach their 4-month petition goal in several hours

Traverse City Financial Martial Law repeal activists reach their 4-month petition goal in several hours

Okay, can I just say how much I love THIS??? In Traverse City volunteers collected about 1200 signatures within a few hours Saturday afternoon. “People saw the signs at our table and on our many petitioner’s clipboards and eagerly offered their support,“ said Amy Hardin of Reject Emergency Managers. “We blasted through our first box of petitions in no time […]

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BREAKING: Major lawsuit attacks Michigan’s Financial Martial Law Act as unconstitutional

I have a piece up at that reveals the breaking news that 28 Michigan residents along with the Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice and the Center for Constitutional Rights have filed a lawsuit in Michigan challenging the constitutionality of Public Act 4, the so-call “Financial Martial Law Act” recently passed by Republicans. The defendents in the […]

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Important Financial Martial Law repeal townhall this SATURDAY in Ann Arbor

Important Financial Martial Law repeal townhall this SATURDAY in Ann Arbor

This Saturday, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. is an informational townhall meeting on the effort to repeal the Financial Martial Law Act recently passed by the Republicans in Michigan’s legislature. I will be a featured speaker in the Michigan Forward-sponsored event, talking about the history of the law and what it does. Here are the details from their press […]

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BREAKING: Big news on the fight against Michigan’s EFM law coming tomorrow!

The Sugar Law Center for Economic & Social Justice, a non-profit law firm based in Detroit, just released this news: CITIZENS TO ANNOUNCE MAJOR STATEWIDE ACTION AGAINST MICHIGAN’S CONTROVERSIAL EMERGENCY MANAGER LAW Over two dozen citizens from across Michigan will announce, on Wednesday, June 22, a major action directed against Michigan’s controversial “emergency manager” law. The new law has serious […]

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Detroit Mayor Bing planned to become EFM and dissolve City Council and school board

I’m en route to Netroots Nation but had to pull off to blog THIS: A whistle-blower lawsuit filed by a former top aide to Detroit Mayor Dave Bing this morning alleges that the mayor had plans to be named emergency manager for the city and Detroit Public Schools, dissolving the city council and the school board. ~SNIP~ Collins said in […]

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Washtenaw County kicks off effort to repeal EFM Law this Saturday

As you know, if you read my blog, this past spring, Michigan Republicans passed legislation that Governor Rick Snyder signed into law as Public Act 4 of 2011, otherwise known as “The Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) Law”. Although Michigan governors already had the ability to put EFMs in place in struggling cities and schools, this new law gives EFMs wide-sweeping […]

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BREAKING: Michigan EFM outsources water treatment to company facing 26 felony Clean Water Act violations

I have a new piece up today at A2Politico that shows just how far Michigan’s CPA-style Emergency Financial Managers (EFMs) will go to cut costs. Michael Stampfler is Pontiac, Michigan’s EFM. He has the dubious distinction of being the first Michigan EFM to use new powers granted by Michigan Republicans to cancel a union contract. What went nearly unnoticed was […]

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