Category: Flint

Michigan Gov. Snyder tweets about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony

Michigan Gov. Snyder tweets about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” image by DonkeyHotey | Flickr On Tuesday this week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder tweeted about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony whatsoever: It’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and Lt. Gov. @BrianCalley is sharing prevention tips to keep our kids safe — Governor Rick Snyder (@onetoughnerd) October 25, 2016 The […]

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In Flint you can be a one-person grand jury: VOTE!!!

In Flint you can be a one-person grand jury: VOTE!!!

Before we get into the weeds, I believe most of the readers of Eclectablog are keenly aware of the disgrace Governor Rick Snyder and his administration have caused, not just to the state but very specifically to the residents of Flint, people who continue to suffer while the governor uses taxpayer funds to defend himself from what may prove to […]

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On Day #Flint365 since Gov. Snyder admitted the #FlintWaterCrisis, only 0.7% of lead service lines have been replaced

On Day #Flint365 since Gov. Snyder admitted the #FlintWaterCrisis, only 0.7% of lead service lines have been replaced

At the Michigan Nurses Association conference taking place in Lansing this week, residents of Flint got up to talk about the ongoing catastrophe happening in their city – the so-called “Flint Water Crisis”. Calling this situation a “crisis” is, in fact, understating the problem. The women who spoke and later talked in-depth to my wife Anne described how very little […]

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As the 1-year anniversary of Gov. Snyder acknowledging the #FlintWaterCrisis nears, GOP-led Congress still fails to act

As the 1-year anniversary of Gov. Snyder acknowledging the #FlintWaterCrisis nears, GOP-led Congress still fails to act

This Saturday will mark the one-year anniversary since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder acknowledged that the drinking water in Flint, Michigan had been poisoned with lead. (NOTE: That will be Day 366 on the Eclectablog Flint Water Crisis Watch counter because 2016 is a Leap Year.) In reality, Flint residents haven’t had safely drinkable tap water for nearly two years. It […]

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Still under state control, Flint doesn’t have an Emergency Manager but it might as well have

Still under state control, Flint doesn’t have an Emergency Manager but it might as well have

Back in March of this year, the city of Flint announced that it intended to file a lawsuit against the state of Michigan in the Court of Claims over the poisoning of the city’s drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead. There were no immediate plans to do so but they needed to be on record so that option remained […]

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UPDATED: Trump rewrites history of his epic faceplant in Flint yesterday, blames pastor for setting him up

UPDATED: Trump rewrites history of his epic faceplant in Flint yesterday, blames pastor for setting him up

Donald Trump’s faceplant in front of a national audience in Flint yesterday has him rewriting history one day later in an effort to shift the narrative of his epic fail. As I wrote yesterday, Trump was four minutes into a five minute and forty-seven second speech when pastor Rev. Faith Green Timmons came up to the podium and interrupted his […]

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Donald Trump comes to Flint and gives a five minute and forty-seven second speech

Donald Trump comes to Flint and gives a five minute and forty-seven second speech

Donald Trump came to Flint, Michigan today, a move decried (and accurately described) by most as a photo-op. And Trump made it very clear that it was exactly that. Although the Flint pastor who invited him made it clear to her congregation that the invitation was in no way an endorsement and that this was not a place for a […]

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Trump visits the city most harmed by Emergency Management the same week a federal court declares it constitutional

Trump visits the city most harmed by Emergency Management the same week a federal court declares it constitutional

Donald Trump is making a quick swing through Flint today to do a photo-op and will undoubtedly blame the catastrophic poisoning of the city’s drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead on Democrats. This, of course, is patently and provably absurd. The poisoning of Flint is the direct result of decisions made by a parade of Emergency Managers appointed by […]

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While Gov Snyder and AG Schuette fight in court, still no action to replace lead water lines in the #FlintWaterCrisis

While Gov Snyder and AG Schuette fight in court, still no action to replace lead water lines in the #FlintWaterCrisis

It has now been 328 days since Gov. Rick Snyder publicly admitted that the drinking water in the city of Flint, Michigan had been contaminated with the powerful neurotoxin lead. This admission came months and months after the problem had been brought to light and, in the 328 days since then, no lead water service lines have been replaced through […]

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Michigan AG Schuette continues to waste tax dollars to put corporate profits ahead of protecting us from toxic mercury

Michigan AG Schuette continues to waste tax dollars to put corporate profits ahead of protecting us from toxic mercury

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has been on a four-year crusade to protect corporate profits from the tyranny of keeping our citizens from being exposed to the highly toxic heavy metal mercury. It all started when he joined other tea party extremists in suing the USEPA over new regulations on air emissions that lead to utilities having to do upgrades […]

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Rep. Elijah Cummings: “Gov. Rick Snyder now appears to be openly defying Congress” regarding the #FlintWaterCrisis

Rep. Elijah Cummings: “Gov. Rick Snyder now appears to be openly defying Congress” regarding the #FlintWaterCrisis

The Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in Washington, D.C. is Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland. He has been a fierce progressive advocate during his tenure as Ranking Member, standing up to Republican absurdity and malfeasance during the Benghazi Inquisition, the Planned Parenthood Inquisition, and during hearing on the Flint water crisis where Republicans seemed more […]

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