Category: GOPocrisy

GOP set to resume wrecking the economy and making us less safe

GOP set to resume wrecking the economy and making us less safe

The only thing we have to fear is Republican fear itself. Unemployment claims are now steady at an eight-year low as we’re in the middle of what could be the best year of job growth of this century. Two straight years of the rich paying slightly more in taxes along with ten million Americans gaining health insurance has resulted in […]

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Are Democrats expanding the map? They damn well should be.

Are Democrats expanding the map? They damn well should be.

You really cannot understate the advantages Republicans have in this year’s battle for the control of the Senate. Both parties are bashing each other for voters in nine states states Mitt Romney won as he was busy losing by millions of votes.  Meanwhile, all the structural advantages — older, whiter turnout; the party that holds the White House tends lose […]

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Bill Schuette pulls a “Terri Lynn Land”, scuttles Attorney General debate with Mark Totten

Bill Schuette pulls a “Terri Lynn Land”, scuttles Attorney General debate with Mark Totten

Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Totten has been attempting to schedule a debate with the Ken Cuccinelli of Michigan, Republican Bill Schuette. Schuette’s jerk move response was to give one date, October 31st, so that it would air just a couple of days before the election. Totten was not available that day given the intense get out the vote […]

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Climate change denier and “scientist” GOP Congressman Dan Benishek: “I haven’t SEEN the science that proves it”

Climate change denier and “scientist” GOP Congressman Dan Benishek: “I haven’t SEEN the science that proves it”

“I can’t SEEE-EEE you…” In a recent interview with ABC10, Republican Dan Benishek was questioned about his views on global climate change. He responded, “The climate may be changing, but I don’t think man is contributing to it.” Pushed further, he had this to say: “I’m not sure there’s any evidence to prove that there’s man-made catastrophic global warming…there’s no […]

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More on the Michigan Republican Party’s harassment of elderly woman under hospice care

More on the Michigan Republican Party’s harassment of elderly woman under hospice care

My reporting on the Michigan Republican Party’s odious mailer encouraging people to call the phone of the ailing mother of Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 61st House district John Fisher has gotten LOTS of attention. It’s had thousands and thousands of views and the cross-posted version at Daily Kos has given it national exposure. It’s been picked up by other sites, […]

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Because 65,915,796 Americans voted in 2012

Because 65,915,796 Americans voted in 2012

If voting didn’t matter, Republicans wouldn’t try to stop you from doing it There’s no need to pretend America is perfect, or that decades of bad policy have been completely reversed in six years. The drift of America into endless with war justified by Bush-era doctrines continues unabated without any debate by Congress while any economic gains are being gobbled […]

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Republicans blocking Medicaid expansion in states where HIV/AIDS is spreading fastest

Republicans blocking Medicaid expansion in states where HIV/AIDS is spreading fastest

Republicans like Paul Ryan and Terri Lynn Land are still running on the promise of taking away health insurance from more than 24 million Americans who have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, at least 10 million of whom did not have coverage before the law went into effect. They’re sticking with this message, even though repeal is less […]

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Terri Lynn Land attacks Gary Peters for holding stock in a company she herself owns stock in

Terri Lynn Land attacks Gary Peters for holding stock in a company she herself owns stock in

Terri Lynn Land has been throwing anything and everything at the wall in an attempt to revive her increasingly flailing campaign. Her latest effort is to attack Peters for a minor investment – less than 1% of his total portfolio – in Total S.A. – a French energy company that produces petcoke as a small part of its business. Peters […]

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When it comes to climate change, health care as a right, & inequality, compromise isn’t possible — someone has to win

When it comes to climate change, health care as a right, & inequality, compromise isn’t possible — someone has to win

As America commemorated the 200th anniversary of the British burning down the White House during the War of 1812 last weekend, a scholar of that war offered a message for Americans who are alive today. Since he gave that message on C-SPAN II on a weekend afternoon during football season, I’m clearly the only person who received it. Thus it […]

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Terri Lynn Land’s hypocrisy on road repair funding: She lobbied to divert road funding to her department as Secretary of State

Terri Lynn Land’s hypocrisy on road repair funding: She lobbied to divert road funding to her department as Secretary of State

In her seemingly endless quest to find something, anything, that will change the fail-trajectory of her downward spiraling poll numbers, one of the things Terri Lynn Land has tried is to recycle a Congressional tea party idea and take it as her own. Land has attempted to co-opt the “Transportation Empowerment Act” (TEA) or, as I like to call it, […]

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Republican Rick Snyder now running on Obamacare after failure to lead on Medicaid expansion

Republican Rick Snyder now running on Obamacare after failure to lead on Medicaid expansion

Back when Michigan legislators were debating whether to expand Medicaid in our state through the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”), Rick Snyder expressed his concern that our state didn’t “have enough capacity to put essentially 400,000 more people into a medical home model with a primary care environment, as opposed to having them simply go to an ER”. That’s the sort […]

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