Category: GOPocrisy

Republicans understand consequences better than Democrats — which is why they’re terrified

Republicans understand consequences better than Democrats — which is why they’re terrified

In her painfully good new book This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein sums up what she thinks it would take to address the threat of climate change: “In short, it means changing everything about the economy so that our pollution doesn’t change everything about our physical world.” She argues, alarmingly, that conservatives understand this far more deeply than those on the […]

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Obamacare is still a huge issue — in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid

Obamacare is still a huge issue — in states that haven’t expanded Medicaid

Why denying health insurance to 4 million Americans is smart — but deadly — politics for the GOP This past weekend, “In just a year Obamacare goes from top Congress issue to barely mentioned” by The Washington Post‘s Colby Itkowitz topped Reddit’s muy popular r/politics page. Itkowitz’s analysis was based on mentions by members of Congress: It was last September […]

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Utah’s Republicans May Not Let Sherilyn Horrocks Die

Utah’s Republicans May Not Let Sherilyn Horrocks Die

How the Obamacare made the cost of indifference too high This is the story of one person who doesn’t need to die. This is the story of one person who doesn’t need to die because a study has found that when you hear about one little starving girl with huge, wet eyes, you are most likely to help[i]. Add another […]

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Mitch McConnell wants to send about 500,000 Kentuckians insurance cancelation notices

Mitch McConnell wants to send about 500,000 Kentuckians insurance cancelation notices

At least one analyst has decided that we can officially call 2014 a “GOP Wave” if Republicans pick up Senate seats in state President Obama won in 2012 including Colorado, Iowa and Michigan. With Mark Udall consistently leading “personhood” advocate Cory Gardner in Kentucky and Gary Peters beginning to pull away from “personhood” advocate Terri Lynn Land, “personhood” advocate Joni […]

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Thin-skinned bully & Snyder aide Richard Baird goes on the attack, now threatening to sue newspapers

Thin-skinned bully & Snyder aide Richard Baird goes on the attack, now threatening to sue newspapers

A couple of weeks ago, I reported that Richard Baird, Gov. Snyder’s top confidant and “Transformational Manager”, had threatened to sue both Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan AFL-CIO President Karla Swift. Baird, who has a history of bullying, is now demanding a retraction of an op-ed penned by Swift and published in a number of Gannet newspapers across […]

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More on thin-skinned bully Richard Baird, Gov. Snyder’s “Transformation Manager”

More on thin-skinned bully Richard Baird, Gov. Snyder’s “Transformation Manager”

In June of last year, I was contacted by someone who works for the state government who told me a few things about Richard Baird, the man who shared office space and a phone number with Gov. Rick Snyder but, at the time, was paid off the books by the so-called NERD fund which was funded by secret financial contributors. […]

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Ted Cruz admits that Obamacare is working

Ted Cruz admits that Obamacare is working

Something great is happening in America — which is why the GOP would rather talk about almost anything else Nearly every day there seems to be more news that the Affordable Care Act is succeeding in ways that seems inconceivable as floundered last year: We know that at least 10 million Americans have gained health care coverage since January […]

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UPDATED: Gov. Snyder’s tough guy right hand man has very thin skin, threatens to sue Sen. Whitmer & state AFL-CIO president over criticism

UPDATED: Gov. Snyder’s tough guy right hand man has very thin skin, threatens to sue Sen. Whitmer & state AFL-CIO president over criticism

Richard Baird is the kind of guy you only hear about when he makes a mistake. That’s because he likes to operate behind the scenes, pulling strings, manipulating people, and using his power to get his way. Whether it’s secret meetings to bring back school vouchers with Gov. Snyder’s “Skunk Works” project, potentially illegal lobbying while working in the state […]

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If you think you’re terrified by the Republican Party, imagine being a GOP donor

If you think you’re terrified by the Republican Party, imagine being a GOP donor

A Republican new poll finds that women see Republicans as “intolerant,” “out of touch” and “the kind of guys who need a poll to tell them that women find them intolerant and out of touch.” Women are justifiably scared of a political party that seems to be less attuned to women’s issues now than it was in the 1960s. But […]

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Koch-supported GOP candidates for Senate thank the Kochs for the chance to help the Kochs get richer

Koch-supported GOP candidates for Senate thank the Kochs for the chance to help the Kochs get richer

In May of 2008, the Republican nominee for president John McCain broke with George W. Bush to support a cap-and-trade system for limiting greenhouse gases, a position that nearly every major Republican thinking about running for president supported at one time. In 2014, there isn’t one major Republican who supports doing anything to stop the heating of the atmosphere that […]

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UPDATED: You know that gas-swilling behemoth of a campaign truck driven by Terri Lynn Land? She has TWO of them!

UPDATED: You know that gas-swilling behemoth of a campaign truck driven by Terri Lynn Land? She has TWO of them!

Last week I wrote a post titled “Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg” about the monstrous, gas-guzzling truck Terri Lynn Land has been driving around the state in. The truck gets less than 10 mpg and retailed for over $100,000. The outrage at the fact that […]

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