Category: GOPocrisy

The cost of GOP’s Obamacare obstruction in Texas? 2 million without health insurance

The cost of GOP’s Obamacare obstruction in Texas? 2 million without health insurance

And higher premiums for everyone else Last year, about a month before the Affordable Care Act exchanges were set to open and Republicans in Washington D.C. were vowing to shut down the government to defund the law, Bill  Clinton gave a speech at his Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. The simple case he made for the law that day […]

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Democrats can use Obamacare to remind voters that Republicans want to gut Medicare

Democrats can use Obamacare to remind voters that Republicans want to gut Medicare

If Republicans ran on what they actually believed, they’d lose — even in red states. We know this for sure because a candidate who voted to privatize Medicare and Social Security is attacking his opponent for wanting to reform Medicare and Social Security. Just as we learned that Obamacare is fading as an issue in the 2014 elections, Republican candidate […]

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Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg

Terri Lynn Land’s campaign is a visible demonstration of waste & excess with a $100K truck that gets 8 mpg

NOTE: this post has been updated HERE. Terri Lynn Land’s website has a page titled “Energy Policy”. On that page, she talks about how things used to be so wonderful in the USA because we had stable energy sources but now those days are behind us. She lists three “Solutions” to this problem. The first one is “Respect the Environment.” […]

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Why Rand Paul is better for the left than right

Why Rand Paul is better for the left than right

After what had been the worst night of unrest in Ferguson, Missouri in response the killing of 18-year old Michael Brown by a police officer, a flurry of statements from politicians on Thursday condemned the aggressive action of the local police. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Justin Amash issued nearly identical statements noting that this is America, not a war […]

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Proof of Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her wealth continue to roll out

Proof of Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her wealth continue to roll out

Chad Selweski of the Macomb Daily News has more revelations regarding Terri Lynn Land’s lies about the source of her immense wealth that has allowed her to dump millions of dollars of her own money into her increasingly failed campaign: Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land’s claim that she is a small business owner, not part of the lucrative Land & […]

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3 reasons there won’t be a GOP wave in 2014

3 reasons there won’t be a GOP wave in 2014

People don’t love Democrats but they hate the alternative Many the members of the GOP’s House majority have literally have had their districts drawn for them. And if Republicans wanted to draw a map that would give them a chance to take control of the Senate, it would look exactly like what we’re seeing in 2014. The party of Steve […]

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One more reason to vote NO on Michigan’s Prop 1: GOP threats to screw over municipalities

One more reason to vote NO on Michigan’s Prop 1: GOP threats to screw over municipalities

I’ve already detailed my reasons for voting NO on Michigan’s Proposal 1 which would eliminate the Personal Property Tax HERE. But there is another reason, in my opinion: Republican threats to screw over municipalities if voters turn it down: The GOP-led Legislature could eliminate the personal property tax with no revenue-replacement plan for local governments, [Truscott Rossman’s Kelly Rossman-McKinney] said. […]

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How the House GOP gave the president permission to go big on immigration

How the House GOP gave the president permission to go big on immigration

Less than eight months after the House GOP Leadership embraced legalization for 11 million undocumented immigrants, the real leadership of the House — Ted Cruz, Michele Bachmann and Steve King — have passed a bill that demands maximum deportations. President Obama has already indicated that he will act to reduce the deportations of at least some of the law-abiding undocumented […]

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How Obamacare has helped strengthen Medicare as we’ve cut $7.9 trillion from our long-term deficits

How Obamacare has helped strengthen Medicare as we’ve cut $7.9 trillion from our long-term deficits

Who knew we could expand coverage while saving trillions on health care? Oh. Only every industrialized country in the world. We know that about 10 million Americans have gained health insurance in the last seven months as America has enjoyed its best year of job creation since 1999. But the best news about Obamacare — besides the more than 12,000 […]

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The vast-right wing conspiracy to deny mostly Republican voters tax credits

The vast-right wing conspiracy to deny mostly Republican voters tax credits

Republican celebrations over a D.C. Appeals court ruling that would deny tax credits who people who bought their insurance through the federal health care exchange hit a new pitch on Thursday. A “smoking gun” video seemed to reveal Romneycare/Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber suggesting that that Democrats meant to deny those credits to residents of states who refused to build exchanges. […]

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Win Rick Perlstein’s essential new book ‘The Invisible Bridge’

Win Rick Perlstein’s essential new book ‘The Invisible Bridge’

From Watergate to watering down wages: How Reagan sold America on conservatism NOTE: The contest has now ended. Misunderestimating conservatives can be hazardous to your middle class. In 1973, Ronald Reagan’s glib optimism and refusal to acknowledge the rank criminality of the Watergate scandal made it easy for liberals to dismiss his appeal. Less than eight years later, he was […]

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