Category: GOPocrisy

5 ways the GOP failed to sabotage the Affordable Care Act — and at least 1 way it succeeded

5 ways the GOP failed to sabotage the Affordable Care Act — and at least 1 way it succeeded

Republicans will keep trafficking in their “zombie lies” about Obamacare. But all the evidence shows that even they don’t believe them anymore. To pretend the Affordable Care Act isn’t working now requires rapid revisions of what constitutes failure along with hopes that premiums will rise dramatically this year.  There’s no evidence that rates will go up more than they have […]

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Adam Crosswhite incident and the birth and death of the Republican party

Adam Crosswhite incident and the birth and death of the Republican party

  The Republican Party’s first convention took place “under the oaks” in Jackson, Michigan on July 6th, 1854. A crowd of three thousand felt-hatted Free Soilers, top-hatted ex-Whigs and hatless abolitionists* gathered in the summer’s wet heat for a day to organize in protest of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which had shattered the fantasy that America could survive a half-slave and […]

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This is the best year for job creation since 1999 — so it’s time for the GOP to kill 700,000 jobs

This is the best year for job creation since 1999 — so it’s time for the GOP to kill 700,000 jobs

More jobs were created so far this year than in George W. Bush’s eight There’s no doubt that our recovery has been purposely stifled by the party that bequeathed us the financial crisis. But we just had the best jobs report of the recovery. The only attack Republicans could put together to sour this good news was to ignore it […]

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2014 will be remembered as the year Republicans doomed themselves for decades

2014 will be remembered as the year Republicans doomed themselves for decades

During the 2012 GOP primary, wobbly Mitt Romney adopted a policy “self-deportation” to get to the right of Rick Perry. A few months later, he endorsed a bill that would have allowed bosses to deny birth control coverage to their employees as he tried to convince America that his one great accomplishment as governor would destroy the nation if every […]

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The Supreme Court is on the ballot this November — and every two years

The Supreme Court is on the ballot this November — and every two years

All signs point to the Supreme Court issuing two decisions that will rapidly transform American society as we know it this week. The majority is likely to grant corporations the right to deny birth control coverage based on their own — completely unscientific — determination that a pill causes an abortion. This decision comes right after a new report shows […]

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More Americans gained insurance in the first half of 2014 than lost it under 8 years of Bush

More Americans gained insurance in the first half of 2014 than lost it under 8 years of Bush

Of George W. Bush’s myriad of failures that continue to wreck havoc at home and abroad, 7.9 million Americans losing their health insurance rarely gets mentioned. “When [former president Bill] Clinton left office, the number of uninsured Americans stood at 38.4 million,” Ron Brownstein wrote in 2009. “By the time [former president George W.] Bush left office that number had […]

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A simple way to turn some red states blue — and save the middle class

A simple way to turn some red states blue — and save the middle class

“I don’t want everybody to vote.” – Paul Weyrich, conservative activist Though Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, our House of Representatives and many of our state governments are more radically conservative now that at least any time since the Civil Rights movement. We are one Supreme Court Justice from seeing the […]

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Terri Lynn Land criticizes Gary Peters for doing his job, supporting the troops

Terri Lynn Land criticizes Gary Peters for doing his job, supporting the troops

Yesterday, the Small Business Association of Michigan heard from both Democratic and Republican candidates for Governor and the U.S. Senate. They were asked a single question to answer: “If elected, what will you do to help small business thrive in Michigan?” Republicans Rick Snyder and Terri Lynn Land appeared in person while Democrats Mark Schauer and Gary Peters appeared via […]

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Snyder campaign donor featured in his new, strange ad: “He REALLY wants to help…”

Snyder campaign donor featured in his new, strange ad: “He REALLY wants to help…”

Rick Snyder has a new reelection ad out right now that is … how to put this … kinda pointless. So pointless, in fact that David Nir at Daily Kos describes it this way: Republican Gov. Rick Snyder’s new ad may have some kind of message, but all it’s done for me is make me hungry. The ad really doesn’t […]

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REMINDER: The Republican Party is still committing electoral suicide

REMINDER: The Republican Party is still committing electoral suicide

Please proceed, GOP Republicans would like you to ignore that their Majority Leader lost last week to a Tea Partier whose main selling point is that he enjoys Ayn Rand novels. Instead, they’d like you to focus on poll numbers that show President Obama at lows he hit earlier this year. President Bush left us a hangover of the Bush […]

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Terri Lynn Land continues to prove she’s clueless about governing

Terri Lynn Land continues to prove she’s clueless about governing

Terri Lynn Land, candidate for U.S. Senate in Michigan, has a new ad out this week that is one more piece in a string of evidence proving that she is truly clueless about what it takes to govern, particularly in Washington, D.C. Her new childish ad is called “Stop Fighting, Start Listening”. In it, she tells us that she can […]

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